#149 fixed standard-test-beakerlib code using inspekt
Merged 6 years ago by astepano. Opened 6 years ago by bgoncalv.
bgoncalv/standard-test-roles inspekt-standard-test-beakerlib  into  master

@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ 

  # Although tests that have been looked at so far work just fine with TransactionSet.dbMatch()

  # returning empty results, it may be the case this needs to be extended to add further shim code.



  class TransactionSet:

-    def dbMatch(self, key, value):

-        return []

+     def dbMatch(self, key, value):

+         return []



  def ts():

      return TransactionSet()


# inspekt indent roles/standard-test-beakerlib/files/rpm.py
Indentation check PASS

# inspekt lint --enable W0611,W0612,W0622 roles/standard-test-beakerlib/files/rpm.py
Pylint disabled: W,R,C,E1002,E1101,E1103,E1120,F0401,I0011
Pylint enabled : W0611,W0612,W0622
Using config file /dev/null
Syntax check PASS

# pycodestyle --max-line-length=120 roles/standard-test-beakerlib/files/rpm.py

Commit 1e86eae fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

6 years ago