#362 [WIP] Reworked inventory
Opened 4 years ago by bookwar. Modified 4 years ago
bookwar/standard-test-roles inventory  into  master

Reworked inventory
Aleksandra Fedorova • 4 years ago  
empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3


+ import logging


+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


+ SUBJECT_RE = "local"


+ def get_inventory(subject, **kwargs):

+     """ Return hardcoded local connection"""


+     logger.info("Adding local inventory for subject %s" % subject)


+     host = {

+         "local-env": {

+             "vars": {

+                 "ansible_connection": "local"

+             }

+         }

+     }


+     return host

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3


+ SUBJECT_RE = ".*\.rpm"


+ def get_inventory(subject):

+     return {"aha": "rpm"}

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3


+ import os

+ import sys

+ import argparse

+ import logging

+ import re

+ import importlib

+ import pkgutil

+ import json



+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ def configure_logging(debug, log_path=None):

+     """Configure root logger


+     FileHandler for detailed debug logs and stream handler controlled

+     via debug paramater.


+     """


+     root_logger=logging.getLogger()

+     root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)


+     stream_log_format = "[%(levelname)-5.5s] %(name)s: %(message)s"

+     stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

+     stream_formatter = logging.Formatter(stream_log_format)

+     stream_handler.setFormatter(stream_formatter)


+     if debug > 0:

+         stream_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     else:

+         stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)


+     root_logger.addHandler(stream_handler)


+     if not log_path:

+         return


+     os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)

+     log_file = os.path.join(log_path, "provisioning_debug.log")


+     file_log_format = "%(asctime)s [%(name)s/%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]: %(message)s"

+     file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

+     file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(file_log_format))

+     file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)


+     root_logger.addHandler(file_handler)



+ class InventoryLibrary():

+     """Each inventory helper is a separate submodule in helpers/ subfolder


+     Submodule must define the SUBJECT_RE variable and

+     `get_inventory(subject, **kwargs)` function.


+     We discover and load submodules dynamically. To add new inventory helper

+     drop a helper file `<smth>_inventory.py` directly in `helpers/` directory.


+     get_helper() method looks for a submodule with matching subject

+     regexp and returns its get_inventory function.


+     """



+     def __init__(self, namespace="helpers"):


+         self.ns_pkg = importlib.import_module(namespace)

+         self.helpers = self._load_all(self.ns_pkg)


+         logger.debug(self.helpers)


+         self.pattern = re.compile(

+             '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % (mod_name, mod.SUBJECT_RE)

+                      for mod_name, mod in self.helpers.items())

+         )


+     def _load_all(self, ns_pkg):

+         """Load all available inventory helpers


+         Iterate over helpers submodule and collect all modules named `*_inventory`.


+         Return dictionary of the form

+         ```

+         { <module_name>: <module>, }

+         ```

+         """


+         helpers = {

+             name: importlib.import_module(ns_pkg.__name__ + "." + name)

+             for finder, name, ispkg

+             in pkgutil.iter_modules(ns_pkg.__path__)

+             if name.endswith('_inventory')

+         }


+         return helpers


+     def get_helper(self, subject):

+         """Find inventory helper matching the subject"""


+         match = self.pattern.fullmatch(subject)

+         if not match:

+             logger.error("No match for subject: %s, skipping." % subject)

+             return None


+         helper_name = match.lastgroup


+         helper = self.helpers[helper_name].get_inventory


+         return helper



+ def get_inventory(subjects, **kwargs):

+     """Construct inventory dictionary


+     Dictionary has the following form:


+     ```

+     {

+         "_meta": {

+             "hostvars": {

+                 "local-runner": {

+                     "vars": {

+                         "ansible_connection": "local",

+                     },

+                 },

+             },

+         },

+         "test-env": {

+             "hosts": [

+                 "",

+             ],

+         },

+         "test-runner": {

+             "hosts": [

+                 "local-runner",

+             ],

+         },

+     }

+     ```


+     For each test subject we create subject inventory in a form:

+     ```

+     {

+       "": {

+         "vars": {

+           ...

+         },

+       },

+     }

+     ```


+     Then we merge it into one test-env group and add test-runner on top.


+     """


+     # empty inventory skeleton


+     inventory = {

+         "_meta": {

+             "hostvars": {},

+         },

+         "test-env": {

+             "hosts": [],

+         },

+         "test-runner": {

+             "hosts": [],

+         },

+     }


+     # hardcoded local test-runner

+     test_runners = {

+         "local-runner": {

+             "vars": {

+                 "ansible_connection": "local"

+             }

+         }

+     }


+     test_envs = {}


+     inv_lib = InventoryLibrary()


+     for subject in subjects.split(","):

+         get_subject_inventory = inv_lib.get_helper(subject)

+         subject_inventory = get_subject_inventory(subject, **kwargs)


+         test_envs.update(subject_inventory)



+     inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"].update(test_envs)

+     inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"].update(test_runners)


+     inventory["test-env"]["hosts"].extend(test_envs.keys())

+     inventory["test-runner"]["hosts"].extend(test_runners.keys())


+     return inventory



+ if __name__ == '__main__':



+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()


+     # Ansible inventory


+     parser.add_argument('--list',

+                         help="List inventory JSON",

+                         action="store_true",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument('--host',

+                         help="Print host variables",

+                         default=None,

+     )


+     # STI parameters


+     parser.add_argument('-s', '--subjects',

+                         help="Comma-separated list of test subjects",

+                         default=os.getenv("TEST_SUBJECTS", "local"),

+     )

+     parser.add_argument('-a', '--artifacts',

+                         help="Path to the artifacts folder",

+                         default=os.getenv("TEST_ARTIFACTS", os.path.abspath("artifacts")),

+     )

+     parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug',

+                         help="Enable debug output",

+                         type=int,

+                         default=int(os.getenv("TEST_DEBUG", "0")),

+     )


+     args = parser.parse_args()


+     configure_logging(debug=args.debug, log_path=args.artifacts)


+     logger.debug("Inputs: %s" % vars(args))


+     if args.list:

+         inventory = get_inventory(args.subjects)

+         print(json.dumps(inventory, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

+     elif args.host:

+         print({})

@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python3


- # SPDX Licence identifier MIT

- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Red Hat Inc.

