#6865 Add the ability to query for retired packages using PDC in block_retired.py
Merged 6 years ago by ralph. Opened 6 years ago by mprahl.
Unknown source block-retired-pdc  into  master

file modified
+60 -51
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@

  # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+


  import argparse

- import datetime

  import getpass

  import logging

  import subprocess
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@


  import koji

  import pkgdb2client

+ import requests



  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -20,9 +20,13 @@

  PRODUCTION_PKGDB = "https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb"

  STAGING_PKGDB = "https://admin.stg.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb"


+ PRODUCTION_PDC = "https://pdc.fedoraproject.org"

+ STAGING_PDC = "https://pdc.stg.fedoraproject.org"


  # pkgdb default namespace

  DEFAULT_NS = "rpms"



  class SubjectSMTPHandler(logging.handlers.SMTPHandler):


      subject_prefix = ""
@@ -34,7 +38,6 @@

          return fmt.format(record, first_line=first_line)




  class ReleaseMapper(object):

      BRANCHNAME = 0

      KOJI_TAG = 1
@@ -124,54 +127,55 @@

      return unblocked



- def get_retired_packages(branch="master", staging=False, namespace=DEFAULT_NS):

-     url = PRODUCTION_PKGDB if not staging else STAGING_PKGDB

-     pkgdb = pkgdb2client.PkgDB(url)


-     try:

-         retiredresponse = pkgdb.get_packages(

-             branches=branch, page="all", status="Retired", namespace=namespace)

-     except pkgdb2client.PkgDBException as e:

-         if "No packages found for these parameters" not in str(e):

-             raise

-         return []

+ def get_retired_packages(branch="master", staging=False, namespace=DEFAULT_NS,

+                          source='pkgdb'):

+     retiredpkgs = []

+     if source == 'pkgdb':

+         url = PRODUCTION_PKGDB if not staging else STAGING_PKGDB

+         pkgdb = pkgdb2client.PkgDB(url)


+         try:

+             retiredresponse = pkgdb.get_packages(

+                 branches=branch, page="all", status="Retired",

+                 namespace=namespace)

+         except pkgdb2client.PkgDBException as e:

+             if "No packages found for these parameters" not in str(e):

+                 raise

+             return []


+         retiredinfo = retiredresponse["packages"]

+         retiredpkgs = [p["name"] for p in retiredinfo]

+     elif source == 'pdc':

+         # PDC uses singular names such as rpm and container

+         if namespace.endswith('s'):

+             content_type = namespace[:-1]

+         else:

+             content_type = namespace

+         url = PRODUCTION_PDC if not staging else STAGING_PDC

+         url = ('{0}/rest_api/v1/component-branches/?name={1}&type={2}'

+                '&active=false&page_size=100'.format(url, branch, content_type))

+         while True:

+             rv = requests.get(url)

+             if not rv.ok:

+                 raise RuntimeError('Failed getting the retired packages from '

+                                    'PDC. The response was: {0}'

+                                    .format(rv.content))


+             rv_json = rv.json()

+             for branch in rv_json['results']:

+                 retiredpkgs.append(branch['global_component'])


+             if rv_json['next']:

+                 url = rv_json['next']

+             else:

+                 break

+     else:

+         raise RuntimeError('An invalid source of "{0}" was provided'

+                            .format(source))


-     retiredinfo = retiredresponse["packages"]

-     retiredpkgs = [p["name"] for p in retiredinfo]

      return retiredpkgs



- def pkgdb_retirement_status(package, branch="master", staging=False, namespace=DEFAULT_NS):

-     """ Returns retirement info for `package` in `branch`


-     :returns: dict: retired: True - if retired, False if not, None if

-     there was an error, status_change: last status change as datetime object

-     """


-     url = PRODUCTION_PKGDB if not staging else STAGING_PKGDB

-     pkgdb = pkgdb2client.PkgDB(url)

-     retired = None

-     status_change = None

-     try:

-         pkgdbresult = pkgdb.get_package(package, branches=branch, namespace=namespace)

-         if pkgdbresult["output"] == "ok":

-             for pkginfo in pkgdbresult["packages"]:

-                 if pkginfo["package"]["name"] == package:

-                     if pkginfo["status"] == "Retired":

-                         retired = True

-                     else:

-                         retired = False

-                     status_change = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(

-                         pkginfo["status_change"])

-                     break

-     except:

-         pass


-     return dict(retired=retired, status_change=status_change)





  def run_koji(koji_params, staging=False):

      profile = PRODUCTION_KOJI_PROFILE if not staging else STAGING_KOJI_PROFILE

      koji_cmd = ["koji", "--profile", profile]
@@ -219,14 +223,15 @@

      return errors



- def block_all_retired(branches=RETIRING_BRANCHES, staging=False, namespace=DEFAULT_NS):

+ def block_all_retired(branches=RETIRING_BRANCHES, staging=False,

+                       namespace=DEFAULT_NS, source='pkgdb'):

      for branch in branches:

          log.debug("Processing branch %s", branch)

          if staging and branch in PROD_ONLY_BRANCHES:

              log.warning('%s in namespace "%s" not handled in staging..' %

                          (branch, namespace))


-         retired = get_retired_packages(branch, staging, namespace)

+         retired = get_retired_packages(branch, staging, namespace, source)

          unblocked = []


          # Check which packages are included in a tag but not blocked, this
@@ -293,13 +298,16 @@

          help="Branch to retire specified packages on, default: %(default)s")


          "--staging", default=False, action="store_true",

-         help="Talk to staging services (pkgdb), instead of production")

+         help="Talk to staging services (pkgdb/pdc), instead of production")


          "-p", "--profile", default="compose_koji",

          help="Koji profile to use, default: %(default)s")


          "--namespace", default=DEFAULT_NS,

-         help="pkgdb namespace to use, default: %(default)s")

+         help="pkgdb/pdc namespace to use, default: %(default)s")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--source", default='pdc', choices=['pkgdb', 'pdc'],

+         help="Source for retirement information, default: %(default)s")

      args = parser.parse_args()


@@ -307,7 +315,8 @@

      PRODUCTION_KOJI_PROFILE = args.profile


      if not args.packages:

-         block_all_retired(staging=args.staging, namespace=args.namespace)

+         block_all_retired(staging=args.staging, namespace=args.namespace,

+                           source=args.source)


          block_package(args.packages, args.branch, staging=args.staging,


This PR is branched off of the branch used in PR #6861 (removes unused functions). It also has a separate commit that removes a function that isn't used anymore.

Please consider merging PR #6861 before reviewing this one.

This is part of the work for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ArbitraryBranching

3 new commits added

  • Add the ability to use PDC instead of PkgDB in block_retired.py
  • Remove unused function in block_retired.py
  • Remove unused functions.
6 years ago

3 new commits added

  • Add the ability to use PDC instead of PkgDB in block_retired.py
  • Remove unused function in block_retired.py
  • Remove unused functions.
6 years ago


6 years ago

TODO - switch the default here to pdc?

1 new commit added

  • Set PDC to the default
6 years ago

3 new commits added

  • Set PDC to the default on block_retired.py
  • Add the ability to use PDC instead of PkgDB in block_retired.py
  • Remove unused function in block_retired.py
6 years ago

@ralph, set pdc to the default.

Doh, @mprahl, the commits need to be "signed off" per releng policy.


6 years ago

@ralph rebased and have the sign off now. Sorry about that.

Pull-Request has been merged by ralph

6 years ago