#6895 Patch find_unblocked_orphans for pagure versus pkgdb.
Closed 6 years ago by kevin. Opened 7 years ago by ralph.

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 

  #! /usr/bin/python -tt


- # find_unblocked_orphans.py - A utility to find orphaned packages in pkgdb

+ # find_unblocked_orphans.py - A utility to find orphaned packages in pagure

  #                             that are unblocked in koji and to show what

  #                             may require those orphans

@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ 

  from collections import OrderedDict

  from threading import Thread

  import argparse

- import cPickle as pickle

  import datetime

  import email.mime.text

  import hashlib
@@ -23,9 +22,11 @@ 

  import smtplib

  import sys

  import textwrap

+ import traceback


+ import dogpile.cache

+ import requests

  import koji

- import pkgdb2client

  import yum


@@ -35,6 +36,14 @@ 

      with_table = False



+ cache = dogpile.cache.make_region().configure(

+     'dogpile.cache.dbm',

+     expiration_time=187000,

+     arguments=dict(filename='/var/tmp/orphans-cache.dbm'),
till commented 6 years ago

A predictable filename in a temporary directory might be a security vulnerability. Maybe use ~/.cache/oprhans-cache.dbm instead.

+ )

+ PAGURE_URL = 'https://src.fedoraproject.org'



  EPEL6_RELEASE = dict(


@@ -84,7 +93,7 @@ 

      "epel6": EPEL6_RELEASE,



- # pkgdb uid for orphan

+ # pagure uid for orphan

  ORPHAN_UID = 'orphan'


  HEADER = """The following packages are orphaned or did not build for two
@@ -132,102 +141,50 @@ 

      return errors



- pkgdb = pkgdb2client.PkgDB()



- def get_cache(filename,

-               max_age=3600,

-               cachedir='~/.cache',

-               default=None):

-     """ Get a pickle file from cache

-     :param filename: Filename with pickle data

-     :type filename: str

-     :param max_age: Maximum age of cache in seconds

-     :type max_age: int

-     :param cachedir: Directory to get file from

-     :type cachedir: str

-     :param default: Default value if cache is too old or does not exist

-     :type default: object

-     :returns: pickled object

-     """

-     cache_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(cachedir, filename))

-     try:

-         with open(cache_file, "rb") as pickle_file:

-             mtime = os.fstat(pickle_file.fileno()).st_mtime

-             mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime)

-             now = datetime.datetime.now()

-             if (now - mtime).total_seconds() < max_age:

-                 res = pickle.load(pickle_file)

-             else:

-                 res = default

-     except IOError:

-         res = default

-     return res



- def write_cache(data, filename, cachedir='~/.cache'):

-     """ Write ``data`` do pickle cache

-     :param data: Data to cache

-     :param filename: Filename for cache file

-     :type filename: str

-     :param cachedir: Dir for cachefile

-     :type cachedir: str

-     """

-     cache_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(cachedir, filename))

-     with open(cache_file, "wb") as pickle_file:

-         pickle.dump(data, pickle_file)



- class PKGDBInfo(object):

-     def __init__(self, package, branch=RAWHIDE_RELEASE["branch"]):

+ class PagureInfo(object):

+     def __init__(self, package, branch=RAWHIDE_RELEASE["branch"], ns='rpms'):

          self.package = package

          self.branch = branch



-             pkginfo = pkgdb.get_package(package, branches=branch)

-         except Exception as e:

+             response = requests.get(PAGURE_URL + '/api/0/' + ns + '/' + package)

+             self.pkginfo = response.json()

+             if 'error' in self.pkginfo:

+                 # This is likely a "project not found" 404 error.

+                 raise ValueError(self.pkginfo['error'])

+         except Exception:


-                 "Error getting pkgdb info for {} on {}\n".format(

-                     package, branch))

-             # FIXME: Write proper traceback

-             sys.stderr.write(str(e))

+                 "Error getting pagure info for {}/{} on {}\n".format(

+                     ns, package, branch))

+             traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)

              self.pkginfo = None



-         self.pkginfo = pkginfo["packages"][0]


      def get_people(self):

-         def associated(pkginfo, exclude=None):

-             """


-             :param exclude: People to exclude, e.g. the point of contact.

