#414 module scratch builds
Merged 5 years ago by onosek. Opened 5 years ago by merlinm.
Unknown source module_scratch_build  into  master

file modified
+37 -6
@@ -2423,7 +2423,7 @@

          self.check_repo(is_dirty=False, all_pushed=False)

          return self.construct_build_url()


-     def koji_upload(self, file, path, callback=None):

+     def koji_upload(self, file, path, callback=None, name=None):

          """Upload a file to koji


          file is the file you wish to upload
@@ -2432,6 +2432,9 @@


          callback is the progress callback to use, if any


+         name is an alternate upload file name to use on the server if specified,

+             otherwise basename of local file will be used


          Returns nothing or raises


@@ -2442,7 +2445,7 @@

              raise rpkgError('No active %s session.' %


          # This should have a try and catch koji errors

-         self.kojisession.uploadWrapper(file, path, callback=callback)

+         self.kojisession.uploadWrapper(file, path, name=name, callback=callback)


      def install(self, arch=None, short=False, builddir=None,

                  nocheck=False, buildrootdir=None, define=None):
@@ -3208,6 +3211,7 @@

          print('Name:           {0}'.format(data['name']))

          print('Stream:         {0}'.format(data['stream']))

          print('Version:        {0}'.format(data['version']))

+         print('Scratch:        {0}'.format(data.get('scratch', False)))

          print('Koji Tag:       {0}'.format(data['koji_tag']))

          print('Owner:          {0}'.format(data['owner']))

          print('State:          {0}'.format(data['state_name']))
@@ -3357,7 +3361,8 @@

      def module_local_build(self, file_path, stream, local_builds_nsvs=None, verbose=False,

                             debug=False, skip_tests=False, mbs_config=None,

                             mbs_config_section=None, default_streams=None,

-                            offline=False, base_module_repositories=None):

+                            offline=False, base_module_repositories=None,

+                            srpms=None):


          A wrapper for `mbs-manager build_module_locally`.

@@ -3384,6 +3389,9 @@

          :param list base_module_repositories: a list of full paths to local

              .repo files defining the repositories for base module when

              building with offline set to True.

+         :param srpms: a list, contains strings with paths to SRPMs to override

+             components from distgit when building module.

+         :type srpms: list[str]

          :return: None


          command = ['mbs-manager']
@@ -3416,6 +3424,10 @@

              for name_stream in default_streams:

                  command.extend(['-s', name_stream])


+         if srpms:

+             for srpm in srpms:

+                 command.extend(['--srpm', srpm])


          env = {}

          if mbs_config:

              env['MBS_CONFIG_FILE'] = mbs_config
@@ -3611,7 +3623,8 @@

      def module_submit_build(self, scm_url, branch, auth_method,

                              buildrequires=None, requires=None, optional=None,

                              oidc_id_provider=None, oidc_client_id=None,

-                             oidc_client_secret=None, oidc_scopes=None):

+                             oidc_client_secret=None, oidc_scopes=None,

+                             scratch=False, modulemd=None, srpms=[]):


          Submit a module build to the MBS

@@ -3634,11 +3647,18 @@

              MBS is using OIDC for authentication. Based on the OIDC setup, this

              could be None. :kwarg oidc_scopes: a list of OIDC scopes when MBS

              is using OIDC for authentication.

+         :param bool scratch: optionally perform a scratch module build,

+             default is `False`.

+         :param str modulemd: a string, path of the module's modulemd yaml file

+             to use for a scratch build.

+         :param srpms: a list of koji upload links for SRPMs to use for a scratch

+             build.

+         :type srpms: list[str]

          :return: a list of module build IDs that are being built from this


          :rtype: list[int]


-         body = {'scmurl': scm_url, 'branch': branch}

+         body = {'scmurl': scm_url, 'branch': branch, 'scratch': scratch}

          optional = optional if optional else []

          optional_dict = {}

          for option in optional:
@@ -3657,6 +3677,15 @@





+         if modulemd:

+             with open(modulemd, 'rb') as mmd_file:

+                 mmd_content = mmd_file.read().decode('utf-8')

+             body['modulemd'] = mmd_content

+             body['module_name'] = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(modulemd))[0])

+         if srpms:

+             body['srpms'] = srpms


          url = self.module_get_url(build_id=None, action='POST')

          resp = self.module_send_authorized_request(

              'POST', url, body, auth_method, oidc_id_provider, oidc_client_id,
@@ -3751,7 +3780,9 @@


              yield module_builds


-             all_builds_finish = all(item['state_name'] in ('ready', 'failed')

+             all_builds_finish = all((item['state_name'] in ('ready', 'failed')

+                                      or (item['state_name'] == 'done'

+                                          and item.get('scratch', False)))

