#511 [WIP] jenkins job definition added
Opened 4 years ago by lrossett. Modified 4 years ago
lrossett/rpkg jenkinsfile2  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ 

+ # jenkins job builder


+ ## Setup


+ Setup your credentials in `jenkins-job.ini` file, with the proper username (userid) and password (api token).


+ ## Plugin List


+ The following command retrieves the list of installed plugins:


+ ```sh

+ jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins-job.ini get-plugins-info -o plugins_info.yaml

+ ```


+ ## Testing Definitions


+ The following command will test all job definitions without updating jenkins:


+ ```sh

+ jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins-job.ini test ./defs

+ ```


+ ## Updating Jobs


+ ```sh

+ jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins-job.ini update ./defs

+ ``` 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ 

+ #!groovy


+ def fedora_versions = params.FEDORA_VERSIONS.tokenize(',')

+ def fedora_image = params.FEDORA_IMAGE

+ def jnlp_image = params.JENKINS_JNLP_IMAGE

+ def stages = [:]


+ def fedora_containers = [

+   containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp',

+     image: "${jnlp_image}",

+     alwaysPullImage: true,

+     ttyEnabled: false,

+     args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${computer.name}',

+     workingDir: "/workdir"

+   )

+ ]


+ fedora_versions.each { version ->

+   //add a containver per fedora version

+   fedora_containers.add(containerTemplate

+     (

+       name: "${version}",

+       image: "${fedora_image}:${version}",

+       ttyEnabled: true,

+       alwaysPullImage: true,

+       command: "/uid_entrypoint sleep infinity",

+       envVars: [

+         envVar(key: 'HOME', value: '/tmp')

+       ]

+     )

+   )

+   //add a stage for each fedora version

+   stages["tox-py3-${version}"] = {

+     container("${version}") {

+       withEnv(['HOME=/workdir/workspace']) {

+         sh "cp -al ./ ../${version}/"

+         dir( "../${version}" ) {

+           ansiColor('xterm') {

+             sh 'rm -rf .tox'

+             sh 'tox -e flake8,py36,py37,py38,py39 --parallel=auto'

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+   }

+ }


+ podTemplate(

+   name: 'fedora-tox',

+   label: 'fedora-tox',

+   cloud: 'openshift',

+   containers: fedora_containers

+ ){

+   node('fedora-tox') {

+     stage('checkout') {

+       ansiColor('xterm'){

+         checkout scm

+       }

+     }


+     parallel stages

+   }

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ 

+ - job:

+     name: test-rpkg

+     project-type: pipeline

+     display-name: test-rpkg

+     pipeline-scm:

+       scm:

+         - git:

+             url: https://pagure.io/rpkg.git

+             branches:

+               - master

+             clean:

+               after: true

+       script-path: deploy/jenkins/defs/jobs/tests/test-rpkg/Jenkinsfile

+     parameters:

+       - string:

+           name: FEDORA_VERSIONS

+           description: fedora versions to test against (image tags)

+           default: f31,f32,latest

+       - string:

+           name: JENKINS_JNLP_IMAGE

+           description: jenkins jnlp image to use

+           default: jenkins/jnlp-slave:4.0.1-1

+       - string:

+           name: FEDORA_IMAGE

+           description: fedora image url to use (no tag)

+           default: quay.io/centosci/python-tox 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ 

+ - view:

+     name: Tests

+     view-type: list

+     job-name:

+       - test-rpkg

+     columns:

+       - status

+       - weather

+       - job

+       - last-success

+       - last-failure

+       - last-duration 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

+ [job_builder]

+ ignore_cache=True

+ keep_descriptions=False

+ include_path=defs

+ recursive=True

+ exclude=.*:manual:./development

+ allow_duplicates=False

+ update=all


+ [jenkins]

+ user=fillme

+ password=fillme

+ url=fillme

+ query_plugins_info=False

@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ 

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: REST API Plugin'

