#6970 modulepkg.py - Look up modules for packages
Merged 7 years ago by ralph. Opened 7 years ago by fivaldi.
fivaldi/releng fivaldi_modulepkg  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3

+ #

+ # modulepkg.py - A utility to track modules which contain a specific package

+ #                optionally limited to its branch.

+ #

+ # Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+

+ #

+ # Authors:

+ #     Filip Valder <fvalder@redhat.com>



+ import argparse

+ import concurrent.futures

+ import inspect

+ import logging

+ import modulemd

+ import requests

+ import requests_cache

+ import sys

+ import time


+ from pdc_client import PDCClient

+ from yaml import dump



+ requests_cache.install_cache('modulepkg_cache')

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ MODULES_SRC_URL = "https://src.fedoraproject.org/modules/"


+ PDC_URL_PROD = "https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/"

+ PDC_URL_STG = "https://pdc.stg.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/"





+ class PDC(object):

+     def __init__(self, staging):

+         self.query_args = {}

+         self.latest_only = True


+         if staging:

+             server = PDC_URL_STG

+         else:

+             server = PDC_URL_PROD

+         log.debug("PDC URL: %s", server)


+         if 'ssl_verify' in inspect.getargspec(PDCClient.__init__).args:

+             # New API

+             self.session = PDCClient(

+                 server=server,

+                 develop=PDC_DEVELOP,

+                 ssl_verify=PDC_SSL_VERIFY,

+             )

+         else:

+             # Old API

+             self.session = PDCClient(

+                 server=server,

+                 develop=PDC_DEVELOP,

+                 insecure=not PDC_SSL_VERIFY,

+             )

+         log.debug("PDC session: %s", self.session)


+     def get_modules(self, **kwargs):

+         """

+         Query PDC with query parameters in kwargs and return a list of modules

+         which contain (latest) modules of each (module_name, module_version).


+         :param kwargs: query parameters in keyword arguments, should only

+                        provide valid query parameters supported by PDC's module

+                        query API.

+         :return: a list of modules

+         """

+         self.query_args.update(kwargs)

+         log.debug("PDC query params: %s", self.query_args)

+         mods = self.session['unreleasedvariants'](page_size=-1,

+                                                   **self.query_args)

+         modules = []

+         latest_modules = []

+         for (name, version) in set([(m.get('variant_name'),

+                                      m.get('variant_version'))

+                                     for m in mods]):

+             found_mods = []

+             for m in mods:

+                 if (name == m.get('variant_name') and

+                    version == m.get('variant_version')):

+                     found_mods.append(m)


+             modules.extend(found_mods)

+             latest_modules.append(sorted(

+                 found_mods, key=lambda x: x['variant_release']).pop())


+         if self.latest_only:

+             return latest_modules


+         return modules



+ def setup_logging(debug=False, verbose=False):

+     # Set log level and format

+     if debug:

+         log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     else:

+         log.setLevel(logging.INFO)

+     formatter = logging.Formatter(

+         '%(asctime)s: %(threadName)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s',

+     )


+     # Log in UTC

+     formatter.converter = time.gmtime


+     # Log to console

+     console_logger = logging.StreamHandler()

+     if debug:

+         console_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     elif verbose:

+         console_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)

+     else:

+         console_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

+     console_logger.setFormatter(formatter)

+     log.addHandler(console_logger)



+ def process_module(module, package, parser_args):

+     """

+     Process module for a package given by name


+     :param module: a module dict as returned by PDC

+     :param package: a package name (str)

+     :param parser_args: parser args

+     :return: a dict containing information about modules

+              (or None if filtered by CLI args)

+     """

+     m = module

+     m_dict = dict()

+     filtered = False


+     log.debug("Processing module: %s", m['variant_uid'])


+     m_dict['module_nsv'] = '{}:{}:{}'.format(

+         m['variant_id'], m['variant_version'], m['variant_release'])

+     if any([parser_args.filter_branch,

+             parser_args.filter_api,

+             parser_args.filter_profile]):

+         # Load information about module from PDC

+         mmd_pdc = modulemd.ModuleMetadata()

+         mmd_pdc.loads(m['modulemd'])

+         log.debug("Module metadata excerpt from PDC: <ModuleMetadata:"

