#7677 Add python script to generate manifest list.
Merged 5 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 5 years ago by cverna.
cverna/releng manage_manifest_list  into  master

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ 

- image: {registry}.fedoraproject.org/{image}:{tag}

- tags: ['{tag}', '{tag-name}']

- manifests:

-  - image: {registry}.fedoraproject.org/{image}:{tag}-armhfp

-    platform:

-      architecture: arm

-      variant: v7

-      os: linux

-  -

-    image: {registry}.fedoraproject.org/{image}:{tag}-aarch64

-    platform:

-      architecture: arm64

-      variant: v8

-      os: linux

-  -

-    image: {registry}.fedoraproject.org/{image}:{tag}-x86_64

-    platform:

-      architecture: amd64

-      os: linux

-  -

-    image: {registry}.fedoraproject.org/{image}:{tag}-ppc64le

-    platform:

-      architecture: ppc64le

-      os: linux

-  -

-    image: {registry}.fedoraproject.org/{image}:{tag}-s390x

-    platform:

-      architecture: s390x

-      os: linux

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3

+ #

+ # generate-manifest-list.py - A script used to create and push the container base image

+ #                             manifest list used for mutli arch support

+ #                             This is used by sync-latest-container-base-image.sh script

+ #

+ # Authors:

+ #    Clement Verna <cverna@fedoraproject.org>

+ # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat Inc,

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+

+ import argparse

+ import json

+ from functools import wraps


+ import requests



+ MEDIA_TYPE_LIST_V2 = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json"


+ MANIFEST_LIST = {"schemaVersion": 2, "mediaType": MEDIA_TYPE_LIST_V2, "manifests": []}


+ ARCHES = ["x86_64", "aarch64", "armhfp", "ppc64le", "s390x"]



+ def certs(function):

+     """ Decorator that create the certificate path based

+     on the registry name """


+     @wraps(function)

+     def get_certs_path(*args, **kwargs):

+         cert_path = f"/etc/docker/certs.d/{kwargs['registry']}/client.cert"

+         cert_key = f"/etc/docker/certs.d/{kwargs['registry']}/client.key"

+         kwargs["cert"] = (cert_path, cert_key)

+         return function(*args, **kwargs)


+     return get_certs_path



+ @certs

+ def create_image_manifest(tag, name, registry, cert):

+     """ Get the manifest for a specific image and returns the data

+     needed to build the manifest list """


+     image = None

+     headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"}

+     res = requests.get(

+         f"https://{registry}/v2/{name}/manifests/{tag}", cert=cert, headers=headers

+     )


+     if res.ok:

+         data = res.json()

+         image = {

+             "mediaType": res.headers["Content-Type"],

+             "size": int(res.headers["Content-Length"]),

+             "digest": res.headers["Docker-Content-Digest"],

+             "platform": {"architecture": "", "os": "linux"},

+         }


+     return image



+ @certs

+ def push_manifest_list(manifest_list, tags, name, registry, cert):

+     """ Push the manifest list to the correct tags """


+     headers = {"Content-Type": MEDIA_TYPE_LIST_V2}


+     for tag in tags:

+         res = requests.put(

+             f"https://{registry}/v2/{name}/manifests/{tag}",

+             data=json.dumps(manifest_list),

+             headers=headers,

+             cert=cert,

+         )


+         if not res.ok:

+             print(f"ERROR: Failed to push the manifest list : {res.text}")



+ if __name__ == "__main__":


+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--release", "-r", help="number of the fedora release", required=True

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--registry",

+         help="name of the container registry",

+         default="registry.fedoraproject.org",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--tag", help="tag to apply to the container image", default="latest"

+     )

+     parser.add_argument("--image", help="name of the container image", default="fedora")

+     args = parser.parse_args()


+     tags = [f"{args.release}-" + arch for arch in ARCHES]


+     for tag in tags:

+         image = create_image_manifest(tag=tag, name=args.image, registry=args.registry)

+         if image is not None:

+             manifest = image.copy()

+             if "x86_64" in tag:

+                 manifest["platform"]["architecture"] = "amd64"

+             else:

+                 manifest["platform"]["architecture"] = tag[3:]

+             MANIFEST_LIST["manifests"].append(manifest)

+         else:

+             print(f"ERROR : Could not find the image manifest for fedora:{tag}")


+     push_manifest_list(

+         manifest_list=MANIFEST_LIST,

+         tags=[args.release, args.tag],

+         name=args.image,

+         registry=args.registry,

+     )

@@ -89,20 +89,12 @@ 


          popd &> /dev/null


-         printf "Create manifest.yaml for fedora\n"

-         for registry in "registry" "candidate-registry"

+         for registry in "registry.fedoraproject.org" "candidate-registry.fedoraproject.org"


-             cp container-manifest/manifest.yaml container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{image}|fedora|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{registry}|${registry}|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{tag}|${1}|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{tag-name}|${tagname}|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml


              printf "Push manifest to ${registry}\n"

-             manifest-tool push from-spec container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

+             python3 generate-manifest-list.py -r ${1} --registry ${registry} --tag ${tagname} --image fedora


          printf "Removing temporary directory\n"

-         rm -f container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

          rm -rf $work_dir


      if [[ -n ${minimal_build_name} ]]; then
@@ -120,21 +112,13 @@ 


          popd &> /dev/null


-         printf "Create manifest.yaml for fedora-minimal\n"

-         for registry in "registry" "candidate-registry"

+         for registry in "registry.fedoraproject.org" "candidate-registry.fedoraproject.org"


-             cp container-manifest/manifest.yaml container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{image}|fedora-minimal|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{registry}|${registry}|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{tag}|${1}|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

-             sed -i "s|{tag-name}|${tagname}|g" container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml


              printf "Push manifest to ${registry}\n"

-             manifest-tool push from-spec container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

+             python3 generate-manifest-list.py -r ${1} --registry ${registry} --tag ${tagname} --image fedora-minimal



          printf "Removing temporary directory\n"

-         rm -f container-manifest/manifest-${1}.yaml

          rm -rf $work_dir



The manifest-tool binary does not work if we use the certs
to authenticate. This commit adds a script that creates and
push the manifest list to the registry.

Signed-off-by: Clement Verna cverna@tutanota.com

Commit 35929da fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

5 years ago