+   shortName: pipeline-rest-api

+   version: '2.10'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Declarative'

+   shortName: pipeline-model-definition

+   version: 1.6.0

+ - longName: 'JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin'

+   shortName: ace-editor

+   version: 1.0.1

+ - longName: SSH Agent Plugin

+   shortName: ssh-agent

+   version: '1.20'

+ - longName: Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin

+   shortName: pipeline-graph-analysis

+   version: '1.7'

+ - longName: Pipeline Utility Steps

+   shortName: pipeline-utility-steps

+   version: 2.5.0

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Groovy'

+   shortName: workflow-cps

+   version: '2.80'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Milestone Step'

+   shortName: pipeline-milestone-step

+   version: 1.3.1

+ - longName: REST API for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-rest

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: MapDB API Plugin

+   shortName: mapdb-api

+   version:

+ - longName: Trilead API Plugin

+   shortName: trilead-api

+   version: 1.0.5

+ - longName: Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin

+   shortName: handy-uri-templates-2-api

+   version: 2.1.6-1.0

+ - longName: OAuth Credentials plugin

+   shortName: oauth-credentials

+   version: '0.3'

+ - longName: AnsiColor

+   shortName: ansicolor

+   version: 0.7.2

+ - longName: Jenkins Parameterized Trigger plugin

+   shortName: parameterized-trigger

+   version: 2.35.2

+ - longName: Windows Slaves Plugin

+   shortName: windows-slaves

+   version: '1.0'

+ - longName: LDAP Plugin

+   shortName: ldap

+   version: '1.11'

+ - longName: Web for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-web

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Jenkins Subversion Plug-in

+   shortName: subversion

+   version: 2.13.1

+ - longName: Config File Provider Plugin

+   shortName: config-file-provider

+   version: '3.5'

+ - longName: Jenkins GIT server Plugin

+   shortName: git-server

+   version: '1.7'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Basic Steps'

+   shortName: workflow-basic-steps

+   version: '2.18'

+ - longName: Blue Ocean Core JS

+   shortName: blueocean-core-js

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Kubernetes Client API Plugin

+   shortName: kubernetes-client-api

+   version: 4.8.0-1

+ - longName: OpenShift Login Plugin

+   shortName: openshift-login

+   version: 1.0.23

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Model API'

+   shortName: pipeline-model-api

+   version: 1.6.0

+ - longName: Authentication Tokens API Plugin

+   shortName: authentication-tokens

+   version: '1.3'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata'

+   shortName: pipeline-stage-tags-metadata

+   version: 1.6.0

+ - longName: Pipeline

+   shortName: workflow-aggregator

+   version: '2.6'

+ - longName: Script Security Plugin

+   shortName: script-security

+   version: '1.71'

+ - longName: Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Build Step'

+   shortName: pipeline-build-step

+   version: '2.12'

+ - longName: GitHub plugin

+   shortName: github

+   version: 1.29.2

+ - longName: Display URL API

+   shortName: display-url-api

+   version: 2.3.1

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Nodes and Processes'

+   shortName: workflow-durable-task-step

+   version: '2.31'

+ - longName: Durable Task Plugin

+   shortName: durable-task

+   version: '1.33'

+ - longName: Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin

+   shortName: cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source

+   version: 2.2.15

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Job'

+   shortName: workflow-job

+   version: '2.33'

+ - longName: Jenkins JIRA plugin

+   shortName: jira

+   version: 3.0.5

+ - longName: Docker Pipeline

+   shortName: docker-workflow

+   version: '1.22'

+ - longName: Docker Commons Plugin

+   shortName: docker-commons

+   version: '1.16'

+ - longName: Jenkins Pipeline Remote Loader Plugin

+   shortName: workflow-remote-loader

+   version: '1.5'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Supporting APIs'

+   shortName: workflow-support

+   version: '3.3'

+ - longName: Events API for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-events

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Stage View Plugin'