                                      for item in module_builds)

              if all_builds_finish:


file modified
+152 -52
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@

  import os

  import random

  import re

+ import rpm

  import string

  import sys

  import time
@@ -434,6 +435,7 @@

          # Add a common parsers



+         self.register_module_build_common()



          # Other targets
@@ -461,6 +463,7 @@




+         self.register_module_scratch_build()



@@ -1101,34 +1104,58 @@

          mock_config_parser.add_argument('--arch', help='Override local arch')



-     def register_module_build(self):

-         sub_help = 'Build a module using MBS'

-         self.module_build_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(

-             'module-build', help=sub_help, description=sub_help)

-         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+     def register_module_build_common(self):

+         """Create a common module build parser to use in other commands"""


+         parser = ArgumentParser(

+             'module_build_common', add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False)

+         self.module_build_parser_common = parser

+         parser.add_argument(

              'scm_url', nargs='?',

              help='The module\'s SCM URL. This defaults to the current repo.')

-         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+         parser.add_argument(

              'branch', nargs='?',

              help=('The module\'s SCM branch. This defaults to the current '

                    'checked-out branch.'))

-         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+         parser.add_argument(

              '--watch', '-w', help='Watch the module build',


-         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+         parser.add_argument(

              '--buildrequires', action='append', metavar='name:stream',

              dest='buildrequires', type=utils.validate_module_dep_override,

              help='Buildrequires to override in the form of "name:stream"')

-         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+         parser.add_argument(

              '--requires', action='append', metavar='name:stream',

              dest='requires', type=utils.validate_module_dep_override,

              help='Requires to override in the form of "name:stream"')

-         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+         parser.add_argument(

              '--optional', action='append', metavar='key=value',

              dest='optional', type=utils.validate_module_build_optional,

              help='MBS optional arguments in the form of "key=value"')

+         parser.add_argument(

+             '--file', nargs='?', dest='file_path',

+             help='The modulemd yaml file for module scratch build.')

+         parser.add_argument(

+             '--srpm', action='append', dest='srpms',

+             help='Include one or more srpms for module scratch build.')


+     def register_module_build(self):

+         sub_help = 'Build a module using MBS'

+         self.module_build_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(

+             'module-build', parents=[self.module_build_parser_common],

+             help=sub_help, description=sub_help)

+         self.module_build_parser.add_argument(

+             '--scratch', action='store_true', default=False,

+             help='Perform a scratch build')



+     def register_module_scratch_build(self):

+         sub_help = 'Build a scratch module using MBS'

+         self.module_build_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(

+             'module-scratch-build', parents=[self.module_build_parser_common],

+             help=sub_help, description=sub_help)

+         self.module_build_parser.set_defaults(command=self.module_scratch_build)


      def register_module_build_cancel(self):

          sub_help = 'Cancel an MBS module build'

          self.module_build_cancel_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser(
@@ -1156,6 +1183,9 @@

              help=('The module\'s modulemd yaml file. If not specified, a yaml file'

                    ' with the same basename as the name of the repository will be used.'))


+             '--srpm', action='append', dest='srpms',

+             help='Include one or more srpms for module build.')

+         self.module_build_local_parser.add_argument(

              '--stream', nargs='?', dest='stream',

              help=('The module\'s stream/SCM branch. This defaults to the current '

                    'checked-out branch.'))
@@ -1550,7 +1580,14 @@

      def usage(self):



-     def _upload_srpm_for_build(self):

+     def _upload_file_for_build(self, file, name=None):

+         """Upload a file (srpm or module) for building.

+         :param str file: specify which file to upload.

+         :param str name: specify alternate basename for file on upload server

+         :return: a unique path of directory inside server into which the file

+             has been uploaded.

+         :rtype: str

+         """

          # Figure out if we want a verbose output or not

          callback = None

          if not self.args.q:
@@ -1560,16 +1597,36 @@


              ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(8)])


+         if not name:

+             name = os.path.basename(file)

          # Should have a try here, not sure what errors we'll get yet though

          if self.args.dry_run:

-             self.log.info('DRY-RUN: self.cmd.koji_upload(%s, %s, callback=%s)',

-                           self.args.srpm, uniquepath, callback)

+             self.log.info('DRY-RUN: self.cmd.koji_upload(%s, %s, name=%s, callback=%s)',

+                           file, uniquepath, name, callback)


-             self.cmd.koji_upload(self.args.srpm, uniquepath, callback=callback)

+             self.cmd.koji_upload(file, uniquepath, name=name, callback=callback)

          if not self.args.q:

              # print an extra blank line due to callback oddity


-         return '%s/%s' % (uniquepath, os.path.basename(self.args.srpm))

+         return '%s/%s' % (uniquepath, name)


+     def _get_rpm_package_name(self, rpm_file):

+         """Returns rpm package name by examining rpm file

+         :param str rpm_file: specify path to RPM file.

