#7 Allow API call to provide a string that would be added to the name
Closed 4 years ago by ignatenkobrain. Opened 4 years ago by tmlcoch.

It would be good if user can provide a substring for usage in the sidetag name which can be then used in the configurable pattern.

-1 from me. Adding arbitrary string to tag names would be dangerous - it could be used to workaround hub policy limitations.

For example Fedora hub policy has:

build_from_srpm =
    has_perm admin :: allow
    tag *-infra-candidate && has_perm infra :: allow
    all :: deny

If user created side tag which name ends with "-infra-candidate" then they would be able to build from SRPM.

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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