-             :type exclude: list

-             """

-             other_people = set()

-             for acl in pkginfo.get("acls", []):

-                 if acl["status"] == "Approved":

-                     fas_name = acl["fas_name"]

-                     if fas_name != "group::provenpackager" and \

-                             fas_name not in exclude:

-                         other_people.add(fas_name)

-             return sorted(other_people)


-         if self.pkginfo is not None:

-             people_ = [self.pkginfo["point_of_contact"]]

-             people_.extend(associated(self.pkginfo, exclude=people_))

-             return people_

-         else:

+         if self.pkginfo is None:

              return []

+         people = set()

+         for kind in ['access_users', 'access_groups']:

+             for persons in self.pkginfo[kind].values():

+                 for person in persons:

+                     people.add(person)

+         return list(sorted(people))



      def age(self):

+         then = self.status_change

          now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

-         age = now - self.status_change

-         return age

+         return now - then



      def status_change(self):

-         status_change = self.pkginfo["status_change"]

+         if self.pkginfo is None:

+             return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

+         # See https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/2412

+         if "date_modified" in self.pkginfo:

+             status_change = float(self.pkginfo["date_modified"])

+         else:

+             status_change = float(self.pkginfo["date_created"])

          status_change = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(status_change)

          return status_change

@@ -260,23 +217,15 @@ 

      return yb



- def orphan_packages(branch=RAWHIDE_RELEASE["branch"]):

-     cache_filename = 'orphans-{}.pickle'.format(branch)

-     orphans = get_cache(cache_filename, default={})


-     if orphans:

-         return orphans

-     else:

-         pkgdbresponse = pkgdb.get_packages(

-             "*", orphaned=True, branches=branch, page="all")

-         pkgs = pkgdbresponse["packages"]

-         for p in pkgs:

-             orphans[p["name"]] = p

-         try:

-             write_cache(orphans, cache_filename)

-         except IOError, e:

-             sys.stderr.write("Caching of orphans failed: {0}\n".format(e))

-         return orphans

+ @cache.cache_on_arguments()

+ def orphan_packages(namespace='rpms'):

+     url = PAGURE_URL + '/api/0/projects'

+     params = dict(owner=ORPHAN_UID, namespace=namespace)

+     response = requests.get(url, params=params)

+     if not bool(response):

+         raise IOError("%r gave %r" % (response.request.url, response))

+     pkgs = response.json()['projects']

+     return dict([(p['name'], p) for p in pkgs])



  def unblocked_packages(packages, tagID=RAWHIDE_RELEASE["tag"]):
@@ -293,9 +242,13 @@ 

      for pkgname, result in zip(packages, listings):

          if isinstance(result, list):

              [pkg] = result

-             if not pkg[0]['blocked']:

-                 package_name = pkg[0]['package_name']

-                 unblocked.append(package_name)

+             if pkg:

+                 if not pkg[0]['blocked']:

+                     package_name = pkg[0]['package_name']

+                     unblocked.append(package_name)

+             else:

+                 # TODO - what state does this condition represent?

+                 pass


              print "ERROR: {pkgname}: {error}".format(

                  pkgname=pkgname, error=result)
@@ -303,7 +256,7 @@ 



  class DepChecker(object):

-     def __init__(self, release, repo=None, source_repo=None):

+     def __init__(self, release, repo=None, source_repo=None, namespace='rpms'):

          self._src_by_bin = None

          self._bin_by_src = None

          self.release = release
@@ -315,9 +268,8 @@ 


          yumbase = setup_yum(repo=repo, source_repo=source_repo)

          self.yumbase = yumbase

-         self.pkgdbinfo_queue = Queue()

-         self.pkgdb_cache = "orphans-pkgdb-{}.pickle".format(release)

-         self.pkgdb_dict = get_cache(self.pkgdb_cache, default={})

+         self.pagureinfo_queue = Queue()

+         self.pagure_dict = {}

          self.not_in_repo = []


      def create_mapping(self):
@@ -437,22 +389,22 @@ 


          return OrderedDict(sorted(dependent_packages.items()))


-     def pkgdb_worker(self):

+     def pagure_worker(self):

          branch = RELEASES[self.release]["branch"]

          while True:

-             package = self.pkgdbinfo_queue.get()

-             if package not in self.pkgdb_dict:

-                 pkginfo = PKGDBInfo(package, branch)

-                 #  sys.stderr.write("Got info for {} on {}, todo: {}\n".format(

-                 #      package, branch, self.pkgdbinfo_queue.qsize()))

-                 self.pkgdb_dict[package] = pkginfo

-             self.pkgdbinfo_queue.task_done()