- # Author: Merlin Mathesius <merlinm@redhat.com>

- #          Andrei Stepanov <astepano@redhat.com>

- #          Bruno Goncalves <bgoncalv@redhat.com>


- import os

- import sys

- import time

- import json

- import errno

- import shlex

- import shutil

- import signal

- import logging

- import tempfile

- import argparse

- import subprocess

- import distutils.util




- LOG_FILE = "default_provisioners.log"



- def print_bad_inventory():

-     """Print bad inventory on any uncatched exception. This will prevent

-     running playbook on localhost.

-     """

-     fake_host = "fake_host"

-     fake_hostname = "standard-inventory-qcow2_failed_check_logs"

-     hosts = [fake_host]

-     bad_inv = {"localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "_meta": {"hostvars": {fake_host: {"ansible_host": fake_hostname}}}}

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(bad_inv, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- def get_artifact_path(path=""):

-     """Return path to an artifact file in artifacts directory. If path == ""

-     than return path artifacts dir.  Create artifacts dir if necessary.

-     """

-     artifacts = os.environ.get("TEST_ARTIFACTS", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "artifacts"))

-     try:

-         os.makedirs(artifacts)

-     except OSError as exc:

-         if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(artifacts):

-             raise

-     return os.path.join(artifacts, path)



- def inv_list(subjects, docker_extra_args):

-     hosts = []

-     variables = {}

-     for subject in subjects:

-         name, host_vars = inv_host(subject, docker_extra_args)

-         if host_vars:

-             hosts.append(name)

-             variables[name] = host_vars

-     if not hosts:

-         return EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     return {"localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "_meta": {"hostvars": variables}}



- def inv_host(subject, docker_extra_args):

-     if not subject.startswith("docker:"):

-         return None, EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     image = subject[7:]

-     null = open(os.devnull, 'w')

-     try:

-         tty = os.open("/dev/tty", os.O_WRONLY)

-         os.dup2(tty, 2)

-     except OSError:

-         tty = None

-         pass

-     directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="inventory-docker")

-     cidfile = os.path.join(directory, "cid")

-     # Check for any additional arguments to include when starting docker container

-     try:

-         extra_arg_list = shlex.split(docker_extra_args)

-     except ValueError:

-         raise RuntimeError("Could not parse DOCKER_EXTRA_ARGS")

-     logger.info("Launching Docker container for {0}".format(image))

-     # Make sure the docker service is running

-     try:

-         subprocess.check_call(["/usr/bin/systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "docker"],

-                               stdout=sys.stderr.fileno())

-     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-         try:

-             cmd = [

-                 "/usr/bin/systemctl", "start", "docker"

-             ]

-             subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=sys.stderr.fileno())

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-             raise RuntimeError("Could not start docker service")


-     # And launch the actual container

-     cmd = [

-         "/usr/bin/docker", "run", "--detach", "--cidfile={0}".format(cidfile),

-     ] + extra_arg_list + [

-         "--entrypoint=/bin/sh", image, "-c", "sleep 1000000"

-     ]

-     try:

-         subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=sys.stderr.fileno())

-     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-         raise RuntimeError("Could not start container image: {0}".format(image))

-     # Read out the container environment variable

-     for _ in range(1, 90):

-         if os.path.exists(cidfile):

-             break

-         time.sleep(1)

-     else:

-         raise RuntimeError("Could not find container file for launched container")

-     with open(cidfile, "r") as f:

-         name = f.read().strip()

-     # Need to figure out what python interpreter to use

-     interpreters = ["/usr/bin/python3", "/usr/bin/python2"]

-     for interpreter in interpreters:

-         check_file = ["/usr/bin/docker", "exec", "--user=root", name, "/usr/bin/ls", interpreter]

-         try:

-             subprocess.check_call(check_file, stdout=null, stderr=null)

-             ansible_python_interpreter = interpreter

-             break

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-             pass

-     else:

-         logger.error("Could not set ansible_python_interpreter.")

-         return None

-     # Directory to place artifacts

-     artifacts = os.environ.get("TEST_ARTIFACTS", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "artifacts"))

-     # The variables

-     variables = {

-         "ansible_connection": "docker",

-         "ansible_python_interpreter": ansible_python_interpreter

-     }

-     # Process of our parent

-     ppid = os.getppid()

-     child = os.fork()

-     if child:

-         return name, variables

-     # Daemonize and watch the processes

-     os.chdir("/")

-     os.setsid()

-     os.umask(0)

-     if tty is None:

-         tty = null.fileno()

-     # Duplicate standard input to standard output and standard error.

-     os.dup2(null.fileno(), 0)

-     os.dup2(tty, 1)

-     os.dup2(tty, 2)

-     # Now wait for the parent process to go away, then kill the VM

-     logger.info("docker exec -it {0} /bin/bash".format(name))

-     while True:

-         time.sleep(3)

-         try:

-             os.kill(ppid, 0)

-         except OSError:

-             break  # Either of the processes no longer exist

-     if diagnose:

-         def _signal_handler(*args):

-             logger.info("Diagnose ending.")

-         logger.info("kill {0} # when finished".format(os.getpid()))

-         signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _signal_handler)

-         signal.pause()

-     # Dump the container logs

-     try:

-         os.makedirs(artifacts)

-     except OSError as exc:

-         if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(artifacts):

-             raise

-     log = os.path.join(artifacts, "{0}.log".format(os.path.basename(image)))

-     # Kill the container

-     with open(log, "w") as f:

-         subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/docker", "logs", name], stdout=f.fileno())

-     subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/docker", "rm", "-f", name], stdout=null)

-     shutil.rmtree(directory)

-     sys.exit(0)



- def main(argv):

-     global logger

-     global diagnose

-     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

-     logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

-     # stderr output

-     conhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

-     # Print to strerr by default messages with level >= warning, can be changed

-     # with setting TEST_DEBUG=1.

