#138 Introducing CI for STR.
Merged 6 years ago by astepano. Opened 6 years ago by astepano.

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ 

+ FROM docker.io/centos:latest

+ LABEL maintainer "Andrei Stepanov <astepano@redhat.com>"


+ RUN rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

+ RUN sed -i -e '/\[main\]/aip_resolve=4' /etc/yum.conf

+ RUN yum install -y copr-cli nss_wrapper fedora-packager wget rpmdevtools; \

+     yum clean all; \

+     rm -rf /var/cache/yum



+ RUN chgrp -R 0 "$PARAM_WDIR" && chmod -R g+rwX "$PARAM_WDIR"

+ USER 1001

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/env groovy

+ /*

+     https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/

+     https://jenkins-fedora-atomic-process.apps.ci.centos.org/pipeline-syntax/

+ */



+ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE = env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE ?: 'fedora-atomic-process'


+ env.ghprbActualCommit = env.ghprbActualCommit ?: 'master'

+ openshiftProject = "fedora-atomic-process"

+ STABLE_LABEL = "1.0"


+ pipeline {

+     agent {

+         kubernetes {

+             cloud 'openshift'

+             // label for pod

+             label 'str-tester-' + env.ghprbActualCommit

+             containerTemplate {

+                 name 'tester'

+                 image DOCKER_REPO_URL + '/' + openshiftProject + '/str-tester:' + STABLE_LABEL

+                 ttyEnabled true

+                 command 'cat'

+             }

+         }

+     }

+     options {

+         buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr:'10'))

+         disableConcurrentBuilds()

+     }

+     parameters {

+         string(name: 'PULLREQNUM', defaultValue: '', description: 'Optional. Pull request number.')

+         string(name: 'REFSPEC', defaultValue: '', description: 'Optional. Git refspec.')

+         string(name: 'REPO', defaultValue: '', description: 'Pagure parameter. https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/pagure_ci.html')

+         string(name: 'BRANCH', defaultValue: '', description: 'Pagure parameter.')

+     }

+     stages {

+         stage('Info') {

+             steps {

+                 echo "Running ${env.BUILD_ID} on ${env.JENKINS_URL}"

+                 container('tester') {

+                     // You can skip container() {} than all steps will go to 'tester'

+                     sh 'cat /etc/os-release'

+                 }

+                 container('jnlp') {

+                     sh 'cat /etc/os-release'

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+         stage('Source') {

+             environment {

+                 PULLREQNUM = "${params.PULLREQNUM}"

+             }

+             steps {

+                 git branch: 'master', url: 'https://pagure.io/standard-test-roles.git'

+                 // withEnv doesn't work with kubernetes plugin

+                 // https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-40647

+                 sh """

+                     echo \$PWD

+                     echo PULLREQNUM="${env.PULLREQNUM}" >> "\$PWD/jenv"

+                     echo REFSPEC="${env.REFSPEC}" >> "\$PWD/jenv"

+                     echo REPO="${env.REPO}" >> "\$PWD/jenv"

+                     echo BRANCH="${env.BRANCH}" >> "\$PWD/jenv"

+                 """

+                 sh '''

+                     set -efux

+                     source "$PWD/jenv"

+                     cp -f /etc/passwd "$HOME"

+                     echo "osci:x:$(id -u):$(id -g):OSCI team:${HOME}:/bin/bash" >> $HOME/passwd

+                     export LD_PRELOAD=libnss_wrapper.so

+                     export NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD=$HOME/passwd

+                     export NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP=/etc/group

+                     env

+                     git config --global user.email "ci@lists.fedoraproject.org"

+                     git config --global user.name "OSCI team"

+                     if [ -n "${REPO:-}" -a -n "${BRANCH:-}" ]; then

+                         echo "Use repo: ${REPO} and branch: ${BRANCH}"

+                         git remote rm proposed || true

+                         git remote add proposed "$REPO"

+                         git fetch proposed

+                         git checkout origin/master

+                         git merge --no-ff "proposed/$BRANCH" -m "Merge PR"

+                     elif [ -n "${REFSPEC:-}" ]; then

+                         echo "Use refspec: ${REFSPEC}"

+                         git merge --no-ff "${REFSPEC}"

