#8480 FTBFS weekly reminder fixes
Merged 5 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 5 years ago by churchyard.
churchyard/releng ftbfs_wording  into  master

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 



  import configparser

+ from datetime import datetime

  import bugzilla

  import pathlib

  import sys
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ 


  # get the latest Fedora version and tracking bug

  for key, value in massrebuildsinfo.MASSREBUILDS.items():

-     fedora = key.upper()

+     fedora = key.upper().replace('F', '')

      tracking = value['tracking_bug']


@@ -51,8 +52,12 @@ 

  acknowledge this. Following the latest policy for such packages [2], your package

  can be orphaned if this bug remains in NEW state more than 8 weeks.


+ A week before the mass branching of Fedora {int(FEDORA)+1} according to the schedule [3],

+ any packages which still have open FTBFS bugs from Fedora {FEDORA} will be retired.


  [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Updates_Policy

  [2] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/

+ [3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/{int(FEDORA)+1}/Schedule

  """  # noqa


  cache_dir = pathlib.Path('~/.cache/FTBFS_weekly_reminder/').expanduser()
@@ -79,13 +84,16 @@ 




- def send_reminder(bug, comment=TEMPLATE):

-     flags = [needinfo(bug.assigned_to)]

+ def send_reminder(bug, comment=TEMPLATE, set_needinfo=True):

+     flags = [needinfo(bug.assigned_to)] if set_needinfo else []

      update = bzapi.build_update(comment=comment, flags=flags)


          bzapi.update_bugs([bug.id], update)

-     except Exception:

+     except Exception as e:


+         if "You can't ask" in getattr(e,'faultString', ''):

+             print(e.faultString, file=sys.stderr)

+             return send_reminder(bug, comment=comment, set_needinfo=False)



@@ -93,12 +101,17 @@ 

              print(bug.id, file=f)



+ today = datetime.today()

  if ALREADY_FILED.exists():

-     print(f'Loading bug IDs from {ALREADY_FILED}. Will not fill those. '

-           f'Remove {ALREADY_FILED} to stop this from happening.')

-     ignore = [

-         int(line.rstrip()) for line in ALREADY_FILED.read_text().splitlines()

-     ]

+     age = today - datetime.fromtimestamp(ALREADY_FILED.stat().st_mtime)

+     # we gracefully approximate a "less than a week" age here

+     # the file is intended for immediate repeated runs, not forever

+     if age.days < 6:

+         print(f'Loading bug IDs from {ALREADY_FILED}. Will not fill those. '

+               f'Remove {ALREADY_FILED} to stop this from happening.')

+         ignore = [

+             int(l.rstrip()) for l in ALREADY_FILED.read_text().splitlines()

+         ]


      ignore = []


The retirement will happen on 2019-08-08, that is ~6.5 weeks from now, time to be loud about that.

Also hopefully fix https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7718#comment-580283

2 new commits added

  • FTBFS weekly reminder: Handle disabled Bugzilla accounts
  • FTBFS weekly reminder: Handle both F30 and 30 as Fedora version
5 years ago

rebased onto b58348f

5 years ago

Note that I've added a commit that should hopefully ignore the ALREADY_FILED file after 5 to 6 days to prevent being stuck forever.

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

5 years ago