+   shortName: pipeline-stage-view

+   version: '2.10'

+ - longName: Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-git-pipeline

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: External Monitor Job Type Plugin

+   shortName: external-monitor-job

+   version: '1.4'

+ - longName: JDK Tool Plugin

+   shortName: jdk-tool

+   version: '1.0'

+ - longName: GitHub API Plugin

+   shortName: github-api

+   version: '1.90'

+ - longName: SCM API Plugin

+   shortName: scm-api

+   version: 2.6.3

+ - longName: Jenkins Git plugin

+   shortName: git

+   version: 4.2.2

+ - longName: Plain Credentials Plugin

+   shortName: plain-credentials

+   version: '1.6'

+ - longName: Google OAuth Credentials plugin

+   shortName: google-oauth-plugin

+   version: 1.0.0

+ - longName: Matrix Project Plugin

+   shortName: matrix-project

+   version: '1.14'

+ - longName: GitHub Branch Source Plugin

+   shortName: github-branch-source

+   version: 2.3.6

+ - longName: Autofavorite for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-autofavorite

+   version: 1.2.2

+ - longName: GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-github-pipeline

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Jenkins Pub-Sub "light" Bus

+   shortName: pubsub-light

+   version: '1.12'

+ - longName: Credentials Plugin

+   shortName: credentials

+   version: 2.3.5

+ - longName: bouncycastle API Plugin

+   shortName: bouncycastle-api

+   version: '2.17'

+ - longName: Javadoc Plugin

+   shortName: javadoc

+   version: '1.1'

+ - longName: Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Display URL for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-display-url

+   version: 2.2.0

+ - longName: REST Implementation for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-rest-impl

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: 'JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin'

+   shortName: handlebars

+   version: '1.1'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Input Step'

+   shortName: pipeline-input-step

+   version: '2.11'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API'

+   shortName: pipeline-model-extensions

+   version: 1.6.0

+ - longName: Config API for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-config

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries'

+   shortName: pipeline-github-lib

+   version: '1.0'

+ - longName: Folders Plugin

+   shortName: cloudbees-folder

+   version: 6.10.1

+ - longName: Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin

+   shortName: sse-gateway

+   version: '1.16'

+ - longName: Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin

+   shortName: matrix-auth

+   version: '2.2'

+ - longName: Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor

+   shortName: blueocean-pipeline-editor

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Multibranch'

+   shortName: workflow-multibranch

+   version: '2.20'

+ - longName: Command Agent Launcher Plugin

+   shortName: command-launcher

+   version: '1.2'

+ - longName: conditional-buildstep

+   shortName: conditional-buildstep

+   version: 1.3.1

+ - longName: Favorite

+   shortName: favorite

+   version: 2.3.1

+ - longName: Variant Plugin

+   shortName: variant

+   version: '1.3'

+ - longName: Jackson 2 API Plugin

+   shortName: jackson2-api

+   version: 2.10.2

+ - longName: Jenkins Git client plugin

+   shortName: git-client

+   version: 3.2.1

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: SCM Step'

+   shortName: workflow-scm-step

+   version: '2.9'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: API'

+   shortName: workflow-api

+   version: '2.40'

+ - longName: GitHub Organization Folder Plugin

+   shortName: github-organization-folder

+   version: '1.6'

+ - longName: Token Macro Plugin

+   shortName: token-macro

+   version: '2.12'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Step API'

+   shortName: workflow-step-api

+   version: '2.22'

+ - longName: Job DSL

+   shortName: job-dsl

+   version: '1.72'

+ - longName: Jenkins JSch dependency plugin

+   shortName: jsch

+   version:

+ - longName: HTML Publisher plugin

+   shortName: htmlpublisher

+   version: '1.21'

+ - longName: Jenkins Mailer Plugin

+   shortName: mailer

+   version: '1.30'

+ - longName: Run Condition Plugin

+   shortName: run-condition

+   version: '0.10'