-     try:

-         diagnose = distutils.util.strtobool(os.getenv("TEST_DEBUG", "0"))

-     except ValueError:

-         diagnose = 0

-     conhandler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

-     if diagnose:

-         # Collect all messages with any log level to stderr.

-         conhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     # Log format for stderr.

-     log_format = "[%(levelname)-5.5s] {}: %(message)s".format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     conhandler.setFormatter(formatter)

-     logger.addHandler(conhandler)

-     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Inventory for a container image in a registry")

-     parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="Verbose output")

-     parser.add_argument('--host', help="Get host variables")

-     parser.add_argument('--docker-extra-args', help="Extra docker arguments for launching container",

-                         default=os.environ.get("TEST_DOCKER_EXTRA_ARGS", ""))

-     parser.add_argument("subjects", nargs="*", default=shlex.split(os.environ.get("TEST_SUBJECTS", "")))

-     opts = parser.parse_args()

-     # Send logs to common logfile for all default provisioners.

-     log_file = get_artifact_path(LOG_FILE)

-     fhandler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

-     # Collect all messages with any log level to log file.

-     fhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     log_format = ("%(asctime)s [{}/%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]:"

-                   "%(message)s").format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     logFormatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     fhandler.setFormatter(logFormatter)

-     logger.addHandler(fhandler)

-     logger.info("Start provisioner.")

-     if opts.host:

-         _, data = inv_host(opts.host, opts.docker_extra_args)

-     else:

-         data = inv_list(opts.subjects, opts.docker_extra_args)

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     ret = -1

-     try:

-         main(sys.argv)

-         ret = 0

-     except Exception:

-         print_bad_inventory()

-         # Backtrace stack goes to log file. If TEST_DEBUG == 1, it goes to stderr too.

-         logger.info("Fatal error in provision script.", exc_info=True)

-     sys.exit(ret)

@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python3


- # SPDX Licence identifier MIT

- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Red Hat Inc.

- # Author: Stef Walter <stefw@redhat.com>

- #         Andrei Stepanov <astepano@redhat.com>

- #         Bruno Goncalves <bgoncalv@redhat.com>



- import os

- import sys

- import json

- import errno

- import logging

- import argparse

- import distutils.util




- LOG_FILE = "default_provisioners.log"



- def print_bad_inventory():

-     """Print bad inventory on any uncatched exception. This will prevent

-     running playbook on localhost.

-     """

-     fake_host = "fake_host"

-     fake_hostname = "standard-inventory-qcow2_failed_check_logs"

-     hosts = [fake_host]

-     bad_inv = {"localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "_meta": {"hostvars": {fake_host: {"ansible_host": fake_hostname}}}}

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(bad_inv, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- def get_artifact_path(path=""):

-     """Return path to an artifact file in artifacts directory. If path == ""

-     than return path artifacts dir.  Create artifacts dir if necessary.

-     """

-     artifacts = os.environ.get("TEST_ARTIFACTS", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "artifacts"))

-     try:

-         os.makedirs(artifacts)

-     except OSError as exc:

-         if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(artifacts):

-             raise

-     return os.path.join(artifacts, path)



- def inv_list():

-     hosts = []

-     variables = {}

-     if os.environ.get("TEST_SUBJECTS", None) == "local":

-         host_vars = inv_host("local")

-         if host_vars:

-             hosts.append("local")

-             variables["local"] = host_vars

-     if not hosts:

-         return EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     return {"subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "_meta": {"hostvars": variables}}



- def inv_host(host):

-     if host == "local":

-         return {"ansible_connection": "local"}

-     return EMPTY_INVENTORY



- def main(argv):

-     global logger

-     global diagnose

-     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

-     logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

-     # stderr output

-     conhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

-     # Print to strerr by default messages with level >= warning, can be changed

-     # with setting TEST_DEBUG=1.

-     try:

-         diagnose = distutils.util.strtobool(os.getenv("TEST_DEBUG", "0"))

-     except ValueError:

-         diagnose = 0

-     conhandler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

-     if diagnose:

-         # Collect all messages with any log level to stderr.

-         conhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     # Log format for stderr.

-     log_format = "[%(levelname)-5.5s] {}: %(message)s".format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     conhandler.setFormatter(formatter)

-     logger.addHandler(conhandler)

-     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Inventory for local")

-     parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="Verbose output")

-     parser.add_argument('--host', help="Get host variables")

-     opts = parser.parse_args()

-     # Send logs to common logfile for all default provisioners.

-     log_file = get_artifact_path(LOG_FILE)

-     fhandler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

-     # Collect all messages with any log level to log file.

-     fhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     log_format = ("%(asctime)s [{}/%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]:"

-                   "%(message)s").format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     logFormatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     fhandler.setFormatter(logFormatter)

-     logger.addHandler(fhandler)

-     logger.info("Start provisioner.")

-     if opts.host:

-         data = inv_host(opts.host)

-     else:

-         data = inv_list()

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     ret = -1

-     try:

-         main(sys.argv)

-         ret = 0

-     except Exception:

-         print_bad_inventory()

-         # Backtrace stack goes to log file. If TEST_DEBUG == 1, it goes to stderr too.

-         logger.info("Fatal error in provision script.", exc_info=True)

-     sys.exit(ret)

@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python3


- # SPDX Licence identifier MIT

- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Red Hat Inc.