+         :return: the name of the package in the specified file according to

+             the contained RPM header information, or None if file does not

+             contain RPM data.

+         :rtype: str

+         """

+         ts = rpm.TransactionSet()

+         ts.setVSFlags(rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES)

+         fdno = os.open(rpm_file, os.O_RDONLY)

+         try:

+             hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fdno)

+         except rpm.error:

+             return None

+         os.close(fdno)

+         return hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME].decode('utf-8')


      def _handle_srpm_option(self):

          """Generate SRPM according to --srpm option value and upload it
@@ -1585,7 +1642,7 @@

                  self.log.debug('Generating an srpm')


                  self.args.srpm = '%s.src.rpm' % self.cmd.nvr

-             return self._upload_srpm_for_build()

+             return self._upload_file_for_build(self.args.srpm)


      def _watch_build_tasks(self, task_ids):

          """Watch build tasks
@@ -2045,43 +2102,74 @@

          """Builds a module using MBS"""



-         scm_url, branch = self.cmd.module_get_scm_info(

-             self.args.scm_url, self.args.branch)


+         modmd_path = None

+         srpm_links = []

+         if self.args.file_path or self.args.srpms:

+             if not self.args.scratch:

+                 raise rpkgError('--file and --srpms may only be used with '

+                                 'scratch module builds.')

+             if self.args.file_path:

+                 modmd_path = os.path.abspath(self.args.file_path)

+                 if not os.path.isfile(modmd_path):

+                     raise IOError("Module metadata yaml file %s not found!" % modmd_path)

+             if self.args.srpms:

+                 for srpm in self.args.srpms:

+                     srpm_path = os.path.abspath(srpm)

+                     if not os.path.isfile(srpm_path):

+                         raise IOError("SRPM file %s not found!" % srpm_path)

+                     srpm_name = "%s.src.rpm" % self._get_rpm_package_name(srpm_path)

+                     srpm_links.append(

+                         self._upload_file_for_build(os.path.abspath(srpm_path),

+                                                     name=srpm_name))


+         scm_url = None

+         branch = None

+         try:

+             scm_url, branch = self.cmd.module_get_scm_info(

+                 self.args.scm_url, self.args.branch)

+         except rpkgError as e:

+             # if a scratch build modulemd was specified on the command line,

+             # it's OK if the SCM info can't be determined

+             if not modmd_path:

+                 raise(e)


          buildrequires = self.args.buildrequires or []

          branch_search = None

-         try:

-             # The regexes to parse the base module stream override from the dist-git branch name.

-             # For example, if you had a branch called `10-fedora-29.0.1` and you wanted to

-             # parse `f29.0.1` from that as the stream to use for the base module, you could

-             # have a regex of `(f)(?:edora)(?:\-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$`. Then after combining

-             # the capture groups, you'd get the desired result of `f29.0.1`.

-             branch_bm_regexes = self.config.get(

-                 self.config_section, 'base_module_stream_regex_from_branch').strip().split('\n')

-             # The base module (e.g. platform) to apply the buildrequire override to if the parsing

-             # of the branch name is successfull

-             bm = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'base_module')

-         except configparser.NoOptionError:

-             pass

-         else:

-             # Check if any of the regexes match, and break after the first match

-             for regex in branch_bm_regexes:

-                 branch_search = re.search(regex, branch)

-                 if branch_search:

-                     break


-         if branch_search:

-             # Concatenate all the groups that are not None together to get the desired stream.

-             # This approach is taken in case there are sections to ignore.

-             # For instance, if we need to parse `f27.0.0` from `fedora-27.0.0`.

-             bm_stream = ''.join(group for group in branch_search.groups() if group)

-             # Don't override the base module buildrequire if the user

-             # manually already overrode it with the `--buildrequire` argument

-             if not any(br[0] == bm for br in buildrequires):

-                 buildrequires.append((bm, bm_stream))

-                 if not self.args.q:

-                     print('Added the buildrequire override "{0}" based on the module branch name'

-                           .format('{0}:{1}'.format(bm, bm_stream)))

+         if branch:

+             try:

+                 # The regexes to parse the base module stream override from the dist-git branch

+                 # name. For example, if you had a branch called `10-fedora-29.0.1` and you wanted to

+                 # parse `f29.0.1` from that as the stream to use for the base module, you could

+                 # have a regex of `(f)(?:edora)(?:\-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$`. Then after combining

+                 # the capture groups, you'd get the desired result of `f29.0.1`.

+                 branch_bm_regexes = self.config.get(

+                     self.config_section, 'base_module_stream_regex_from_branch').strip().split('\n')

+                 # The base module (e.g. platform) to apply the buildrequire override to if the

+                 # parsing of the branch name is successfull

+                 bm = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'base_module')

+             except configparser.NoOptionError:

+                 pass

+             else:

+                 # Check if any of the regexes match, and break after the first match

+                 for regex in branch_bm_regexes:

+                     branch_search = re.search(regex, branch)

+                     if branch_search:

+                         break


+             if branch_search:

+                 # Concatenate all the groups that are not None together to get the desired stream.

