#326 A script for running beakerlib-tests
Merged 5 years ago by astepano. Opened 5 years ago by astepano.

@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -efu


+ # Called from standard-test-beakerlib to run beakerlib tests

+ # This script is copied to test-environment.


+ debug() {

+     if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then

+         echo "$*" >&2

+     fi

+ }


+ msg_usage() {

+     cat << EOF


+ Run beakerlib-libraries test.


+ Usage:

+ $PROG <options>


+ Options:

+ -h, --help              display this help and exit

+ -v, --verbose           turn on debug

+ -w, --workdir           test environment work dir

+ -a, --artifactsdir      test environment dir to store artifacts

+ -t, --test              test to run, can be a path to directory or a runtest.sh file


+ }


+ # Entry


+ PROG="${PROG:-${0##*/}}"

+ DEBUG="${DEBUG:-}"







+ # http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/getopts_tutorial

+ opt=$(getopt -n "$0" --options "hvt:w:a:" --longoptions "help,verbose,test:,workdir:,artifactsdir:" -- "$@")

+ eval set -- "$opt"

+ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do

+     case "$1" in

+         -t|--test)

+             STR_BKR_TEST="$2"

+             shift 2

+             ;;

+         -w|--workdir)

+             STR_WORKDIR="$2"

+             shift 2

+             ;;

+         -a|--artifactsdir)

+             STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR="$2"

+             shift 2

+             ;;

+         -v|--verbose)

+             DEBUG="-v"

+             shift

+             ;;

+         -h|--help)

+             msg_usage

+             exit 0

+             ;;

+         --)

+             shift

+             ;;

+         *)

+             msg_usage

+             exit 1

+     esac

+ done


+ # Entry


+ if [ -z "$STR_BKR_TEST" ] || [ -z "$STR_WORKDIR" ] || [ -z "$STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR" ]; then

+     echo "Use: $PROG -h for help."

+     exit 0

+ fi


+ debug "Test: $STR_BKR_TEST"

+ debug "Work dir: $STR_WORKDIR"

+ debug "Artifacts dir: $STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR"


+ # Up to this point any fail is considered as ci-sytem fail. Exit code != 0.

+ # Starting from this point and bellow any fail is considered as a test fail. Exit code == 0.


+ clean_exit() {

+     rc=$?;

+     trap - SIGINT SIGTERM SIGABRT EXIT # clear the trap

+     echo "Run test $STR_BKR_TEST: done."

+     # Exit code == 0, no matter of the test result.

+     # Close tee pipes

+     for pid in $(ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid $$); do

+         if [ -n "$(ps -p $pid -o pid=)" ]; then

+             kill -s HUP $pid

+         fi

+     done

+     exit 0

+ }



+ # For beakerlib-libraries


+ mkdir -p "$STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR"

+ # OUTPUTFILE has influence on beakerlib-libraries output

+ export OUTPUTFILE="$(realpath "$STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR")/$(echo "$STR_BKR_TEST" | sed -e 's/\//-/g')-out.log"

+ logfile_stdout="$STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR/$(echo "$STR_BKR_TEST" | sed -e 's/\//-/g').log"

+ logfile_stderr="$STR_ARTIFACTS_DIR/$(echo "$STR_BKR_TEST" | sed -e 's/\//-/g')-err.log"

+ exec 3>&1 4>&2 1> >(tee -a "$logfile_stdout" >&3) 2> >(tee -a "$logfile_stderr" >&4)

+ mkdir -p "$STR_WORKDIR"



+ if ! [ -d "$STR_BKR_TEST" ] && ! [ -f "$STR_BKR_TEST" ]; then

+     # Next string goes to .log file

+     echo "FAIL test $STR_BKR_TEST does not appear to be a file or directory"

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ -f "$STR_BKR_TEST" ]; then

+     debug "Running test from file: $STR_BKR_TEST"

+     cd $(dirname "$STR_BKR_TEST")

+     /bin/sh -e ./$(basename "$STR_BKR_TEST") || :

+     exit

+ fi


+ if [ -d "$STR_BKR_TEST" ]; then

+     debug "Running test from directory: $STR_BKR_TEST"

+     cd "$STR_BKR_TEST"

+     # get-test-deps - is part of beakerlib-libraries

+     get-test-deps -i .

+     if [ -f "Makefile" ] && command -p -v "make" >"/dev/null" 2>&1; then

+         debug "Running test from Makefile"

+         make run || :

+     elif [ -f "runtest.sh" ]; then

+         debug "Running test from runtest.sh"

+         /bin/sh -e ./runtest.sh || :

+     else

+         echo "FAIL test $STR_BKR_TEST do not know how to run test"

+     fi

+     exit

+ fi

@@ -52,29 +52,7 @@ 


  - block:

    - name: Run beakerlib tests

-     shell: |

-       export OUTPUTFILE=/dev/stdout TEST={{ item }}

-       export PATH="$PATH:{{ tenv_workdir }}"

-       logfile={{ remote_artifacts }}/$(echo {{ item }} | sed -e 's/\//-/g').log

-       exec 2>>$logfile 1>>$logfile

-       cd {{ tenv_workdir }}

-       if [ -f {{ item }} ]; then

-          cd $(dirname {{ item }})

-          /bin/sh -e ./$(basename {{ item }})

-       elif [ -d {{ item }} ]; then

-         cd {{ item }}

-         # get-test-deps - is part of beakerlib-libraries

-         get-test-deps -i .

-         if [ -f Makefile ] && command -p -v make >/dev/null 2>&1; then

-           make run

-         elif [ -f runtest.sh ]; then

-           /bin/sh -e ./runtest.sh

-         else

-           echo "FAIL don't know how to run test {{ item }}"

-         fi

-       else

-         echo "FAIL test {{ item }} does not appear to be a file or directory"

-       fi

+     script: run-beakerlib-test --workdir {{ tenv_workdir }} --artifactsdir {{ remote_artifacts }} --test {{ item }}


      - "{{ tests }}"

      - "{{ filter_tests }}"

Similar changes for the basic roles included in pull request #327. I used environment variables to hand over necessary data. Seems much more straightforward and concise instead of command line parameters and their complex parsing.

rebased onto 3ccf926

5 years ago

Commit 67099b9 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

5 years ago