- # Authors: Merlin Mathesius <merlinm@redhat.com>

- #          Andrei Stepanov <astepano@redhat.com>

- #          Bruno Goncalves <bgoncalv@redhat.com>


- import os

- import fmf

- import sys

- import json

- import yaml

- import time

- import errno

- import shlex

- import signal

- import socket

- import atexit

- import shutil

- import random

- import logging

- import argparse

- import tempfile

- import platform

- import functools

- import subprocess

- import distutils.util



- IDENTITY = """



- jXPYbHYqD1lHj4GJajC9okle9rykKFYZMmJKXLI6987wZ8vfucXo9/kwS6BDAJto

- ZpZSj5sWCQ1PI0Ce8CbkazlTp5NIkjRfhXGP8mkNKMEhdNjaYceO49ilnNCIxhpb

- eH5dH5hybmQQNmnzf+CGCCLBFmc4g3sFbWhI1ldyJzES5ZX3ahjJZYRUfnndoUM/

- TzdkHGqZhL1EeFAsv5iV65HuYbchch4vBAn8jDMmHh8G1ixUCL3uAlosfarZLLyo

- 3HrZ8U/llq7rXa93PXHyI/3NL/2YP3OMxE8baQIDAQABAoIBAQCxuOUwkKqzsQ9W

- kdTWArfj3RhnKigYEX9qM+2m7TT9lbKtvUiiPc2R3k4QdmIvsXlCXLigyzJkCsqp

- IJiPEbJV98bbuAan1Rlv92TFK36fBgC15G5D4kQXD/ce828/BSFT2C3WALamEPdn

- v8Xx+Ixjokcrxrdeoy4VTcjB0q21J4C2wKP1wEPeMJnuTcySiWQBdAECCbeZ4Vsj

- cmRdcvL6z8fedRPtDW7oec+IPkYoyXPktVt8WsQPYkwEVN4hZVBneJPCcuhikYkp

- T3WGmPV0MxhUvCZ6hSG8D2mscZXRq3itXVlKJsUWfIHaAIgGomWrPuqC23rOYCdT

- 5oSZmTvFAoGBAPs1FbbxDDd1fx1hisfXHFasV/sycT6ggP/eUXpBYCqVdxPQvqcA

- ktplm5j04dnaQJdHZ8TPlwtL+xlWhmhFhlCFPtVpU1HzIBkp6DkSmmu0gvA/i07Z

- pzo5Z+HRZFzruTQx6NjDtvWwiXVLwmZn2oiLeM9xSqPu55OpITifEWNjAoGBANhH

- XwV6IvnbUWojs7uiSGsXuJOdB1YCJ+UF6xu8CqdbimaVakemVO02+cgbE6jzpUpo

- krbDKOle4fIbUYHPeyB0NMidpDxTAPCGmiJz7BCS1fCxkzRgC+TICjmk5zpaD2md


- 2EoWaDGUbgZny2GxiwrvHL7XIx1XbHg7zxhUSLBorrNW7nsxJ6m3ugUo/bjxV4LN

- L59Gc27ByMvbqmvRbRcAKIJCkrB1Pirnkr2f+xx8nLEotGqNNYIawlzKnqr6SbGf

- Y2wAGWKmPyEoPLMLWLYkhfdtAoGANsFa/Tf+wuMTqZuAVXCwhOxsfnKy+MNy9jiZ

- XVwuFlDGqVIKpjkmJyhT9KVmRM/qePwgqMSgBvVOnszrxcGRmpXRBzlh6yPYiQyK

- 2U4f5dJG97j9W7U1TaaXcCCfqdZDMKnmB7hMn8NLbqK5uLBQrltMIgt1tjIOfofv

- BNx0raECgYEApAvjwDJ75otKz/mvL3rUf/SNpieODBOLHFQqJmF+4hrSOniHC5jf

- f5GS5IuYtBQ1gudBYlSs9fX6T39d2avPsZjfvvSbULXi3OlzWD8sbTtvQPuCaZGI

- Df9PUWMYZ3HRwwdsYovSOkT53fG6guy+vElUEDkrpZYczROZ6GUcx70=


- """


-             "mRsdRhR5Id/lKNc9hsdioPWUePgYlqML2iSV72vKQoVhkyYkpcsjr3zvBny9+5xej3"

-             "+TBLoEMAm2hmllKPmxYJDU8jQJ7wJuRrOVOnk0iSNF+FcY/yaQ0owSF02Nphx47j2K"

-             "Wc0IjGGlt4fl0fmHJuZBA2afN/4IYIIsEWZziDewVtaEjWV3InMRLllfdqGMllhFR+"

-             "ed2hQz9PN2QcapmEvUR4UCy/mJXrke5htyFyHi8ECfyMMyYeHwbWLFQIve4CWix9qt"

-             "ksvKjcetnxT+WWrutdr3c9cfIj/c0v/Zg/c4zETxtp")

- DEF_USER = "root"

- DEF_PASSWD = "foobar"

- DEF_HOST = ""

- USER_DATA = """#cloud-config

- users:

-   - default

-   - name: {0}

-     ssh_authorized_keys:

-       - ssh-rsa {2} standard-test-qcow2

- ssh_pwauth: True

- chpasswd:

-   list: |

-     {0}:{1}

-   expire: False



- LOG_FILE = "default_provisioners.log"



- class AdditionalDrives(object):

-     """Prepare additional drives options for qemu.  Based on FMF config creates

-     temporary sparse files and returns corresponding qemu command options.

-     cleanup() will be called eventually to close the files.

