#708 Retries for clone command
Opened a year ago by onosek. Modified a year ago
onosek/rpkg clone_retry  into  master

file modified
+47 -1
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ 


  import errno

  import fnmatch

+ import functools

  import getpass

  import glob

  import io
@@ -1632,7 +1633,7 @@ 

              self.log.debug('Cloning into: %s', target)



-         self._run_command(cmd, cwd=path)

+         self.retry_clone()(self._run_command)(cmd, cwd=path, return_text=True, return_stderr=True)


          # Set configuration

          base_repo = self.get_base_repo(repo)
@@ -1647,6 +1648,51 @@ 




+     def retry_clone(self, attempts=None, delay_between_attempts=None, raises=None):

+         """A decorator that allows to retry a section of code until success or counter elapses

+         """


+         def wrapper(function):

+             @functools.wraps(function)

+             def inner(*args, **kwargs):


+                 attempts_all = attempts or self.lookaside_attempts

+                 attempts_left = attempts_all

+                 delay = delay_between_attempts or self.lookaside_delay

+                 stop_patterns = [

+                     r"destination path.+already exists",

+                     r"No such repository",

+                 ]


+                 while attempts_left > 0:

+                     code, _, stderr = function(*args, **kwargs)

+                     # delayed print - this error was originally suppressed within

+                     # the function. Display it now.

+                     self.log.error(stderr)

+                     if code and stop_patterns:

+                         for pattern in stop_patterns:

+                             if re.search(pattern, stderr, flags=re.IGNORECASE):

+                                 raise rpkgError('Failed to execute command.')

+                     else:

+                         return

+                     attempts_left -= 1

+                     self.log.debug("Attempt %d/%d has failed."

+                                    % (attempts_all - attempts_left, attempts_all))

+                     if attempts_left:

+                         self.log.info("The operation will be retried in %ds." % (delay))

+                         time.sleep(delay)

+                         delay *= 2

+                         self.log.info("Retrying ...")

+                     else:

+                         if raises is None:

+                             raise rpkgError('Failed to execute command.')

+                         else:

+                             raise raises(e)


+             return inner


+         return wrapper


      def get_base_repo(self, repo):

          # Handle namespaced repositories

          # Example:


Signed-off-by: Ondřej Nosek onosek@redhat.com

rebased onto b7b3593

a year ago

rebased onto 750c559

a year ago

rebased onto cd96214

a year ago

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

a year ago