+                   " mdversion: {0.mdversion}, name: '{0.name}', stream: "

+                   "'{0.stream}', version: {0.version}, summary: '{0.summary}'>"

+                   .format(mmd_pdc))

+         module_ref = mmd_pdc.xmd['mbs']['commit']

+         # Load information about module from dist-git

+         url = "{0}/{1}/raw/{2}/f/{1}.yaml".format(

+             MODULES_SRC_URL, m['variant_name'], module_ref)

+         log.debug("Requesting module metadata from URL: %s", url)

+         r = requests.get(url)

+         mmd = modulemd.ModuleMetadata()

+         mmd.loads(r.text)

+         log.debug("Module metadata excerpt from dist-git: <ModuleMetadata:"

+                   " mdversion: {0.mdversion}, name: '{0.name}', stream: "

+                   "'{0.stream}', version: {0.version}, summary: '{0.summary}'>"

+                   .format(mmd))

+         mmd_rpm = mmd.components.rpms.get(package)


+         # Process filters

+         if parser_args.filter_branch:

+             m_dict['ref'] = mmd_rpm.ref

+         if parser_args.filter_api:

+             api = package if parser_args.filter_api == 1 \

+                           else parser_args.filter_api

+             if api not in mmd.api.rpms:

+                 filtered = True

+         if parser_args.filter_profile:

+             profile = 'default' if parser_args.filter_profile == 1 \

+                                 else parser_args.filter_profile

+             try:

+                 mmd_profile = mmd.profiles[profile]

+             except KeyError:

+                 log.error('Module profile \'%s\' not found', profile)

+                 log.info("Filtered module: %s", m['variant_uid'])

+                 return None

+             if package not in mmd_profile.rpms:

+                 filtered = True


+     # return module or None (if filtered)

+     if not filtered:

+         return m_dict

+     log.info("Filtered module: %s", m['variant_uid'])

+     return None



+ def process_packages(parser_args):

+     """

+     Generate list of packages and their modules


+     :param args: parser args containing 'packages' (list)

+     :return: a list of dicts

+     """

+     pkgs = []

+     for name in args.packages:

+         log.info("Getting information for package: %s", name)

+         modules = pdc.get_modules(component_name=name)

+         log.info("Number of modules found: %s", len(modules))

+         m_info = dict()

+         m_info[name] = []

+         # Walk through modules

+         with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=THREADS) as e:

+             f2m = {e.submit(

+                 process_module, m, name, parser_args): m for m in modules}

+             for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(f2m):

+                 result = future.result()

+                 if result:

+                     m_info[name].append(result)

+             m_info[name] = sorted(m_info[name], key=lambda x: x['module_nsv'])

+         pkgs.append(m_info)

+     return pkgs



+ def enhance_descriptions(pkgs):

+     """

+     Enhance descriptions of the package list


+     :param pkgs: a list of dicts (output of process_packages)

+     :return: a list of dicts

+     """

+     for pkg in pkgs:

+         for k, v in pkg.items():

+             for m in v:

+                 m['Module (name:stream:version)'] = m.pop('module_nsv')

+                 if 'ref' in m:

+                     m['Reference'] = m.pop('ref')

+     return pkgs



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     # Parse arguments

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

+         description="Look up modules for packages, filter them by various"

+                     " criteria and print YAML output")

+     parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", default=False, action="store_true",

+                         help="Show debug information")

+     parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", default=False, action="store_true",

+                         help="Be more verbose")

+     parser.add_argument("-c", "--compact", default=False,

+                         action="store_true", help="A more compact output")

+     parser.add_argument("-s", "--short-descriptions", default=False,

+                         action="store_true", help="Use short (greppable)"

+                         " descriptions")

+     parser.add_argument("packages", nargs="*", metavar="package",

+                         help="Package(s) to look up for depending modules")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--filter-branch", default="ALL", metavar="BRANCH",

+         help="Limit the package(s) to a specific branch as defined in dist-git"

+              " within list of components. Default: %(default)s")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--filter-api", default=None, nargs='?', const=1,

+         metavar="API",

+         help="If supplied, filter modules by API. Default: <package>")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--filter-profile", default=None, nargs='?', const=1,

+         metavar="PROFILE",

+         help="If supplied, filter modules by profile containing this package."