-     """


-     _tempfiles = list()


-     @classmethod

-     def generate(cls):

-         """Generate sparse files and return drive qemu options

-         Returns

-         -------

-         list of str

-                 qemu -drive options

-         """

-         drives = fmf_get(['qemu', 'drive'], list())

-         result = []

-         for drive in drives:

-             # create temporary sparse file

-             size = int(drive.get('size', 2 * 1024 ** 3))  # default size: 2G

-             path = drive.get('path', None)

-             path = str(path) if path is not None else None

-             drive_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path)

-             drive_file.truncate(size)

-             cls._tempfiles.append({'file': drive_file, 'path': path})

-             logger.info("Created temporary sparse file '%s'." % drive_file.name)

-             # translate data into qemu command options

-             result += ["-drive", "file=%s,media=disk,if=virtio" % drive_file.name]

-         atexit.register(cls.cleanup)

-         return result


-     @classmethod

-     def cleanup(cls):

-         """Close all temporary files created by this class

-         """

-         for tempfile in cls._tempfiles:

-             fullname = os.path.join(tempfile['path'], tempfile['file'].name)

-             logger.info("Closing and removing temporary sparse file '%s'" % fullname)

-             if os.path.isfile(fullname):

-                 tempfile['file'].close()



- def print_bad_inventory():

-     """Print bad inventory on any uncatched exception. This will prevent

-     running playbook on localhost.

-     """

-     fake_host = "fake_host"

-     fake_hostname = "standard-inventory-qcow2_failed_check_logs"

-     hosts = [fake_host]

-     bad_inv = {"localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "_meta": {"hostvars": {fake_host: {"ansible_host": fake_hostname}}}}

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(bad_inv, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/377017/test-if-executable-exists-in-python/377028#377028

- def which(executable, default=None):

-     def is_exe(fpath):

-         return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)

-     fpath, _ = os.path.split(executable)

-     if fpath:

-         if is_exe(executable):

-             return executable

-     else:

-         for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):

-             exe_file = os.path.join(path, executable)

-             if is_exe(exe_file):

-                 return exe_file

-     return default



- def get_artifact_path(path=""):

-     """Return path to an artifact file in artifacts directory. If path == ""

-     than return path artifacts dir.  Create artifacts dir if necessary.

-     """

-     artifacts = os.environ.get("TEST_ARTIFACTS", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "artifacts"))

-     try:

-         os.makedirs(artifacts)

-     except OSError as exc:

-         if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(artifacts):

-             raise

-     return os.path.join(artifacts, path)



- def inv_list(subjects):

-     hosts = []

-     variables = {}

-     for subject in subjects:

-         host_vars = inv_host(subject)

-         if host_vars:

-             hosts.append(subject)

-             variables[subject] = host_vars

-     if not hosts:

-         return EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     return {"localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "_meta": {"hostvars": variables}}



- def get_qemu_smp_arg():

-     """Determine the number of CPUs that should be visible in the guest.

-     See e.g. https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvirt-users/2017-June/msg00025.html

-     We want to match the number of host physical cores.

-     """

-     # We may be run in a cgroup with fewer cores available than physical.

-     available_cpu = int(subprocess.check_output(['nproc']).strip())

-     # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6481005/how-to-obtain-the-number-of-cpus-cores-in-linux-from-the-command-line

-     core_sockets = set()

-     for line in subprocess.check_output(['lscpu', '-b', '-p=Core,Socket'], universal_newlines=True).split("\n"):

-         if line.startswith('#'):

-             continue

-         core_sockets.add(line.strip())

-     sockets = min(available_cpu, len(core_sockets))

-     return '{},sockets={},cores=1,threads=1'.format(sockets, sockets)



- def write_debug_inventory(file_, host_vars):

-     raw_inventory = {"all": {"children": {"localhost": {"hosts": host_vars},

-                                           "subjects": {"hosts": host_vars},

-                                           }

-                              }

-                      }

-     with open(file_, "w") as ofile:

-         inventory = yaml.dump(raw_inventory, default_flow_style=False)

-         ofile.write(inventory)

-     return inventory



- class FmfMetadataTree(object):

-     """This is aux class to hold one copy FMF tree. fmf.Tree(path) could be

-     very resource consuming when walking through big project with many

-     directories.


-     Returns

-     -------

-     fmf.Tree() object or False.


-     """

-     tree = None

-     """fmf.Tree() object."""

-     path = None

-     """Metadata tree is created for this path."""

-     def get(self, path="."):

-         if self.path != path or self.tree is None:

-             FmfMetadataTree.path = path

-             try:

-                 FmfMetadataTree.tree = fmf.Tree(path)

-             except Exception:

-                 """Fmf initialization failed. Do not try initialize further for this path.

-                 """

-                 FmfMetadataTree.tree = False

-         return self.tree



- def fmf_get(path, default=None):

-     """Return parameter from FMF at desired path or default.


-     Parameters

-     ----------

-     path: dict

-         List of strings. Strings form a path for looking parameter.

-     default: str

-         Function ignores this parameter.


-     Returns

-     -------

-     str

-         Found parameter in FMF or `default`.


-     """

-     tree = FmfMetadataTree().get()

-     if not tree:

-         return default

-     path.insert(0, 'standard-inventory-qcow2')

-     value = default

-     for provision in tree.prune(names=[".*/provision$"]):

-         value = provision.data

-         for node in path:

-             try:

-                 value = value[node]

-             except (KeyError, TypeError):

-                 value = default

-                 break

-     return value



- def start_qemu(image, cloudinit, portrange=(2222, 5555)):

-     for _ in range(10):

-         port = random.randint(*portrange)

-         sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

-         sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

-         try:

-             sock.bind((DEF_HOST, port))

-         except IOError:

-             pass

-         else:

-             break

-         finally:

-             sock.close()

-     else:

-         raise RuntimeError("unable to find free local port to map SSH to")

-     # Log all traffic received from the guest to a file.

-     log_file = "{0}.guest.log".format(os.path.basename(image))

-     log_guest = get_artifact_path(log_file)

-     # Log from qemu itself.

-     log_qemu = log_guest.replace(".guest.log", ".qemu.log")

-     # Parameters from FMF:

-     param_m = str(fmf_get(['qemu', 'm'], "1024"))

-     param_net_nic_model = str(fmf_get(['qemu', 'net_nic', 'model'], 'virtio'))

-     # QEMU -M param.