+                 # This approach is taken in case there are sections to ignore.

+                 # For instance, if we need to parse `f27.0.0` from `fedora-27.0.0`.

+                 bm_stream = ''.join(group for group in branch_search.groups() if group)

+                 # Don't override the base module buildrequire if the user

+                 # manually already overrode it with the `--buildrequire` argument

+                 if not any(br[0] == bm for br in buildrequires):

+                     buildrequires.append((bm, bm_stream))

+                     if not self.args.q:

+                         print('Added the buildrequire override "{0}" based on '

+                               'the module branch name'

+                               .format('{0}:{1}'.format(bm, bm_stream)))


          auth_method, oidc_id_provider, oidc_client_id, oidc_client_secret, \

              oidc_scopes = self.module_get_auth_config()
@@ -2091,7 +2179,8 @@

          build_ids = self._cmd.module_submit_build(

              scm_url, branch, auth_method, buildrequires, self.args.requires,

              self.args.optional, oidc_id_provider, oidc_client_id,

-             oidc_client_secret, oidc_scopes)

+             oidc_client_secret, oidc_scopes,

+             self.args.scratch, modmd_path, srpm_links)

          if self.args.watch:


@@ -2144,6 +2233,11 @@


              file_path = self.args.file_path


+         if self.args.srpms:

+             for srpm in self.args.srpms:

+                 if not os.path.isfile(srpm):

+                     raise IOError("SRPM file %s not found!" % srpm)


          if not os.path.isfile(file_path):

              raise IOError("Module metadata yaml file %s not found!" % file_path)

@@ -2161,7 +2255,8 @@

              mbs_config=mbs_config, mbs_config_section=mbs_config_section,



-             base_module_repositories=self.args.base_module_repositories)

+             base_module_repositories=self.args.base_module_repositories,

+             srpms=self.args.srpms)


      def module_get_auth_config(self):

          """Get the authentication configuration for the MBS
@@ -2253,6 +2348,11 @@


              finished=(not self.args.unfinished))


+     def module_scratch_build(self):

+         # A module scratch build is just a module build with --scratch

+         self.args.scratch = True

+         return self.module_build()


      def module_validate_config(self):

          """Validates the configuration needed for MBS commands


file modified
+317 -34
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

  import hashlib

  import logging

  import os

+ import re

  import shutil

  import subprocess

  import sys
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@

  import koji_cli.lib

  import pyrpkg.cli

  import utils

- from mock import Mock, PropertyMock, call, mock_open, patch

+ from mock import ANY, Mock, PropertyMock, call, mock_open, patch

  from pyrpkg import Commands, Modulemd, rpkgError

  from utils import CommandTestCase, FakeThreadPool

@@ -56,6 +57,12 @@

      # The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2.

      ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser


+ KOJI_UNIQUE_PATH_REGEX = r'^cli-build/\d+\.\d+\.[a-zA-Z]+$'



+ def mock_get_rpm_package_name(self, rpm_file):

+     return(os.path.basename(rpm_file)[:-len('.src.rpm')])



  class CliTestCase(CommandTestCase):

@@ -1936,11 +1943,52 @@

                      os.path.join(cli.cmd.path, patch_file))



+ class FakeKojiCreds(object):


+     @classmethod

+     def setUpClass(cls):

+         super(FakeKojiCreds, cls).setUpClass()


+         fake_koji_config = dict(

+             authtype='kerberos',

+             server='http://localhost/kojihub',

+             weburl='http://localhost/koji',

+             topurl='http://kojipkgs.localhost/',

+             cert='',

+         )

+         cls.read_config_p = patch('koji.read_config',

+                                   return_value=fake_koji_config)

+         cls.mock_read_config = cls.read_config_p.start()

+         cls.load_krb_user_p = patch('pyrpkg.Commands._load_krb_user')

+         cls.mock_load_krb_user = cls.load_krb_user_p.start()


+         cls.has_krb_creds_p = patch('pyrpkg.Commands._has_krb_creds',

+                                     return_value=True)

+         cls.mock_has_krb_creds = cls.has_krb_creds_p.start()


+     @classmethod

+     def tearDownClass(cls):

+         cls.has_krb_creds_p.stop()

+         cls.load_krb_user_p.stop()

+         cls.read_config_p.stop()

+         super(FakeKojiCreds, cls).tearDownClass()


+     def setUp(self):

+         super(FakeKojiCreds, self).setUp()


+         self.ClientSession_p = patch('koji.ClientSession')

+         self.mock_ClientSession = self.ClientSession_p.start()


+     def tearDown(self):

+         self.ClientSession_p.stop()

+         super(FakeKojiCreds, self).tearDown()





      'Skip if rpkg is rebuilt for an environment where Kerberos authentication'

      'is used and python-openidc-client is not available.')