+              " Default: 'default'")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--all-releases", default=False, action="store_true",

+         help="By default, only latest module releases are listed. This flag"

+              " causes all module releases to be listed")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--include-inactive", default=False, action="store_true",

+         help="By default, only active modules are taken in mind. This flag"

+              " causes both active/inactive modules to be looked up")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--staging", default=False, action="store_true",

+         help="Talk to staging PDC service, instead of production")

+     args = parser.parse_args()

+     _parser_args = args


+     # Set logging

+     setup_logging(args.debug, args.verbose)


+     if not args.packages:

+         log.critical("No package name(s) provided")

+         sys.exit(2)

+     kwargs = dict()


+     # Prepare query args for PDC etc.

+     if args.filter_branch == "ALL":

+         log.info("Gathering information about all branches"

+                  " (may take a long time)")

+         args.filter_branch = True

+     else:

+         log.info("Requested branch: %s", args.filter_branch)

+         kwargs['component_branch'] = args.filter_branch

+         args.filter_branch = False

+     if not args.include_inactive:

+         kwargs['active'] = 'true'


+     # PDC client session

+     pdc = PDC(args.staging)

+     pdc.query_args = kwargs

+     pdc.latest_only = True if not args.all_releases else False


+     # Process packages and generate list containing all information

+     if not args.short_descriptions:

+         pkgs = enhance_descriptions(process_packages(args))

+     else:

+         pkgs = process_packages(args)


+     # Print the list as YAML

+     yaml_kwargs = {'default_flow_style': False} if not args.compact else {}

+     print(dump(pkgs, allow_unicode=True, **yaml_kwargs))


usage: modulepkg.py [-h] [-d] [-v] [-c] [-s] [--filter-branch BRANCH]
                    [--filter-api [API]] [--filter-profile [PROFILE]]
                    [--all-releases] [--include-inactive] [--staging]
                    [package [package ...]]

Look up modules for packages, filter them by various criteria and print YAML

positional arguments:
  package               Package(s) to look up for depending modules

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Show debug information
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose
  -c, --compact         A more compact output
  -s, --short-descriptions
                        Use short (greppable) descriptions
  --filter-branch BRANCH
                        Limit the package(s) to a specific branch as defined
                        in dist-git within list of components. Default: ALL
  --filter-api [API]    If supplied, filter modules by API. Default: <package>
  --filter-profile [PROFILE]
                        If supplied, filter modules by profile containing this
                        package. Default: 'default'
  --all-releases        By default, only latest module releases are listed.
                        This flag causes all module releases to be listed
  --include-inactive    By default, only active modules are taken in mind.
                        This flag causes both active/inactive modules to be
                        looked up
  --staging             Talk to staging PDC service, instead of production

Sample output:

./modulepkg.py httpd glibc bash
- httpd:
  - Module (name:stream:version): httpd:f26:20170717182804
    Reference: f26
- glibc:
  - Module (name:stream:version): base-runtime:f26:20170717213106
    Reference: a2f7bb78767003033384a9f2030ac92cb7212d87
  - Module (name:stream:version): base-runtime:master:20170616125652
    Reference: e43c7ab8090e8cdf8cee8db158ec2c91dd1e5fe2
  - Module (name:stream:version): platform:master:20170817073754
    Reference: 8742b0f94950f8e5d3a735be8b5cdd5140a53763
- bash:
  - Module (name:stream:version): base-runtime:f26:20170717213106
    Reference: 31a9b53e1921c6aa5f2bed0872c1cd906d3080d6
  - Module (name:stream:version): base-runtime:master:20170616125652
    Reference: 04e4ecb3e66000bd0f8af08dc4150fa9febc8656
  - Module (name:stream:version): platform:master:20170818100407
    Reference: 40a42f269e3f410784859ac24cab5ddf5291732f

@fivaldi - this repo has a policy that all commits have to be "signed off"

Can you rebase with git commit --amend -s, and then force push to fix that?