-     # Most architectures do not need a -M flag, defaults are fine

-     qemu_M_param = []

-     # List of firmwares QEMU needs to work.

-     qemu_firmwares = []

-     # Common QEMU parameters used both to run VM and virtio-rng probing.

-     qemu_common_params = [

-         # Pass through CPU model of host

-         "-cpu", "host",

-         # Enable KVM full virtualization support

-         "-enable-kvm",

-         # Do not display video output

-         "-display", "none",

-     ]


-     # Add platform specific settings:

-     if "ppc" in platform.machine():

-         # Disable VGA card to avoid crash on ppc with PR

-         # https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2018-05/msg07070.html

-         qemu_common_params += ["-vga", "none"]


-     if platform.machine() == "aarch64":

-         # Emulate the same generic interrupt controller as the host system has

-         qemu_M_param = ["-M", "virt,gic_version=host"]

-         # Add AAVMF firmware (without this, qemu-kvm will not work on ARM)

-         qemu_firmwares.extend([

-             "-drive", "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (

-                 "file=/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_CODE.fd",

-                 "if=pflash",

-                 "format=raw",

-                 "unit=0",

-                 "readonly=on"

-             )

-         ])

-     # Include -M param and firmwares to common params:

-     qemu_common_params.extend(qemu_M_param)

-     qemu_common_params.extend(qemu_firmwares)

-     # Lookup for qemu:

-     qemu_env = os.environ.get("QEMU_CMD")

-     if qemu_env:

-         path_lookups = [qemu_env]

-     else:

-         path_lookups = []

-     path_lookups.extend([

-         "qemu-kvm", "/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm", "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64"

-     ])

-     for qemu_cmd in path_lookups:

-         qemu_path = which(qemu_cmd)

-         if qemu_path:

-             break

-     # Try to probe virtio-rng device:

-     # virtio-rng-pci: https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/VirtIORNG

-     virtio_rng = []

-     cmd_tmpl = "echo quit | %s -device %%s -S -monitor stdio" % (

-         " ".join([qemu_path] + qemu_common_params)

-     )

-     for x in ["virtio-rng", "virtio-rng-pci", "virtio-rng-ccw"]:

-         try:

-             subprocess.check_call(

-                 cmd_tmpl % x,

-                 stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,

-                 stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,

-                 shell=True

-             )

-             virtio_rng = ["-device", x]

-             break

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-             pass

-     if virtio_rng:

-         logger.info("qemu-kvm is using %s device" % virtio_rng[1])

-     # Assemble QEMU command with its parameters:

-     qemu_cmd = [

-         qemu_path

-         # Add common parameters

-     ] + qemu_common_params + [

-         # Simulate SMP system with get_qemu_smp_arg() CPUs

-         "-smp", get_qemu_smp_arg(),

-         # Set startup RAM size

-         "-m", param_m,

-         # Add image with RHEL as drive (if=virtio is important for newer

-         # RHEL 8 images)

-         "-drive", "file={0},if=virtio".format(image),

-         # Write to temporary files instead of disk image files

-         "-snapshot",

-         # Use `cloudinit` as CD-ROM image

-         "-cdrom", cloudinit,

-         # Configure/create an on-board (or machine default) NIC

-         "-net", "nic,model=%s" % param_net_nic_model,

-         # Configure a host network backend

-         "-net", "user,hostfwd=tcp:{0}-:22".format(port)

-         # Add a source of randomness

-     ] + virtio_rng + [

-         # Let the RTC start at the current UTC

-         "-rtc", "base=utc",

-         # Connect the virtual serial port with pts2

-         "-serial", "chardev:pts2",

-         # Log all traffic received from the guest to log_quest

-         "-chardev", "file,id=pts2,path=" + log_guest

-     ]

-     qemu_cmd += AdditionalDrives.generate()

-     if diagnose:

-         qemu_cmd += ["-vnc", DEF_HOST + ":1,to=4095"]

-     # Launch QEMU:

-     logger.info("Qemu CMD: {}".format(" ".join(qemu_cmd)))

-     qemu_proc = subprocess.Popen(qemu_cmd, stdout=open(log_qemu, 'a'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

-     time.sleep(5)

-     if qemu_proc and diagnose:

-         logger.info("qemu-kvm is running with VNC server. PID: {}".format(qemu_proc.pid))

-         logger.info("netstat -ltpn4 | grep {0} # to find VNC server port".format(qemu_proc.pid))

-     return qemu_proc, port, log_guest



- def inv_host(image):

-     if not image.endswith((".qcow2", ".qcow2c")):

-         logger.info("Return empty inventory for image: %s.", image)

-         return EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     null = open(os.devnull, 'w')

-     try:

-         tty = os.open("/dev/tty", os.O_WRONLY)

-         os.dup2(tty, 2)

-     except OSError:

-         tty = None

-     # A directory for temporary stuff

-     directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="inventory-cloud")

-     identity = os.path.join(directory, "identity")

-     with open(identity, 'w') as f:

-         f.write(IDENTITY)

-     os.chmod(identity, 0o600)

-     metadata = os.path.join(directory, "meta-data")

-     with open(metadata, 'w') as f:

-         f.write("")

-     userdata = os.path.join(directory, "user-data")

-     with open(userdata, 'w') as f:

-         f.write(USER_DATA)

-     # Create our cloud init so we can log in

-     cloudinit = os.path.join(directory, "cloud-init.iso")

-     subprocess.check_call(["/usr/bin/genisoimage", "-input-charset", "utf-8",

-                            "-volid", "cidata", "-joliet", "-rock", "-quiet",

-                            "-output", cloudinit, userdata, metadata], stdout=null)

-     logger.info("Launching virtual machine for {0}".format(image))

-     # And launch the actual VM

-     proc = None  # for failure detection

-     cpe = None  # for exception scoping

-     log = None

-     for _ in range(0, 5):

