#675 `pre-push-check` have to use spectool with --define
Merged a year ago by onosek. Opened a year ago by onosek.
onosek/rpkg pre_push_defines  into  master

file modified
+31 -26
@@ -4442,30 +4442,41 @@ 




+             clone_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pre_push_hook_")

+             for cmd in [

+                 ('git', 'clone', self.path, clone_dir),

+                 ('git', 'checkout', ref),

+             ]:

+                 ret, _, _ = self._run_command(cmd, cwd=clone_dir,

+                                               # suppress unwanted printing of command line messages

+                                               return_stdout=True, return_stderr=True)

+                 if ret != 0:

+                     self.log.error('Command \'{0}\' failed. Push operation '

+                                    'was cancelled.'.format(' '.join(cmd)))

+                     self.log.warning(show_hint)

+                     sys.exit(2)


+             # get all source files from the specfile (including patches)

              # Assume, that specfile names are same in the active branch

              # and in the pushed branch (git checkout f37 && git push origin rawhide)

              # in this case 'f37' is active branch and 'rawhide' is pushed branch.

              specfile_path_absolute = os.path.join(self.layout.specdir, self.spec)

              # convert to relative path

              specfile_path = os.path.relpath(specfile_path_absolute, start=self.path)

-             spec_content = self.repo.git.cat_file("-p", "{0}:{1}".format(ref, specfile_path))

-         except Exception:

-             # It might be the case of an empty commit

-             self.log.warning('Specfile doesn\'t exist. Push operation continues.')

-             return


-         # load specfile content from pushed branch and save it into a temporary file

-         with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+") as temporary_spec:

-             temporary_spec.write(spec_content)

-             temporary_spec.flush()

-             # get all source files from the specfile (including patches)

-             cmd = ('spectool', '-l', temporary_spec.name)

-             ret, stdout, _ = self._run_command(cmd, return_text=True, return_stdout=True)

+             cmd = ['spectool', '-l', os.path.join(clone_dir, specfile_path)]

+             # extract just '--define' arguments from rpmdefines

+             for opt, val in zip(self.rpmdefines[0::2], self.rpmdefines[1::2]):

+                 if opt == '--define':

+                     cmd.extend((opt, val))

+             ret, stdout, _ = self._run_command(cmd, cwd=clone_dir,

+                                                return_text=True, return_stdout=True)

              if ret != 0:

                  self.log.error('Command \'{0}\' failed. Push operation '

                                 'was cancelled.'.format(' '.join(cmd)))


-                 sys.exit(2)

+                 sys.exit(3)

+         finally:

+             self._cleanup_tmp_dir(clone_dir)


          source_files = []

          # extract source files from the spectool's output
@@ -4490,22 +4501,16 @@ 

              sources_file_path_absolute = self.sources_filename

              # convert to relative path

              sources_file_path = os.path.relpath(sources_file_path_absolute, start=self.path)

-             sources_file_content = self.repo.git.cat_file(

-                 '-p', '{0}:{1}'.format(ref, sources_file_path))


+             # parse 'sources' files content

+             sourcesf = SourcesFile(sources_file_path, self.source_entry_type)

+             sourcesf_entries = set(item.file for item in sourcesf.entries)

          except Exception:

              self.log.warning('\'sources\' file doesn\'t exist. Push operation continues.')

              # NOTE: check doesn't fail when 'sources' file doesn't exist. Just skips the rest.

              # it might be the case of the push without 'sources' = retiring the repository



-         # load 'sources' file content from pushed branch and save it into a temporary file

-         with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+") as temporary_sources_file:

-             temporary_sources_file.write(sources_file_content)

-             temporary_sources_file.flush()

-             # parse 'sources' files content

-             sourcesf = SourcesFile(temporary_sources_file.name, self.source_entry_type)

-         sourcesf_entries = set(item.file for item in sourcesf.entries)


          # list of all files (their relative paths) in the commit

          repo_entries = set(item.path for item in commit.tree.traverse() if item.type != "tree")

@@ -4518,7 +4523,7 @@ 

                                 'nor tracked in git. '

                                 'Push operation was cancelled'.format(source_file))


-                 sys.exit(3)

+                 sys.exit(4)


          # verify all file entries in 'sources' were uploaded to the lookaside cache

          for entry in sourcesf.entries:
@@ -4532,6 +4537,6 @@ 

                  self.log.error('Source file (or tarball) \'{}\' wasn\'t uploaded to the lookaside '

                                 'cache. Push operation was cancelled.'.format(filename))


-                 sys.exit(4)

+                 sys.exit(5)


          return 0  # The push operation continues

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ 

      def setUp(self):

          super(TestPrePushCheck, self).setUp()


+         self.dist = "rhel-8"



          moduledir = os.path.join(self.gitroot, self.module)
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ 

          with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as exc:



-         self.assertEqual(exc.exception.code, 3)

+         self.assertEqual(exc.exception.code, 4)

          log_error.assert_called_once_with("Source file 'b.patch' was neither listed in the "

                                            "'sources' file nor tracked in git. Push operation "

                                            "was cancelled")

Fixes: #672

To get all defined source files and patches from the specfile, the 'spectool' utility needs '--define' argument(s) to set specific paths for the repository.

Signed-off-by: Ondrej Nosek onosek@redhat.com

rebased onto 4980de69edcc836848e2c80f94e12fc455a57035

a year ago

rebased onto d5be51e

a year ago

Looks good to me. I liked the previous approach, but if there are cases where it doesn't work, there's no point in it being elegant.

Pull-Request has been merged by onosek

a year ago