#131 execute end.yml before checking results
Merged 6 years ago by astepano. Opened 6 years ago by bgoncalv.
bgoncalv/standard-test-roles issue130  into  master

@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ 


      - "{{ tests }}"


+   - include_role:

+       name: str-common

+       tasks_from: end.yml


    # Can't go in block. See

    # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/20736

    - name: Check the results

      shell: grep "^FAIL" {{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log

      register: test_fails

      failed_when: test_fails.stdout or test_fails.stderr


-   - include_role:

-       name: str-common

-       tasks_from: end.yml

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 


    - name: Add restraint repo for restraint-rhts using DNF


-       - package: dnf-plugins-core state=present

+       - package: name=dnf-plugins-core state=present

        - shell: dnf copr enable -y bpeck/restraint

          ignore_errors: True

      when: "hostvars[test_runner_inventory_name]['is_dnf_os'] | bool"
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ 


      - "{{ tests }}"


+   - include_role:

+       name: str-common

+       tasks_from: end.yml


    # Can't go in block. See

    # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/20736

    - name: Check the results

      shell: grep "^FAIL" {{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log

      register: test_fails

      failed_when: test_fails.stdout or test_fails.stderr


-   - include_role:

-       name: str-common

-       tasks_from: end.yml

Need to execute tasks from end.yml before checking results. If check resutls find some failed test case playbook exits and next tasks are not executed.

Commit e3ec998 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by astepano

6 years ago