+             package = self.pagureinfo_queue.get()

+             if package not in self.pagure_dict:

+                 pkginfo = PagureInfo(package, branch)

+                 sys.stderr.write("Got info for {} on {}, todo: {}\n".format(

+                     package, branch, self.pagureinfo_queue.qsize()))

+                 self.pagure_dict[package] = pkginfo

+             self.pagureinfo_queue.task_done()


      def recursive_deps(self, packages, max_deps=20):

          incomplete = []

          # Start threads to get information about (co)maintainers for packages

          for i in range(0, 2):

-             people_thread = Thread(target=self.pkgdb_worker)

+             people_thread = Thread(target=self.pagure_worker)

              people_thread.daemon = True


          # keep pylint silent
@@ -460,7 +412,7 @@ 

          # get a list of all rpm_pkgs that are to be removed

          rpm_pkg_names = []

          for name in packages:

-             self.pkgdbinfo_queue.put(name)

+             self.pagureinfo_queue.put(name)

              # Empty list if pkg is only for a different arch

              bin_pkgs = self.by_src.get(name, [])

              rpm_pkg_names.extend([p.name for p in bin_pkgs])
@@ -503,7 +455,7 @@ 

                              ).setdefault(pkg, set()).add(dep)


                      for srpm_name in new_srpm_names:

-                         self.pkgdbinfo_queue.put(srpm_name)

+                         self.pagureinfo_queue.put(srpm_name)



                      if allow_more:
@@ -530,9 +482,8 @@ 

                                   " completed\n".format(max_deps, name))


          sys.stderr.write("Waiting for (co)maintainer information...")

-         self.pkgdbinfo_queue.join()

+         self.pagureinfo_queue.join()


-         write_cache(self.pkgdb_dict, self.pkgdb_cache)

          return dep_map, incomplete


      # This function was stolen from pungi
@@ -554,7 +505,7 @@ 




- def maintainer_table(packages, pkgdb_dict):

+ def maintainer_table(packages, pagure_dict):

      affected_people = {}


      if with_table:
@@ -566,7 +517,7 @@ 

          table = ""


      for package_name in packages:

-         pkginfo = pkgdb_dict[package_name]

+         pkginfo = pagure_dict[package_name]

          people = pkginfo.get_people()

          for p in people:

              affected_people.setdefault(p, set()).add(package_name)
@@ -584,18 +535,18 @@ 

      return table, affected_people



- def dependency_info(dep_map, affected_people, pkgdb_dict, incomplete):

+ def dependency_info(dep_map, affected_people, pagure_dict, incomplete):

      info = ""

      for package_name, subdict in dep_map.items():

          if subdict:

-             pkginfo = pkgdb_dict[package_name]

+             pkginfo = pagure_dict[package_name]

              status_change = pkginfo.status_change.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

              age = pkginfo.age.days / 7

              fmt = "Depending on: {} ({}), status change: {} ({} weeks ago)\n"

              info += fmt.format(package_name, len(subdict.keys()),

                                 status_change, age)

              for fedora_package, dependent_packages in subdict.items():

-                 people = pkgdb_dict[fedora_package].get_people()

+                 people = pagure_dict[fedora_package].get_people()

                  for p in people:

                      affected_people.setdefault(p, set()).add(package_name)

                  p = ", ".join(people)
@@ -625,12 +576,12 @@ 

  def package_info(unblocked, dep_map, depchecker, orphans=None, failed=None,

                   week_limit=6, release="", incomplete=[]):

      info = ""

-     pkgdb_dict = depchecker.pkgdb_dict

+     pagure_dict = depchecker.pagure_dict


-     table, affected_people = maintainer_table(unblocked, pkgdb_dict)

+     table, affected_people = maintainer_table(unblocked, pagure_dict)

      info += table

      info += "\n\nThe following packages require above mentioned packages:\n"

-     info += dependency_info(dep_map, affected_people, pkgdb_dict, incomplete)

+     info += dependency_info(dep_map, affected_people, pagure_dict, incomplete)


      info += "Affected (co)maintainers\n"

      info += maintainer_info(affected_people)
@@ -662,7 +613,7 @@ 


          orphans_breaking_deps_stale = [

              o for o in orphans_breaking_deps if

-             (pkgdb_dict[o].age.days / 7) >= week_limit]

