#7624 Added a script that will help discerning package status
Merged 5 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 5 years ago by arilima.
arilima/releng add-check-retirement  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/env python3

+ """

+     This script will find and list the contributors of a fedora src package using json,

+     Then list the slas from the pdc.fedoraproject.org of the specified package.

+     Lastly it will check if the package contains the dead.package file.

+     Methods are currently called by default and output will stdout.


+     Authors:

+         Ariel Lima <alima@redhat.com> -- Red Hat Intern 2018 Summer

+ """


+ import requests#used to make requests to urls

+ import argparse#we want to be able to take different inputs to format different urls

+ import sys#only used to succesfully terminate script in case of error

+ import re#we use this so we can easily manipulate the url

+ import json#What we pull from the url will be in json format


+ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup#we will use beautiful soup to go though an html page in search of dead.package files

+ """

+ 	Parsing:


+ 	nms: This is the namespace, not necessary default is "rpms"

+ 	pck: This is the name of the fedora package, user has to input this, has no default value

+ 	brc: This is the specific branch, not necessary default is "master"

+ """

+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

+ parser.add_argument("--nms", help="Name of the namespace that contains package", type=str)#namespace package is located in

+ parser.add_argument("pck", help="Name of the fedora package",type=str)#package name

+ parser.add_argument("--brc", help="Name of the branched version of the package wanted", type=str)#name of the branched version of package wanted

+ args = parser.parse_args()


+ #this is the default url used for getting contributors the url is api/0/<namespace>/<package>

+ contributors_url = ("https://src.fedoraproject.org/api/0/rpms/"+args.pck)


+ #this is the default url that we will use get the slas

+ slas_url = "https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/component-branches/?global_component="+args.pck+"&name=master&type=rpm"


+ #this url will be the default url used to check if a package is a dead package or not

+ state_url = "https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/"+args.pck+"/tree/master"


+ """

+ 	This is where the argument parsing will happen

+ """

+ if args.nms:

+ 	#case nms argument is used we want to modify the default namespace

+ 	contributors_url = re.sub("/rpms/", ("/"+args.nms+"/"), contributors_url)#I added the forward slashes as a means to attempt to minimalize errors

+ 	slas_url = re.sub("type=rpm", ("type="+args.nms), slas_url)#Includes 'type' as precaution to possible packagename issues

+ 	state_url = re.sub("/rpms/", ("/"+args.nms+"/"), state_url)#When a user specifies a namespace that is not defult we change it

+ 	print(contributors_url, slas_url)

+ if args.brc:

+ 	#case we want to change the branch we get the slas from (default is master)

+ 	slas_url = re.sub("name=master", ("name="+args.brc), slas_url)#Includes 'name' as precaution to possible packagename issues

+ 	state_url = re.sub("tree/master", ("tree/"+args.brc), state_url)#when a user specifies a branch that is not default we change it in the url


+ def package_contributors(url):

+ 	"""

+ 		This is a very simple method that will return the contributors of the package specified

+ 	"""

+ 	try:

+ 		#This is really just to make sure that we got to the url we want

+ 		#quit if there is any error

+ 		response = requests.get(url)#here we have the extra step to ensure that we did not get an error (not converting straight to json)

+ 		if(str(response)!="<Response [200]>"):

+ 			sys.exit(0)

+ 		response = response.json()

+ 	except:

+ 		print("ERROR: not able to find main page [package contributor method], could be due to wrong input or code update may be needed")


+ 	owner = response['access_users']['owner']#Current owner of this package (main_admin)

+ 	admins = response['access_users']['admin']#current admins of this package in list format

+ 	contributors = owner + admins#owner located at index 0, rest are admins


+ 	#we check to see whether it is an orphan package or not

+ 	#then this is just basic outputting into a format I think looks good

+ 	if(owner[0]=="orphan"):

+ 		print("\n*THIS IS AN ORPHAN PACKAGE*")

+ 	else:

+ 		print("\nOWNER:\n-" + (contributors[0]))


+ 	#we check for admins, we could have this implemented into the previous if statement, I didn't because I am not fully aware of the standards for packages

+ 	#we check for any admins, then format it in, case there is one

+ 	if(len(admins)>=1):

+ 		print("\nADMINS: ")

+ 		for p in admins:

+ 			print("-"+str(p))


+ 	return contributors#in case someone needs this for something else in the future we return the list of contributers, index 0 is owner


+ def package_slas(url):

+ 	"""

+ 		this returns the slas of a package

+ 	"""

+ 	try:

+ 		#This is really just to make sure that we got to the url we want

+ 		#quit if there is any error

+ 		response = requests.get(url)#***here we have the extra step to ensure that we did not get an error (not converting straight to json)

+ 		if(str(response)!="<Response [200]>"):

+ 			sys.exit(0)

+ 		response = response.json()#***here we finally convert it to json

+ 	except:

+ 		print("ERROR: not able to find SLA page [package_slas method], could be due to wrong input or code update may be needed")


+ 	response=response['results'][0]['slas']#here we specify very clearly what we want from the json object, response now becomes a list of dictionaries

+ 	#From here down is just basic outputting into a format I think looks good

+ 	print("\nSLAS--")

+ 	for item in response[0]:

+ 		print(str(item) + ":" + str(response[0][item]))

+ 	print("\n")


+ def package_state(url):

+ 	"""

+ 		This will simply check if the string 'dead.package' appears anywhere in the files section of this package

+ 	"""

+ 	try:

+ 		#This is really just to make sure that we got to the url we want

+ 		#quit if there is any error

+ 		response = requests.get(url)

+ 		if(str(response)!="<Response [200]>"):

+ 			sys.exit(0)

+ 		soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')#create a beautiful soup object, pretty much all I know

+ 	except:

+ 		print("ERROR: not able to find file url[package_state method], could be due to wrong input or code update may be needed")


+ 	soup = str(soup)#we will turn soup into a string object to facilitate searching for a sequence


+ 	if("dead.package" in soup):#search for dead.package sequence

+ 		print("This package has a dead.package file\n")

+ 	else:

+ 		print("No dead.package file\n")

+ package_contributors(contributors_url)#function call

+ package_slas(slas_url)#function call

+ package_state(state_url)#function call

git sign off typo:

Its Ariel alima@redhat.com

You should be able to fix the typo for the sign-off header using git commit --amend locally and then force push into your fork.

For the script itself, I would recommend to format it according to PEP8 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) which is a convention about formatting python files. An easy way to format it accordingly is to use the python black formatter: https://github.com/ambv/black

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

5 years ago