+                     elif [ -n "${PULLREQNUM:-}" ]; then

+                         echo "Use PR number: ${PULLREQNUM}"

+                         git fetch origin "refs/pull/${PULLREQNUM}/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/${PULLREQNUM}"

+                         git merge --no-ff "remotes/origin/pr/${PULLREQNUM}"

+                     fi

+                     echo "Test next changes:"

+                     git show HEAD^2

+                     '''

+             }

+         }

+         stage('SRPM') {

+             steps {

+                 sh '''

+                     set -efux

+                     export LD_PRELOAD=libnss_wrapper.so

+                     export NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD=$HOME/passwd

+                     export NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP=/etc/group

+                     wget 'https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/standard-test-roles/raw/master/f/standard-test-roles.spec'

+                     # Take hash for merged branch

+                     COMMIT_HASH="$(git log --pretty=format:%h -n 1 HEAD^2)"

+                     rpmdev-bumpspec --comment="Temporary build based on $COMMIT_HASH" --userstring='OSCI Team <ci@lists.fedoraproject.org>' -s "${COMMIT_HASH}." standard-test-roles.spec

+                     SOURCE0="$(basename -a `spectool -s 0 standard-test-roles.spec` | tail -n 1)"

+                     ARC_FORMAT="tar.gz"

+                     ARC_PREFIX="$(basename "$SOURCE0" ".${ARC_FORMAT}")/"

+                     GIT_DIR=./.git/ git archive --format="$ARC_FORMAT" --prefix "$ARC_PREFIX" -o "$SOURCE0" -v "$COMMIT_HASH"

+                     ls -l "$SOURCE0"

+                     export GROUP="$(id -g)"

+                     export USER="$(id -u)"

+                     chown "$USER"."$GROUP" "$SOURCE0"

+                     chown "$USER"."$GROUP" standard-test-roles.spec

+                     rpmbuild --undefine="dist" --define="_sourcedir $PWD" --define="%_srcrpmdir $PWD" -bs standard-test-roles.spec

+                 '''

+             }

+         }

+         stage('COPR') {

+             steps {

+                 withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secret_id_for_copr_config', variable: 'COPRCONFIG')]) {

+                     sh """

+                         set -efux

+                         SRPMFILE="\$(find . -name '*src.rpm' | head -n 1)"

+                         mkdir -p ~/.config

+                         cp -f "$COPRCONFIG" ~/.config/copr

+                         copr-cli build @osci/standard-test-roles "\$SRPMFILE" 2>&1

+                         """

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+     }

+ }

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ 

+ # Jenkins configure


+ Job runs at: [Centos OpenShift](https://jenkins-fedora-atomic-process.apps.ci.centos.org/credentials/)


+ In job configure:


+ * At **Job Notifications** add Notification Endpoints.

+ * At **Build Triggers** add **Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)**


+ More at: [Pagure CI for Jenkins](https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/pagure_ci_jenkins.html)


+ #### Grant to Anonymous user Read access


+ "Manage Jenkins" -> "Configure Global Security" and for "Anonymous Users" check:


+ * Overall = Read

+ * Job = Read


+ #### Copr config


+ Jenkins -> Credentials -> System -> Global credentials (unrestricted) ->  Add Credentials


+ Type: Secret file.


+ Assign `secret_id_for_copr_config` for ID.


+ # OpenShift


+ Create an image with:


+     cat Dockerfile | oc new-build -D -  --name='str-tester'


+ This image will be used as Jenkins slave for testing needs.

+ Workflow is based on Kubernetes plugin:


+ * [Jenkins portal page](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/kubernetes/)

+ * [Github project](https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin)


+ # Useful links


+ * [Jenkinsfile](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/)

+ * [Groovy syntax](http://groovy-lang.org/syntax.html)

+ * [Pipeline](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/)

+ * [Pipeline syntax](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/)

+ * [Pipeline steps](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/)

+ * [Pipeline workflow](https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/workflow-basic-steps/)

+ * [Tutorial pipeline](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-plugin/blob/master/TUTORIAL.md)


rebased onto f3b15df9d1e14c6fe5dc1bf2e7dd7afa26060c7c

6 years ago

rebased onto 01c25c4

6 years ago

Commit a8a1560 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

6 years ago