-         try:

-             proc, port, log = start_qemu(image, cloudinit)

-             break

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:

-             time.sleep(1)

-             continue

-     if proc is None:

-         raise RuntimeError("Could not launch VM for qcow2 image"

-                            " '{0}':{1}".format(image, cpe.output))

-     for _ in range(0, 600):

-         try:

-             # The variables

-             variables = {

-                 "ansible_port": "{0}".format(port),

-                 "ansible_host": DEF_HOST,

-                 "ansible_user": DEF_USER,

-                 "ansible_ssh_pass": DEF_PASSWD,

-                 "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": identity,

-                 "ansible_ssh_common_args": "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

-             }

-             # Write out a handy inventory file, for our use and for debugging

-             inventory = os.path.join(directory, "inventory")

-             write_debug_inventory(inventory, {image: variables})

-             # Wait for ssh to come up

-             ping = [

-                 ansible_bin,

-                 "--inventory",

-                 inventory,

-                 "localhost",

-                 "--module-name",

-                 "raw",

-                 "--args",

-                 "/bin/true"

-             ]


-             (pid, _) = os.waitpid(proc.pid, os.WNOHANG)

-             if pid != 0:

-                 raise RuntimeError("qemu failed to launch VM for qcow2 image: {0}".format(image))

-             subprocess.check_call(ping, stdout=null, stderr=null)

-             break

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-             time.sleep(3)

-     else:

-         # Kill the qemu process

-         try:

-             os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM)

-         except OSError:

-             pass

-         # Read the last lines of the log

-         try:

-             with open(log) as f:

-                 data = f.readlines()

-                 output = "\nLast lines of {0}:\n".format(os.path.basename(log)) + "".join(data[-10:])

-         except OSError:

-             output = ""

-         raise RuntimeError("Could not access VM launched from qcow2 image: {0}{1}".format(image,  output))

-     # Process of our parent

-     ppid = os.getppid()

-     child = os.fork()

-     if child:

-         # Need to figure out what python interpreter to use

-         interpreters = ["/usr/bin/python3", "/usr/bin/python2", "/usr/libexec/platform-python"]

-         for interpreter in interpreters:

-             check_file = [

-                 ansible_bin,

-                 "--inventory",

-                 inventory,

-                 "localhost",

-                 "--module-name",

-                 "raw",

-                 "--args",

-                 "ls %s" % interpreter

-             ]

-             try:

-                 subprocess.check_call(check_file, stdout=null, stderr=null)

-                 ansible_python_interpreter = interpreter

-                 break

-             except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-                 pass

-         else:

-             logger.error("Could not set ansible_python_interpreter.")

-             return None

-         variables["ansible_python_interpreter"] = ansible_python_interpreter

-         # Update inventory file

-         write_debug_inventory(inventory, {image: variables})

-         return variables

-     # Daemonize and watch the processes

-     os.chdir("/")

-     os.setsid()

-     os.umask(0)

-     if tty is None:

-         tty = null.fileno()

-     # Duplicate standard input to standard output and standard error.

-     os.dup2(null.fileno(), 0)

-     os.dup2(tty, 1)

-     os.dup2(tty, 2)

-     # alternatively, lock on a file

-     lock_file = os.environ.get("LOCK_ON_FILE", None)

-     ssh_cmd = ("ssh -p {port} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i {identity} {user}@{host}"

-                ).format(port=port, identity=identity, user=DEF_USER, host=DEF_HOST)

-     logger.info(ssh_cmd)

-     logger.info("Password is: {}".format(DEF_PASSWD))

-     logger.info("Cloudinit init location: {}".format(directory))

-     logger.info("export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY={0}".format(inventory))

-     logger.info("Wait until parent for provision-script (ansible-playbook) dies or qemu.")

-     while True:

-         time.sleep(3)

-         if lock_file:

-             if not os.path.exists(lock_file):

-                 logger.error("Lock file is gone.")

-                 break

-         else:

-             # Now wait for the parent process to go away, then kill the VM

-             try:

-                 os.kill(ppid, 0)

-                 os.kill(proc.pid, 0)

-             except OSError:

-                 logger.info("Either parent process or VM process is gone.")

-                 break

-     if diagnose:

-         def _signal_handler(*args):

-             logger.info("Diagnose ending.")

-         signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _signal_handler)

-         logger.info("kill {0} # when finished to debug VM.".format(os.getpid()))

-         signal.pause()

-     # Kill the qemu process

-     try:

-         os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM)

-     except OSError:

-         pass

-     shutil.rmtree(directory)

-     sys.exit(0)



- def main(argv):

-     global logger

-     global diagnose

-     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

-     logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

-     # stderr output

-     conhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

-     # Print to strerr by default messages with level >= warning, can be changed

-     # with setting TEST_DEBUG=1.

-     try:

-         diagnose = distutils.util.strtobool(os.getenv("TEST_DEBUG", "0"))

-     except ValueError:

-         diagnose = 0

-     conhandler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

-     if diagnose:

-         # Collect all messages with any log level to stderr.

-         conhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     # Log format for stderr.

-     log_format = "[%(levelname)-5.5s] {}: %(message)s".format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     conhandler.setFormatter(formatter)

-     logger.addHandler(conhandler)

-     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Inventory for a QCow2 test image")

-     parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="Verbose output")

-     parser.add_argument('--host', help="Get host variables")

-     parser.add_argument("subjects", nargs="*", default=shlex.split(os.environ.get("TEST_SUBJECTS", "")))

-     opts = parser.parse_args()

-     # Send logs to common logfile for all default provisioners.

-     log_file = get_artifact_path(LOG_FILE)

-     fhandler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

-     # Collect all messages with any log level to log file.

-     fhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     log_format = ("%(asctime)s [{}/%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]:"

-                   "%(message)s").format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     logFormatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     fhandler.setFormatter(logFormatter)

-     logger.addHandler(fhandler)

-     logger.info("Start provisioner.")