+ - longName: SSH Credentials Plugin

+   shortName: ssh-credentials

+   version: 1.18.1

+ - longName: 'JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin'

+   shortName: jquery-detached

+   version: 1.2.1

+ - longName: Lockable Resources plugin

+   shortName: lockable-resources

+   version: '2.5'

+ - longName: Ant Plugin

+   shortName: ant

+   version: '1.10'

+ - longName: Metrics Plugin

+   shortName: metrics

+   version:

+ - longName: Branch API Plugin

+   shortName: branch-api

+   version: 2.0.20

+ - longName: Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-pipeline-scm-api

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: PAM Authentication plugin

+   shortName: pam-auth

+   version: '1.6'

+ - longName: Prometheus metrics plugin

+   shortName: prometheus

+   version: 2.0.0

+ - longName: Kubernetes Credentials Plugin

+   shortName: kubernetes-credentials

+   version: 0.6.2

+ - longName: JAXB plugin

+   shortName: jaxb

+   version: 2.3.0

+ - longName: JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-jira

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Structs Plugin

+   shortName: structs

+   version: '1.20'

+ - longName: i18n for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-i18n

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Dashboard for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-dashboard

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: JWT for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-jwt

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Jenkins Design Language

+   shortName: jenkins-design-language

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries'

+   shortName: workflow-cps-global-lib

+   version: '2.15'

+ - longName: Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-pipeline-api-impl

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Jenkins Mercurial plugin

+   shortName: mercurial

+   version: '2.3'

+ - longName: OpenShift Sync

+   shortName: openshift-sync

+   version: 1.0.45

+ - longName: Jenkins Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin

+   shortName: apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api

+   version: 4.5.10-2.0

+ - longName: Personalization for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-personalization

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: Credentials Binding Plugin

+   shortName: credentials-binding

+   version: '1.19'

+ - longName: Common API for Blue Ocean

+   shortName: blueocean-commons

+   version: 1.10.2

+ - longName: OpenShift Client Jenkins Plugin

+   shortName: openshift-client

+   version: 1.0.32

+ - longName: OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin

+   shortName: antisamy-markup-formatter

+   version: '1.1'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Stage Step'

+   shortName: pipeline-stage-step

+   version: '2.3'

+ - longName: JUnit Plugin

+   shortName: junit

+   version: 1.26.1

+ - longName: Kubernetes plugin

+   shortName: kubernetes

+   version: 1.25.2

+ - longName: 'JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin'

+   shortName: momentjs

+   version: '1.1'

+ - longName: 'Pipeline: Declarative Agent API'

+   shortName: pipeline-model-declarative-agent

+   version: 1.1.1

file modified
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ 

      py27: {env:TOXPYTHON:python2.7}

      py36: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.6}

      py37: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.7}

+     py38: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.8}

+     py39: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.9}

      flake8: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.7}

      flake8python2: {env:TOXPYTHON:python2.7}


Signed-off-by: lrossett lrossett@redhat.com


The current job is manually defined in the Jenkins UI which can make it a bit tricky to keep it up to date.


  • Adds jobs definitions using the jenkins-job-builder CLI tool;
  • Job definition stays in a local Jenkinsfile which gives the dev team more control on what needs to be done in those tests


The reasons for it to be flagged as WIP are:

  • acceptance of the idea/proprosal;
  • fedora images needed some changes to make it work, and those still need to be merged (only rawhide got merged): https://github.com/centosci/images/pull/9 and https://github.com/centosci/images/pull/8;
  • epel7 for python 2.7 testing is failing to run tox (I am working on it);
  • either a jenkins config change or move to a new Jenkins instance (there is one new jenkins instance already provisioned which was used during development that could be used for prod);

rebased onto 6a2b1de

4 years ago

is it still considered to be WIP? There is a mention about in in the description.

yeah it is, sorry, let me update the title.

I sent it as it is to get some input if this makes sense before moving forward with it.