7 years ago

@ralph , I altered the code a bit, added these flags:

  --all-releases      By default, only latest module releases are listed. This
                      flag causes all module releases to be listed
  --include-inactive  By default, only active modules are taken in mind. This
                      flag causes both active/inactive modules to be looked up

The commit should be "signed off" now. Thank you for notifying.

1 new commit added

  • Enhancements:
7 years ago

Added enhancements:
- defaults to Python3
- requests-cache for improved performance
- arg --branch renamed to --filter-branch
- new args:
- --filter-api
- --filter-profile
- code refactored

If needed, I can squash it to a single commit after review is done.


Note, @nphilipp said he'd have a look at this in #fedora-modularity.

This is surely a useful tool, thanks! Perhaps we could move it somewhere where module creators/maintainers can get at it someday.

  • Is it normal that it takes pretty long to complete? (Probably yes.)
  • I'm unsure about what the --filter-branch option does exactly—does it match components whose ref is reachable in the specified branch? For instance, I get flatpak-runtime-f26-20170701152209 as one match for python modulepkg.py -v --filter-branch ... wayland, regardless of if I filter for f26 or master.
  • The output isn't labeled correctly and could be formatted better if we want module creators/maintainers to use it:
    • You map ref to branch_or_ref, but the former is used in modulemd and git for commit hashes, branches or tags.
    • Similarly, module_nvr uses the RPM terms ("version", "release"), but modules use "stream" (to signify that there is no lower or higher) and "version" (this both was changed after the relevant PDC API was defined, sorry!). You should also use colons as separators between name, stream, version (see https://pagure.io/modularity/pull-request/43), the PDC API returns the parts in variant_id, variant_version and variant_release, respectively, e.g. like this:

      # PDC API doesn't match the current terminology. Modules use colons as separators.
      m_dict['module_nsv'] = "{variant_id}:{variant_version}:{variant_release}".format(m)

      …and when displaying it, map module_nsv to a string like module name:stream:version.

Perhaps we could move it somewhere where module creators/maintainers can get at it someday.

Agreed. The fedora-packager package is a good eventual landing place for this.

In the meantime, thanks for all the feedback. @fivaldi, can you work with @nphilipp to refine it?

This is surely a useful tool, thanks! Perhaps we could move it somewhere where module creators/maintainers can get at it someday.

Is it normal that it takes pretty long to complete? (Probably yes.)

Yes, it really takes. The very same (as below) can be seen via web browser in the network tab. The majority of the time is spent by waiting for a response from PDC. I think it's worth analyzing/optimizing/profiling whether it's the infrastructure, DB or PDC itself.

time wget -qO /dev/null https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/unreleasedvariants/\?component_branch\=master\&component_name\=glibc
wget -qO /dev/null 0,04s user 0,03s system 0% cpu 2:21,62 total

I'm unsure about what the --filter-branch option does exactly—does it match components whose ref is reachable in the specified branch? For instance, I get flatpak-runtime-f26-20170701152209 as one match for python modulepkg.py -v --filter-branch ... wayland, regardless of if I filter for f26 or master.

I rely on what's returned by PDC. I also noticed that filtering master usually returns the same as a what is then returned for the specific branch. Thanks for pointing it out, I will double-check that behaviour.

The output isn't labeled correctly and could be formatted better if we want module creators/maintainers to use it:
You map ref to branch_or_ref, but the former is used in modulemd and git for commit hashes, branches or tags.

Similarly, module_nvr uses the RPM terms ("version", "release"), but modules use "stream" (to signify that there is no lower or higher) and "version" (this both was changed after the relevant PDC API was defined, sorry!). You should also use colons as separators between name, stream, version (see https://pagure.io/modularity/pull-request/43), the PDC API returns the parts in

Thanks for recommendation on naming conventions. I will fix it.

2 new commits added

  • Use concurrent.futures for parallel module processing
  • Add two options (--compact and --short-descriptions) ; properly isnpect module's commit hash and use it for getting further information from dist-git
7 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Fix debug output
7 years ago


7 years ago

Thanks for these additions! Looks good to me now, but I'd need to know if you want this change (one commit) to be merged, or just optionally rebased and pushed­, I'm not familiar with the repo policies.

I think either is fine. I usually see other releng admins doing merge commits.

Pull-Request has been merged by ralph

7 years ago