-     ansibles = ['ansible', 'ansible-3', None]

-     global ansible_bin

-     ansible_bin = functools.reduce(which, ansibles)

-     if not ansible_bin:

-         raise Exception("Fail to find ansible.")

-     logger.info("Path to ansible: %s", ansible_bin)

-     if opts.host:

-         data = inv_host(opts.host)

-     else:

-         data = inv_list(opts.subjects)

-     # Dump Ansible inventory.

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     ret = -1

-     try:

-         main(sys.argv)

-         ret = 0

-     except RuntimeError as ex:

-         print_bad_inventory()

-         logger.error("{0}".format(ex))

-     except Exception:

-         print_bad_inventory()

-         # Backtrace stack goes to log file. If TEST_DEBUG == 1, it goes to stderr too.

-         logger.error("Fatal error in provision script.", exc_info=True)

-     sys.exit(ret)

@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python3


- # SPDX Licence identifier MIT

- # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Red Hat Inc.

- # Authors: Merlin Mathesius <merlinm@redhat.com>

- #          Stef Walter <stefw@redhat.com>

- #          Andrei Stepanov <astepano@redhat.com>

- #          Bruno Goncalves <bgoncalv@redhat.com>



- import os

- import sys

- import json

- import errno

- import shlex

- import logging

- import argparse

- import subprocess

- import distutils.util




- LOG_FILE = "default_provisioners.log"



- def print_bad_inventory():

-     """Print bad inventory on any uncatched exception. This will prevent

-     running playbook on localhost.

-     """

-     fake_host = "fake_host"

-     fake_hostname = "standard-inventory-qcow2_failed_check_logs"

-     hosts = [fake_host]

-     bad_inv = {"localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-                "_meta": {"hostvars": {fake_host: {"ansible_host": fake_hostname}}}}

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(bad_inv, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- def get_artifact_path(path=""):

-     """Return path to an artifact file in artifacts directory. If path == ""

-     than return path artifacts dir.  Create artifacts dir if necessary.

-     """

-     artifacts = os.environ.get("TEST_ARTIFACTS", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "artifacts"))

-     try:

-         os.makedirs(artifacts)

-     except OSError as exc:

-         if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(artifacts):

-             raise

-     return os.path.join(artifacts, path)



- def getlist(subjects):

-     hosts = []

-     variables = {}

-     host_vars = gethost(subjects)

-     if host_vars:

-         hosts.append("rpms")

-         variables["rpms"] = host_vars

-     if not hosts:

-         return EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     return {"subjects": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "localhost": {"hosts": hosts, "vars": {}},

-             "_meta": {"hostvars": variables}}



- def gethost(subjects):

-     subjects = shlex.split(subjects)

-     repos = []

-     rpms = []

-     for subject in subjects:

-         if subject.endswith(".rpm"):

-             rpms.append(subject)

-         elif isrepo(subject):

-             repos.append(subject)

-     if not repos and not rpms:

-         return EMPTY_INVENTORY

-     # The variables

-     variables = {

-         "ansible_connection": "local"

-     }

-     try:

-         tty = os.open("/dev/tty", os.O_WRONLY)

-         os.dup2(tty, 2)

-     except OSError:

-         tty = None

-         pass

-     # enable any provided repos first so RPMs can pull dependencies from them if needed

-     for repo in repos:

-         addrepo = ["/usr/bin/yum", "config-manager", "--add-repo", repo]

-         try:

-             subprocess.check_call(addrepo, stdout=sys.stderr.fileno())

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-             raise RuntimeError("could not add repo: {0}".format(repo))

-     if rpms:

-         install = ["/usr/bin/yum", "-y", "install"] + rpms

-         try:

-             subprocess.check_call(install, stdout=sys.stderr.fileno())

-         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:

-             raise RuntimeError("could not install rpms: {0}".format(rpms))

-     return variables



- def isrepo(subject):

-     return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subject, "repodata", "repomd.xml"))



- def main(argv):

-     global logger

-     global diagnose

-     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

-     logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

-     # stderr output

-     conhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

-     # Print to strerr by default messages with level >= warning, can be changed

-     # with setting TEST_DEBUG=1.

-     try:

-         diagnose = distutils.util.strtobool(os.getenv("TEST_DEBUG", "0"))

-     except ValueError:

-         diagnose = 0

-     conhandler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

-     if diagnose:

-         # Collect all messages with any log level to stderr.

-         conhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     # Log format for stderr.

-     log_format = "[%(levelname)-5.5s] {}: %(message)s".format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     conhandler.setFormatter(formatter)

-     logger.addHandler(conhandler)

-     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Inventory for local RPM installed host")

-     parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="Verbose output")

-     parser.add_argument('--host', help="Get host variables")

-     parser.add_argument("subjects", nargs="*", default=os.environ.get("TEST_SUBJECTS", ""))

-     opts = parser.parse_args()

-     # Send logs to common logfile for all default provisioners.

-     log_file = get_artifact_path(LOG_FILE)

-     fhandler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

-     # Collect all messages with any log level to log file.

-     fhandler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)

-     log_format = ("%(asctime)s [{}/%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]:"

-                   "%(message)s").format(os.path.basename(__file__))

-     logFormatter = logging.Formatter(log_format)

-     fhandler.setFormatter(logFormatter)

-     logger.addHandler(fhandler)

-     logger.info("Start provisioner.")

-     if opts.host:

-         data = gethost(opts.host)

-     else:

-         data = getlist(opts.subjects)

-     sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     ret = -1

-     try:

-         main(sys.argv)

-         ret = 0

-     except Exception:

-         print_bad_inventory()

-         # Backtrace stack goes to log file. If TEST_DEBUG == 1, it goes to stderr too.

-         logger.info("Fatal error in provision script.", exc_info=True)

-     sys.exit(ret)