+             (pagure_dict[o].age.days / 7) >= week_limit]


          info += wrap_and_format(

              "Orphans{} for at least {} weeks (dependend on)".format(
@@ -677,7 +628,7 @@ 


          orphans_not_breaking_deps_stale = [

              o for o in orphans_not_breaking_deps if

-             (pkgdb_dict[o].age.days / 7) >= week_limit]

+             (pagure_dict[o].age.days / 7) >= week_limit]


          if orphans_not_breaking_deps_stale:

              sys.stderr.write("fedretire --orphan --branch {} -- {}\n".format(
@@ -779,9 +730,9 @@ 

      if args.skip_orphans:

          orphans = []


-         # list of orphans on the devel branch from pkgdb

-         sys.stderr.write('Contacting pkgdb for list of orphans...')

-         orphans = sorted(orphan_packages(RELEASES[args.release]["branch"]))

+         # list of orphans from pagure

+         sys.stderr.write('Contacting pagure for list of orphans...')

+         orphans = sorted(orphan_packages())
till commented 7 years ago

The orphaned_packages() function does not take the branch to check into account.



      sys.stderr.write('Getting builds from koji...')

FYI, see https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/2412 which is needed to get the
modified time to know how long ago something was orphaned.

Signed-off-by: Ralph Bean rbean@redhat.com

This one should be unblocked now. https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/2412 was resolved.

1 new commit added

  • Fix url.
7 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Remove comment now that this is implemented.
7 years ago

I noticed that the PagureInfo() class does not take the branch into account. AFAIU in the current setup, https://pagure.io/dist-git-requests/tree/master needs to be checked to see which branches are orphaned or not orphaned. For example it might be that only the EPEL branches of a package are orphaned but the Fedora branches are not. Or only Rawhide is orphaned but the previous Fedora releases are not. I am not sure how this is mapped to the new setup.

The orphaned_packages() function does not take the branch to check into account.

@till I do not think the orphan_packages needs a branch name; if I am reading it correctly it seems like a single sanity check to put the package names into a dictionary; not a check of branches.

Essentially - 'does this project exist' - not necessarily a particular branch.

@ralph am I reading it correctly?

Apart from that - it seems OK to me - though I'll be going over this a lot more in depth when I translate this from YUM to DNF in the next few weeks.

@kellin a package is orphaned on a specific branch not in general - at least this was the model in pkgdb, therefore the branch needed to be checked. I am not sure how this changed now. AFAIU the dist-git-requests repo contains or could contain details if only certain branches are orphaned, for example the EPEL branches but not the Fedora branches.

a package is orphaned on a specific branch not in general - at least this was the model in pkgdb, therefore the branch needed to be checked. I am not sure how this changed now. AFAIU the dist-git-requests repo contains or could contain details if only certain branches are orphaned, for example the EPEL branches but not the Fedora branches.

First - real quick, we changed the authoritative repo from dist-git-requests over to https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-scm-requests at @ausil's request.

Anyways - we lost the ability to orphan a single branch (like EPEL) with the move to pagure over dist-git. We saw it as a feature that you didn't have to fiddle with multiple people having commit on all the branches. I see now that we unintentionally lost the ability to orphan EPEL. I see now what you're talking about in #6957.

The main goal of orphaning per-branch was that we could create a signal EPEL needed a new maintainer (which we don't currently have good tools to do). If that queue didn't get "processed" by packagers, then we would end up needing to retire the branch (which we currently can do with PDC EOLs).

You've been pointing at the override repo as a possible place to store per-branch orphan information. We can proceed with that, but let's think for a bit if there's any other good place to put that.

can this be closed? or does it need to be rebased?

can this be closed? or does it need to be rebased?

It does not make sense to merge it as-is, since it still lacks support for packages orphaned in EPEL. However, this is AFAIK currently missing completely in the new dist-git pagure setup. I guess it is more important atm to get (un)orphaning/(un)retiring working properly at all before thinking about EPEL as well.

I rebased the commits locally and they still seem to work with the limitation that there is no per-branch orphaned state.

A predictable filename in a temporary directory might be a security vulnerability. Maybe use ~/.cache/oprhans-cache.dbm instead.

The text might need to be adjusted. It currently says "will be retired", but FESCo voted to "give to some other maintainer or retire".

The rebased changes are in #7797

@zbyszek: The message is not part of these changes. It would probably be better if it could be read from an extra file or so.

Pull-Request has been closed by kevin

6 years ago