#256 Add qcow2-grow script.
Merged 5 years ago by astepano. Opened 5 years ago by astepano.

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash -efu


+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

+ # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

+ # (at your option) any later version.

+ #

+ # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+ #

+ # See LICENSE for more details.

+ #

+ # Copyright: Red Hat Inc. 2018

+ # Author: Andrei Stepanov <astepano@redhat.com>



+ PROG="${PROG:-${0##*/}}"




+ debug() {

+     if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then

+         echo "$*" >&2

+     fi

+ }


+ msg_usage() {

+     cat << EOF

+ Usage:

+ $PROG <options>


+ You must run this script with root credentials.


+ Options:

+ -i, --image=IMAGE                            one of: install, update, downgrade, remove

+ -s, --size=SIZE                              grow image for desired size. Use suffixes: K, M, G, Default: $DEFAULT_SIZE

+ -h, --help                                   display this help and exit

+ -v, --verbose                                print debug messages


+ }


+ box_out() {

+     local s=("$@")

+     local b=

+     local w=

+     for l in "${s[@]}"; do

+         ((w<${#l})) && { b="$l"; w="${#l}"; }

+     done

+     echo -e " -${b//?/-}-\n| ${b//?/ } |"

+     for l in "${s[@]}"; do

+         printf '| %*s |\n' "-$w" "$l"

+     done

+     echo -e "| ${b//?/ } |\n-${b//?/-}-"

+ }


+ # http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/howto/getopts_tutorial

+ opt_str="$@"

+ opt=$(getopt -n "$0" --options "hvi:s:" --longoptions "help,verbose,image:,size:" -- "$@")

+ eval set -- "$opt"

+ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do

+     case "$1" in

+         -i|--image)

+             IMAGE="$2"

+             shift 2

+             ;;

+         -s|--size)

+             SIZE="$2"

+             shift 2

+             ;;

+         -v|--verbose)

+             DEBUG="yes"

+             shift

+             ;;

+         -h|--help)

+             msg_usage

+             exit 0

+             ;;

+         --)

+             shift

+             ;;

+         *)

+             msg_usage

+             exit 1

+     esac

+ done


+ # Entry


+ IMAGE="${IMAGE:-}"


+ ACTIVE_UID="$(id -u)"


+ debug "IMAGE: $IMAGE"

+ debug "SIZE: $SIZE"



+ if [ -z "$IMAGE" ] || [ "$ACTIVE_UID" -ne 0 ]; then

+     echo "Use: $PROG -h for help."

+     exit

+ fi


+ kernel_config="/boot/config-$(uname -r)"

+ if [ -e "$kernel_config"  ]; then

+     ret=

+     grep -q -s "^CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD" "$kernel_config" || ret="not_supported"

+     if [ -n "$ret" ]; then

+         echo "Kernel was compiled without CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD support. Use other distro."

+         exit 1

+     fi

+ fi


+ req_pkgs=()

+ req_pkgs+=('qemu-img')

+ req_pkgs+=('xfsprogs')

+ req_pkgs+=('e2fsprogs')

+ req_pkgs+=('util-linux')


+ dnf=dnf

+ [ -f "/usr/bin/yum" ] && dnf=yum


+ for pkg in ${req_pkgs[@]}; do

+     present=

+     info_msg=

+     rpm -q --qf "" "$pkg" >/dev/null 2>&1 && present="yes" || :

+     if [ -z "$present" ]; then

+         [ -z "$info_msg" ] && box_out "Install missing packages"; info_msg="run_once"

+         "$dnf" install -y "$pkg"

+     fi

+ done


+ nbd_present=

+ lsmod | grep -q '^nbd[[:space:]]' && nbd_present="yes"

+ if [ -z "$nbd_present" ]; then

+     box_out \

+         "Loading module: nbd"

+     modprobe nbd max_part=8

+ fi


+ nbd_dev_index=0

+ last_nbd=$(cat "/proc/partitions" | tr -s ' ' | sed -n -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//; /[[:digit:]]/p' | cut -f '4' -d ' ' | sed -n -e '/^nbd[[:digit:]]\+$/p' | sort -V | sed -n -e '$ s/[^[:digit:]]\+// p')

+ [ -n "$last_nbd}" ] && nbd_dev_index=$(($last_nbd + 1))

+ nbd_dev="/dev/nbd${nbd_dev_index}"

+ mntpoint="$(mktemp -d -p /mnt qcow2-grow-XXXX)"


+ do_cleanup() {

+     rc=$?;

+     trap - SIGINT SIGTERM SIGABRT EXIT # clear the trap

+     if mountpoint -q $mntpoint; then

+         echo "Cleanup: umount $mntpoint"

+         umount "$mntpoint" || :

+     fi

+     echo "Cleanup: remove $mntpoint"

+     rmdir "$mntpoint" || :

+     echo "Cleanup: disconnect $nbd_dev"

+     qemu-nbd -d "$nbd_dev" || :

+     exit $rc

+ }




+ box_out \

+     "Before extending" \

+     "----------------" \

+     "" \

+     "Image: $IMAGE" \

+     "Device: $nbd_dev" \

+     "Add: $SIZE"


+ (set -x; qemu-img "info" "$IMAGE")

+ qemu-img "resize" "$IMAGE" "+${SIZE}"

+ qemu-nbd --connect="$nbd_dev" "$IMAGE"

+ sync

+ sleep 2

+ partition="$(cat "/proc/partitions" | \

+     tr -s ' ' | \

+     sed -n -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//; /[[:digit:]]/p' | \

+     cut -f '4' -d ' ' | \

+     sed -n -e "/^nbd${nbd_dev_index}p[[:digit:]]\+$/p" | \

+     sort -V | \

+     sed -n -e '$ p')"

+ (set -x; fdisk -l "$nbd_dev")

+ [ -z "partition" ] && echo "Bad qcow2 image." && exit 1 || :

+ partition="/dev/$partition"

+ box_out "Grow the latest partition: $partition"

+ step=0

+ while true; do

+     # Sometimes fdisk can fail with: Re-reading the partition table failed.: Device or resource busy.

+     # Retry 5 times, untill success.

+     failed=

+     echo -e 'd\n\nn\n\n\n\n\nw' | fdisk "$nbd_dev" || failed="yes"

+     [ -z "$failed" ] && break

+     step+=1

+     sleep 1

+     if [ $step -eq 5 ]; then

+         echo "fdisk commands failed."

+         exit 1

+     fi

+ done

+ (set -x; fdisk -l "$nbd_dev")


+ mount -o rw "$partition" "$mntpoint"

+ sync

+ sleep 1

+ fs_type="$(cat /proc/mounts | tr -s ' '  | grep "$partition " | cut -f '3' -d ' ')"


+ box_out "Grow $partition with fs: $fs_type"


+ if [ "$fs_type" = "xfs" ]; then

+     xfs_growfs -d "$mntpoint"

+ elif [ "${fs_type%?}" = "ext" ]; then

+     resize2fs "$partition"

+ fi


+ (set -x; df -h "$mntpoint")


+ exit $ret

Commit 377c80f fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

5 years ago