#7149 A script for finding which packages have EPEL BZ components, that shouldn't.
Closed 6 years ago by ralph. Opened 6 years ago by ralph.

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ 

+ """ A script for listing which components have bz epel entries that shouldn't.


+ https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7148

+ """


+ import bugzilla

+ import dogpile.cache

+ import requests


+ bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla('https://bugzilla.redhat.com')

+ cache = dogpile.cache.make_region().configure(

+     'dogpile.cache.dbm',

+     arguments=dict(

+         filename='/var/tmp/bugzilla-component-cache.dbm',

+         expiration_time=-1,

+     )

+ )



+ @cache.cache_on_arguments()

+ def get_pdc_data(url):

+     response = requests.get(url)

+     if not response:

+         raise ValueError("%r failed %r" % (url, response))

+     return response.json()



+ @cache.cache_on_arguments()

+ def in_bugzilla(component):

+     matches = bz._proxy.Component.get(dict(names=[

+         dict(product='Fedora EPEL', component=component)]))

+     return bool(matches['components'])



+ def get_all_branches_from_pdc():

+     next = 'https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/component-branches' + \

+         '?type=rpm&page_size=100&page=1'

+     while next:

+         print("Getting %r" % next)

+         data = get_pdc_data(next)

+         for entry in data['results']:

+             yield entry

+         next = data['next']



+ all_packages = set()

+ in_epel_in_pdc = set()

+ in_epel_in_bz = set()

+ for branch in get_all_branches_from_pdc():

+     all_packages.add(branch['global_component'])

+     if branch['name'].startswith('epel') or branch['name'].startswith('el'):

+         in_epel_in_pdc.add(branch['global_component'])

+     if in_bugzilla(branch['global_component']):

+         in_epel_in_bz.add(branch['global_component'])

+     print("All: %r, EPEL(PDC): %r, EPEL(BZ): %r, "

+           "In BZ and shouldn't be: %r, "

+           "Not in BZ and should be: %r" % (

+               len(all_packages),

+               len(in_epel_in_pdc),

+               len(in_epel_in_bz),

+               len(in_epel_in_bz - in_epel_in_pdc),

+               len(in_epel_in_pdc - in_epel_in_bz),

+           ))


+ with open('in-bz-and-shouldnt-be.txt', 'w') as f:

+     f.writelines(["%s\n" % i for i in (in_epel_in_bz - in_epel_in_pdc)])

+ with open('not-in-bz-and-should-be.txt', 'w') as f:

+     f.writelines(["%s\n" % i for i in (in_epel_in_pdc - in_epel_in_bz)]) 

\ No newline at end of file

Still in progress. Trying to come up with a list of packages that need fixing for #7148.

1 new commit added

  • Write out data at the end.
6 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by ralph

6 years ago