#114 Introduce stdtr-common role
Closed 6 years ago by astepano. Opened 6 years ago by astepano.

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ ---


+ dependencies:

+   - role: str-common

@@ -1,140 +1,36 @@ 


- - name: Add executor host

-   add_host:

-     name: executor

-     ansible_connection: local

-     ansible_ssh_host:

-     ansible_ssh_connection: local


- - name: Packages to be present on the system.

-   set_fact:

-     # Separate debuginfo and ordinary packages. There is an issue on GitHub:

-     # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/31579. The easiest way to

-     # install debuginfo for package is to use 'debuginfo-install'.  This

-     # program is present on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and it automatically enables

-     # debuginfo repos.

-     pkgs_ordinary_req: >

-       {{

-         required_packages |

-         reject('match', '.*-debuginfo$') |

-         list

-       }}

-     pkgs_debuginfo_req: >

-       {{

-         required_packages |

-         select('match', '.*-debuginfo$') |

-         list |

-         regex_replace('-debuginfo')

-       }}


- - name: Target OS identification

+ - delegate_to: "{{ test_runner_inventory_name }}"


-     - name: Test if system is Atomic Host

-       lineinfile:

-         name: /etc/os-release

-         regexp: .*Atomic Host.*

-         state: absent

-       check_mode: yes

-       changed_when: False

-       register: os_release_atomic

-     - name: Set Ansible fact 'is_atomic_host'

-       set_fact:

-         is_atomic_host: "{{ os_release_atomic.found > 0 }}"


- - block:

-   - name: Gather facts

-     setup:

-     delegate_facts: True


    - name: Add restraint repo for restraint-rhts on Fedora hosts

      shell: dnf copr enable -y bpeck/restraint

-     when: ansible_distribution == 'Fedora'

+     when: hostvars[test_runner_inventory_name]['ansible_distribution'] == 'Fedora'


    - name: Add restraint repo for restraint-rhts on RHEL/CentOS hosts


        - package: name=yum-plugin-copr

        - shell: yum copr -y enable bpeck/restraint

-     when: "[ansible_distribution] | intersect(['RedHat', 'CentOS'])"

+     when: "[hostvars[test_runner_inventory_name]['ansible_distribution'] ] | intersect(['RedHat', 'CentOS'])"


    - name: Install the beakerlib requirements

-     package: name={{item}} state=latest

+     package: name={{item}} state=present


      - beakerlib

      - restraint-rhts

      - rsync


-   - name: Fetch tests from remote repositories

-     git:

-       repo: "{{ item.repo }}"

-       dest: "{{ item.dest }}"

-       version: "{{ item.version | default('master') }}"

-     with_items:

-       "{{ repositories }}"

-     when: repositories is defined


-   delegate_to: executor


- - block:

-   - name: Install the beakerlib requirements on target

-     package: name={{item}} state=latest

-     with_items:

+ - name: Install the beakerlib requirements to test environment

+   package: name={{item}} state=latest

+   with_items:

      - rsync

      - findutils

+     - make

+   when: not is_atomic


-   - name: Install any test-specific package requirements

-     # Note, this method cannot install -debuginfo packages.

-     package: name={{item}} state=present

-     with_items:

-       - "{{ pkgs_ordinary_req }}"


-   - block:

-     - name: Install yum-utils

-       package: name=yum-utils state=latest

-       when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'yum'


-     - name: Install dnf-utils

-       # System can have installed yum-utils. Which conflicts wih dnf-utils.

-       # Therefore, remove yum-utils and install dnf-utils.

-       shell: dnf --assumeyes --allowerasing install dnf-utils

-       when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf'


-     - name: Care about debuginfo packages for DNF/YUM systems

-       shell: |

-           debuginfo-install --assumeyes {{item}}

-       with_items:

-           - "{{ pkgs_debuginfo_req }}"

-     when:

-       - "[ansible_pkg_mgr] | intersect(['dnf', 'yum'])"

-       - pkgs_debuginfo_req


-   # Only manually install packages on non atomic hosts

-   when: ansible_pkg_mgr != 'unknown'


- - block:

-   - name: Check presence of required packages for Atomic Host

-     shell: rpm -q {{ pkgs_ordinary_req|join(" ") }}

-     register: package_check

-     changed_when: False

-     failed_when: False

-     args: { warn: no }

-   - name: Install required packages at Atomic Host

-     shell:

-       rpm-ostree install {{ pkgs_ordinary_req|join(" ") }}

-       && rpm-ostree ex livefs

-     when: package_check.rc != 0

-   when:

-     - is_atomic_host

-     - pkgs_ordinary_req


- - name: Define remote_artifacts if it is not already defined

-   set_fact:

-     remote_artifacts: /tmp/artifacts

-   when: remote_artifacts is not defined


- - name: Put beakerlib binaries on the target

+ - name: Put beakerlib binaries to test environment


-     src: "{{item}}"

-     dest: /usr/local/bin/

+     src: "{{ item }}"

+     dest: "{{ tenv_workdir }}"

      mode: 755


      - "/usr/bin/beakerlib-*"
@@ -146,36 +42,35 @@ 

      - "/usr/share/restraint/*"

      - "rpm.py"


- - name: Copy tests to target

+ - name: Copy tests to test environment


      src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/"

-     dest: /usr/local/bin/

+     dest: "{{ tenv_workdir }}"

      ssh_args: "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"


- - name: Fix up beakerlib

+ - name: Fix up beakerlib at tests environment

    shell: >

-     find /usr/local/bin -type f

+     find {{ tenv_workdir }} -type f


      xargs sed -i

-     -e 's|/usr/share/beakerlib|/usr/local/bin|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/lib/beakerlib|/usr/local/bin|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-|/usr/local/bin/rhts-|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/bin/rhts-|/usr/local/bin/rhts-|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts_|/usr/local/bin/rhts-|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/bin/rhts_|/usr/local/bin/rhts-|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/share/rhts-library/rhtslib.sh|/usr/local/bin/beakerlib.sh|g'

-     -e 's|/usr/bin/rstrnt-|/usr/local/bin/rstrnt-|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/share/beakerlib|{{ tenv_workdir }}|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/lib/beakerlib|{{ tenv_workdir }}|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-|{{ tenv_workdir }}/rhts-|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/bin/rhts-|{{ tenv_workdir }}/rhts-|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts_|{{ tenv_workdir }}/rhts-|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/bin/rhts_|{{ tenv_workdir }}/rhts-|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/share/rhts-library/rhtslib.sh|{{ tenv_workdir }}/beakerlib.sh|g'

+     -e 's|/usr/bin/rstrnt-|{{ tenv_workdir }}/rstrnt-|g'


- - name: Make artifacts directory

-   file: path={{ remote_artifacts }} state=directory owner=root mode=755 recurse=yes


  - block:

-   - name: Execute beakerlib tests

+   - name: Run beakerlib tests

      shell: |

        export OUTPUTFILE=/dev/stdout TEST={{ item }}

+       export PATH="$PATH:{{ tenv_workdir }}"

        logfile={{ remote_artifacts }}/test.$(echo {{ item }} | sed -e 's/\//-/g').log

        exec 2>>$logfile 1>>$logfile

-       cd /usr/local/bin

+       cd {{ tenv_workdir }}

        if [ -f {{ item }} ]; then

           cd $(dirname {{ item }})

           /bin/sh -e ./$(basename {{ item }})
@@ -195,7 +90,7 @@ 

      - "{{ tests }}"



-   - name: Make the master test summary log artifact

+   - name: Make the master tests summary log artifact

      shell: |

        logfile={{ remote_artifacts }}/test.$(echo {{ item }} | sed -e 's/\//-/g').log

        if grep -q '\[ *FAIL *\]' "$logfile"; then
@@ -212,7 +107,7 @@ 


      - "{{ tests }}"


-   - name: Pull out the logs

+   - name: Pull out the logs from test environment


        dest: "{{ artifacts }}/"

        src: "{{ remote_artifacts }}/"

roles/str-common/defaults/main.yml roles/standard-test-beakerlib/vars/main.yml
file renamed
+4 -1
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ 


- remote_artifacts: /tmp/artifacts


  tests: []

  required_packages: []

+ tenv_workdir: /var/str/

+ remote_artifacts: /tmp/artifacts/

+ test_runner_inventory_name: test-runner

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 

+ - block:

+     - name: Check if system is Atomic Host

+       lineinfile:

+         name: /etc/os-release

+         regexp: .*Atomic Host.*

+         state: absent

+       check_mode: yes

+       changed_when: False

+       register: os_release_atomic

+     - name: Set fact 'is_atomic'

+       set_fact:

+         is_atomic : "{{ os_release_atomic.found > 0 }}"

+     - debug:

+         msg: "System is Atomic Host: {{ is_atomic }}"

+         verbosity: 1

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 

+ - import_tasks: inspect.yml

+ - import_tasks: trunner.yml

+ - import_tasks: pkgs.yml



+ - name: Make artifacts directory

+   file: path={{ remote_artifacts }} state=directory owner=root mode=755 recurse=yes

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ 

+ - name: Install test-specific package requirements

+   # Note, this method cannot install -debuginfo packages.

+   package: name={{item}} state=present

+   with_items:

+     - "{{ pkgs_ordinary_req }}"


+ - block:

+   - name: Install dnf-utils

+     # System can have installed yum-utils. Which conflicts wih dnf-utils.

+     # Therefore, remove yum-utils and install dnf-utils.

+     shell: dnf --assumeyes --allowerasing install dnf-utils

+     when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "dnf"


+   - name: Install debuginfo packages

+     shell: |

+         debuginfo-install --assumeyes {{item}}

+     with_items:

+         - "{{ pkgs_debuginfo_req }}"

+   when:

+     - pkgs_debuginfo_req

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

+ - block:

+   - name: Check presence of required packages for Atomic Host

+     shell: rpm -q {{ pkgs_ordinary_req|join(" ") }}

+     register: package_check

+     changed_when: False

+     failed_when: False

+     args: { warn: no }

+   - name: Install required packages at Atomic Host

+     shell:

+       rpm-ostree install {{ pkgs_ordinary_req|join(" ") }}

+       && rpm-ostree ex livefs

+     when: package_check.rc != 0

+   when:

+     - pkgs_ordinary_req

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ 

+ - name: Install test-specific package requirements

+   # Note, this method cannot install -debuginfo packages.

+   package: name={{item}} state=present

+   with_items:

+     - "{{ pkgs_ordinary_req }}"


+ - block:

+   - name: Install yum-utils

+     package: name=yum-utils state=latest

+     when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "yum"


+   - name: Care about debuginfo packages for YUM systems

+     shell: |

+         debuginfo-install --assumeyes {{item}}

+     with_items:

+         - "{{ pkgs_debuginfo_req }}"

+   when:

+     - pkgs_debuginfo_req

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ 

+ - name: Build packages lists to be present on test environment

+   # Separate debuginfo and ordinary packages. There is an issue on GitHub:

+   # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/31579. The easiest way to install

+   # debuginfo for package is to use 'debuginfo-install'. This program is

+   # present on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and it automatically enables debuginfo repos.

+   set_fact:

+     pkgs_ordinary_req: >

+       {{

+         required_packages |

+         reject('match', '.*-debuginfo$') |

+         list

+       }}

+     pkgs_debuginfo_req: >

+       {{

+         required_packages |

+         select('match', '.*-debuginfo$') |

+         list |

+         regex_replace('-debuginfo')

+       }}

+     pkg_mgr: >

+       {{

+          'rpm-ostree' if ansible_pkg_mgr == 'unknown' and is_atomic else ansible_pkg_mgr

+       }}


+ - debug:

+     msg: "Package manager: {{ pkg_mgr }}"

+     verbosity: 1


+ - include_tasks: "pkgs-{{ pkg_mgr | trim}}.yml"

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ 

+ - name: Add test-runner to ansible inventory

+   add_host:

+     name: "{{ test_runner_inventory_name }}"

+     ansible_connection: local


+ - delegate_to: "{{ test_runner_inventory_name }}"

+   block:

+   - name: Gather facts

+     setup:

+     delegate_facts: True


+   - debug:

+       msg:

+         "{{ test_runner_inventory_name }} is

+         {{ hostvars[test_runner_inventory_name]['ansible_distribution'] }}"

+       verbosity: 1


+   - name: Fetch tests from remote repositories

+     git:

+       repo: "{{ item.repo }}"

+       dest: "{{ item.dest }}"

+       version: "{{ item.version | default('master') }}"

+     with_items:

+       "{{ repositories }}"

+     when: repositories is defined