- class TestModulesCli(CliTestCase):

+ class TestModulesCli(FakeKojiCreds, CliTestCase):

      """Test module commands"""


      create_repo_per_test = False
@@ -1995,6 +2043,17 @@

          'version': '20171010145511'



+     @classmethod

+     def setUpClass(cls):

+         super(TestModulesCli, cls).setUpClass()


+     @classmethod

+     def tearDownClass(cls):

+         super(TestModulesCli, cls).tearDownClass()


+     def setUp(self):

+         super(TestModulesCli, self).setUp()


      def tearDown(self):

          super(TestModulesCli, self).tearDown()

@@ -2039,7 +2098,9 @@

          exp_json = {

              'scmurl': ('git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?'


-             'branch': 'master'}

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scratch': False,

+             }



@@ -2091,7 +2152,9 @@

          exp_json = {

              'scmurl': ('git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?'


-             'branch': 'master'}

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scratch': False,

+             }



@@ -2170,6 +2233,7 @@

              'scmurl': ('git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?'


              'branch': '10-LP-f27.0.1',

+             'scratch': False,

              'buildrequire_overrides': {'platform': ['f27.0.1']}


          exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'
@@ -2211,6 +2275,7 @@

              'scmurl': ('git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/modules/testmodule?'


              'branch': '10-fedora-27.0.1',

+             'scratch': False,

              'buildrequire_overrides': {'platform': ['f29']}


          exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'
@@ -2281,8 +2346,210 @@




-         # Can't verify the calls since the SCM commit hash always changes

-         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once()

+         exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'

+                    'module-builds/')

+         exp_json = {

+             'scmurl': ANY,

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scratch': False,

+             }

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             exp_url,

+             http_method='POST',

+             json=exp_json,

+             scopes=self.scopes,

+             timeout=120)


+     @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

+     @patch('requests.get')

+     @patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request')

+     def test_module_build_scratch(self, mock_oidc_req, mock_get):

+         """

+         Test a scratch module build with default parameters

+         """

+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path',

+             self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-scratch-build',

+         ]

+         mock_get.return_value.ok = True

+         mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'auth_method': 'oidc',

+             'api_version': 2

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value.json.return_value = [{'id': 1094}]


+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             cli.module_scratch_build()


+         output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()

+         expected_output = (

+             'Submitting the module build...',

+             'The build 1094 was submitted to the MBS',

+             'Build URLs:',

+             cli.cmd.module_get_url(1094, verbose=False),

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(output, '\n'.join(expected_output))

+         mock_get.assert_called_once_with(

+             'https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/1/about/',

+             timeout=60

+         )

+         exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'

+                    'module-builds/')

+         exp_json = {

+             'scmurl': ANY,

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scratch': True,

+             }

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             exp_url,

+             http_method='POST',

+             json=exp_json,

+             scopes=self.scopes,

+             timeout=120)


+     @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

+     @patch('requests.get')

+     @patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request')

+     def test_module_build_with_scratch_option(self, mock_oidc_req, mock_get):

+         """

+         Test a scratch module build with default parameters using scratch option

+         """

+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path',

+             self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-build',

+             '--scratch'

+         ]

+         mock_get.return_value.ok = True

+         mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'auth_method': 'oidc',

+             'api_version': 2

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value.json.return_value = [{'id': 1094}]


+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             cli.module_build()


+         output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()

+         expected_output = (

+             'Submitting the module build...',

+             'The build 1094 was submitted to the MBS',

+             'Build URLs:',

+             cli.cmd.module_get_url(1094, verbose=False),

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(output, '\n'.join(expected_output))

+         mock_get.assert_called_once_with(

+             'https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/1/about/',

+             timeout=60

+         )

+         exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'

+                    'module-builds/')

+         exp_json = {

+             'scmurl': ANY,

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scratch': True,

+             }

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             exp_url,

+             http_method='POST',

+             json=exp_json,

+             scopes=self.scopes,

+             timeout=120)


+     @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

+     @patch('pyrpkg.cli.cliClient._get_rpm_package_name', new=mock_get_rpm_package_name)

+     @patch('requests.get')

+     @patch('openidc_client.OpenIDCClient.send_request')

+     def test_module_build_scratch_with_modulemd_and_srpms(self, mock_oidc_req, mock_get):

+         """

+         Test a scratch module build with provided modulemd and srpms

+         """


+         file_path = os.path.join(self.cloned_repo_path, "modulemd.yaml")

+         pkg1_path = os.path.join(self.cloned_repo_path, "package1.src.rpm")

+         pkg2_path = os.path.join(self.cloned_repo_path, "package2.src.rpm")


+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path',

+             self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-scratch-build',

+             '--srpm',

+             pkg1_path,

+             '--file',

+             file_path,

+             '--srpm',

+             pkg2_path,

+         ]


+         mock_get.return_value.ok = True

+         mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {

+             'auth_method': 'oidc',

+             'api_version': 2

+         }

+         mock_oidc_req.return_value.json.return_value = [{'id': 1094}]


+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             # we create empty files for the purpose of this test so we don't

+             # raise an exception

+             open(file_path, 'a').close()

+             open(pkg1_path, 'a').close()

+             open(pkg2_path, 'a').close()

+             cli.module_scratch_build()


+         output = sys.stdout.getvalue().strip()

+         expected_output = (

+             'Submitting the module build...',

+             'The build 1094 was submitted to the MBS',

+             'Build URLs:',

+             cli.cmd.module_get_url(1094, verbose=False),

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(output, '\n'.join(expected_output))

+         mock_get.assert_called_once_with(

+             'https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/1/about/',

+             timeout=60

+         )

+         exp_url = ('https://mbs.fedoraproject.org/module-build-service/2/'

+                    'module-builds/')

+         exp_json = {

+             'scmurl': ANY,

+             'branch': 'master',

+             'scratch': True,

+             'modulemd': '',

+             'module_name': 'modulemd',

+             'srpms': ANY,

+             }

+         mock_oidc_req.assert_called_once_with(

+             exp_url,

+             http_method='POST',

+             json=exp_json,

+             scopes=self.scopes,

+             timeout=120)


+         args, kwargs = mock_oidc_req.call_args


+         # verify that OIDC request srpms argument contains a list of links

+         # exactly corresponding to the provided SRPM paths

+         srpm_paths = [pkg1_path, pkg2_path]

+         req_srpms = kwargs['json']['srpms']

+         self.assertEqual(len(req_srpms), len(srpm_paths))

+         for srpm_path in srpm_paths:

+             filename = os.path.basename(srpm_path)

+             srpm_link_regex = '{0}/{1}$'.format(KOJI_UNIQUE_PATH_REGEX.rstrip('$'), filename)

+             p = re.compile(srpm_link_regex)

+             srpm_link_found = False

+             for srpm_link in req_srpms:

+                 if p.match(srpm_link):

+                     srpm_link_found = True

+                     break

+             self.assertTrue(srpm_link_found,

+                             "Did not find srpm {0} amongst {1}".format(filename, req_srpms))


      @patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO())

@@ -2425,6 +2692,7 @@

  Name:           python3-ecosystem

  Stream:         master

  Version:        20171010145511

+ Scratch:        False

  Koji Tag:       module-14050f52e62d955b

  Owner:          torsava

  State:          failed
@@ -2698,6 +2966,45 @@

                                            file_path, '--stream', 'test'], env={})


      @patch.object(Commands, '_run_command')

+     def test_module_build_local_with_modulemd_and_srpms(self, mock_run):

+         """

+         Test submitting a local module build with provided modulemd and srpms

+         """


+         file_path = os.path.join(self.cloned_repo_path, 'modulemd.yaml')

+         pkg1_path = os.path.join(self.cloned_repo_path, "package1.src.rpm")

+         pkg2_path = os.path.join(self.cloned_repo_path, "package2.src.rpm")


+         cli_cmd = [

+             'rpkg',

+             '--path',

+             self.cloned_repo_path,

+             'module-build-local',

+             '--file',

+             file_path,

+             '--srpm',

+             pkg1_path,

+             '--srpm',

+             pkg2_path,

+             '--stream',

+             'test'

+         ]

+         mock_proc = Mock()

+         mock_proc.returncode = 0

+         mock_run.return_value = mock_proc

+         with patch('sys.argv', new=cli_cmd):

+             cli = self.new_cli()

+             # we create empty files for the purpose of this test so we don't raise an exception

+             open(file_path, 'a').close()

+             open(pkg1_path, 'a').close()

+             open(pkg2_path, 'a').close()

+             cli.module_build_local()


+         mock_run.assert_called_once_with(['mbs-manager', 'build_module_locally',

+                                           '--file', file_path, '--stream', 'test',

+                                           '--srpm', pkg1_path, '--srpm', pkg2_path], env={})


+     @patch.object(Commands, '_run_command')

      def test_module_build_local_with_skiptests(self, mock_run):


          Test submitting a local module build with skiptests
@@ -2931,47 +3238,23 @@

              self.assertEqual('modules', cli.cmd.ns)



- class TestBuildPackage(CliTestCase):

+ class TestBuildPackage(FakeKojiCreds, CliTestCase):

      """Test build package, common build, scratch build and chain build"""


      create_repo_per_test = False

-     UNIQUE_PATH_REGEX = r'^cli-build/\d+\.\d+\.[a-zA-Z]+$'



      def setUpClass(cls):

          super(TestBuildPackage, cls).setUpClass()

          cls.checkout_branch(git.Repo(cls.cloned_repo_path), 'rhel-7')


-         fake_koji_config = dict(

-             authtype='kerberos',

-             server='http://localhost/kojihub',

-             weburl='http://localhost/koji',

-             topurl='http://kojipkgs.localhost/',

-             cert='',

-         )

-         cls.read_config_p = patch('koji.read_config',

-                                   return_value=fake_koji_config)

-         cls.mock_read_config = cls.read_config_p.start()

-         cls.load_krb_user_p = patch('pyrpkg.Commands._load_krb_user')

-         cls.mock_load_krb_user = cls.load_krb_user_p.start()


-         cls.has_krb_creds_p = patch('pyrpkg.Commands._has_krb_creds',

-                                     return_value=True)

-         cls.mock_has_krb_creds = cls.has_krb_creds_p.start()



      def tearDownClass(cls):

-         cls.has_krb_creds_p.stop()

-         cls.load_krb_user_p.stop()

-         cls.read_config_p.stop()

          super(TestBuildPackage, cls).tearDownClass()


      def setUp(self):

          super(TestBuildPackage, self).setUp()


-         self.ClientSession_p = patch('koji.ClientSession')

-         self.mock_ClientSession = self.ClientSession_p.start()


          session = self.mock_ClientSession.return_value

          session.getBuildTarget.return_value = {

              'id': 1,
@@ -3006,7 +3289,6 @@



      def tearDown(self):

-         self.ClientSession_p.stop()

          super(TestBuildPackage, self).tearDown()


          # Some tests might make changes in the repository for their test
@@ -3067,7 +3349,7 @@


                      filename = os.path.basename(cli_cmd[i + 1])

                  match_regex = '{0}/{1}$'.format(

-                     self.UNIQUE_PATH_REGEX.rstrip('$'), filename)

+                     KOJI_UNIQUE_PATH_REGEX.rstrip('$'), filename)

                  six.assertRegex(self, url, match_regex)


                  expected_url = '{0}#{1}'.format(
@@ -3124,7 +3406,8 @@


              self.assertEqual(expected_srpm_file, srpm_file)

          six.assertRegex(self, unique_path, r'^cli-build/\d+\.\d+\.[a-zA-Z]+$')

-         self.assertEqual({'callback': koji_cli.lib._progress_callback}, kwargs)

+         self.assertEqual({'name': os.path.basename(srpm_file),

+                           'callback': koji_cli.lib._progress_callback}, kwargs)


      def test_srpm_option_with_srpm_file(self):


This PR depends upon other work that is currently in progress--please do not merge it yet.

This is the rpkg portion of the implementation of the Proposal for Module Scratch Builds as described at https://pagure.io/modularity/working-documents/blob/master/f/module-scratch-builds/module-scratch-build-proposal.md.

The corresponding fedpkg work can be found at https://pagure.io/fedpkg/pull-request/309.
The corresponding fm-orchestrator work can be found at https://pagure.io/fm-orchestrator/pull-request/1136.

@cqi, @lsedlar, @onosek, could you please review this? It is needed to enable scratch-builds for modules and this is starting to be a real problem.

We have also MBS PR open and this pyrpkg change is needed in order to actually use the MBS part of this change...

New keyword argument should be added at the end for better backwards compatibility.

Do you think both spellings are needed?

Is there a situation where both srpms and scm_url/branch would be used? If yes, would be better to use --srpm foo.rpm --srpm bar.rpm instead of --srpm foo.rpm bar.rpm to avoid requiring particular order of the options?

I added a couple inline comments, but overall the code change looks fine to me. Let me summarize my understanding of module scratch builds will work based on the commands:

There are two things I can override in the scratch build: I can replace the modulemd file with --file, or I can use particular version of a modular package by specifying --srpm (even multiple times).

Is that accurate?

Just running *pkg module-scratch-build is not actually going to do use any locally modified file (so it will be equivalent to rpm scratch build from scm). Adding one of the options will turn it into an equivalent of rpm scratch build from srpm.

@lsedlar Thank you for the feedback. I'll respond as soon as I get a bit caught up following my PTO.

That is an excellent point I had overlooked. Yes, both srpms and scm_url/branch could be used at the same time. I'll revise to allow only the singular spelling, potentially appearing multiple times.

I added a couple inline comments, but overall the code change looks fine to me. Let me summarize my understanding of module scratch builds will work based on the commands:
There are two things I can override in the scratch build: I can replace the modulemd file with --file, or I can use particular version of a modular package by specifying --srpm (even multiple times).
Is that accurate?

Yes. But it's also possible to provide both a custom modulemd file AND one or more custom srpms for module scratch builds.

Just running *pkg module-scratch-build is not actually going to do use any locally modified file (so it will be equivalent to rpm scratch build from scm). Adding one of the options will turn it into an equivalent of rpm scratch build from srpm.

Right. But a scratch rpm build consists of only one package. With a scratch module build, there is a modulemd and srpm(s). Whatever is not specified on the command line will be pulled from scm--so you can pick and choose just what you want to override.

2 new commits added

  • Revise command line parsing and associated tests to require SRPMs to be
  • Move new koji_upload() 'name' argument to end for better backwards compatibility.
5 years ago

rebased onto e29dba410ff9b7e43e574328cf5dfe35117f2f19

5 years ago

I just rebased this PR to the latest master. The corresponding fm-orchestrator work (https://pagure.io/fm-orchestrator/pull-request/1136) is expected to be merged on Monday (March 4), so we'll be ready for this to be merged soon.

@merlinm: I've tried this with MBS staging and there are few issues. Note that none of them probably blocks this PR and can be addressed by follow-up PRs if people decide that. Just listing them here:

  • The --file should be able to work even outside of git repository, or at least you should be able to run it with uncommitted changes which is currently not possible.
  • Even if you commit and push the changes, --file``fails withCould not execute module_build: <open file '/home/hanzz/rh-modules/testmodule/testmodule.yaml', mode 'rb' at 0x7f2b03b776f0> is not JSON serializable`.

1 new commit added

  • Fix issues when specifying modulemd for scratch module builds:
5 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Provide modulemd for scratch module builds as a parameter in the submitted JSON.
  • Allow scratch module builds to be submitted from outside a git repo.
5 years ago

Note: the CI failure for the latest commits appears to be unrelated to this PR, but rather, perhaps, the appearance of a new version of PyYAML?

17:39:57 Collecting PyYAML (from rpkg==1.57)
17:39:57   Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9f/2c/9417b5c774792634834e730932745bc09a7d36754ca00acf1ccd1ac2594d/PyYAML-5.1.tar.gz (274kB)
17:39:58 PyYAML requires Python '>=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*' but the running Python is 2.6.9

12 new commits added

  • Provide modulemd for scratch module builds as a parameter in the submitted JSON.
  • Allow scratch module builds to be submitted from outside a git repo.
  • Fix issues when specifying modulemd for scratch module builds:
  • Revise command line parsing and associated tests to require SRPMs to be
  • Move new koji_upload() 'name' argument to end for better backwards compatibility.
  • Add test with custom SRPMs with local module builds.
  • Allow custom SRPMs with local module builds for consistency with
  • Add tests for module scratch builds.
  • Add module scratch build sub-commands and updates for handling
  • Make Koji upload methods more generic so they can be reused.
  • Refactor fake Koji credential handling from TestBuildPackage class into
  • Add call argument verification to test_module_build_input()
5 years ago

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

5 years ago

I revised my latest two commits and force-pushed them, but Pagure says I added 12 new commits. Go figure.

In any case, CI still fails. I just created rpkg PR #423 as a potential workaround for that issue.

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

5 years ago

rebased onto fbb7fa45da97f42120000e70e9f5976327481710

5 years ago

rebased onto 143c4c62a359264a257a2fd54ce96b5461756cc5

5 years ago

I just rebased this PR to the latest master, and I added two additional commits to show scratch status to module-build-info output, and fix module-build-watch so it exits as expected when a scratch module build completes.

@merlinm I can see you are working hard on it. Is WIP label still valid? Or it is finished and you just adding new features?
In case it is finished we can go further and prepare it for a merge until it will grow to huge dimensions. I can see 14 commits. It seems quite a lot. Are they all relevant? Of course, it doesn't have to be one only commit, but a lower number will probably make this code nicer.

@onosek Hi. Yes, the work should be finished--except for some possible fine tuning. The server side of this in fm-orchestrator has been merged for some time. I'll squash the commits down to a smaller and more sensible set and remove the WIP label shortly. Thanks!

rebased onto 3ae0bcc295fcaf19289b86af39d8b7ef307327a0

5 years ago

@merlinm, I reviewed the code and I like it.
But some unit-tests are failing. This is the list:

Python3 environment:
- test_module_build_with_scratch_option

Python2 environment:
- test_module_build_scratch
- test_module_build_scratch_with_modulemd_and_srpms
- test_module_build_with_scratch_option

It seems it is one similar error in all methods above.
Currently, there is also conflict with previously merged PR, but it looks trivial. I will merge it afterwards. Thank you.

rebased onto a54f7a1

5 years ago

@onosek, I rebased and resolved the merge conflicts. I could have sworn the unit tests passed after my previous commit--but they're definitely passing now after adjusting the expected output to accomodate the change introduced by PR #427. Thank you!

Pull-Request has been merged by onosek

5 years ago