#6858 Adjust the get-critpath script to get the list of critpath packages from PDC.
Merged 7 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 7 years ago by ralph.
ralph/releng update-get-critpath  into  master

file modified
+35 -68
@@ -1,85 +1,52 @@ 



  # Copyright (C) 20111-2013 Red Hat Inc,

- # SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+


  # Authors: Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>

  #          Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratom@redhat.com>

+ from __future__ import print_function


  import argparse

- import getpass

- import os

- import string

  import sys


- from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors

- from validate import Validator

+ import pdc_client


- import fedora_cert

- from fedora.client import pkgdb


- def get_branches(p):

- 	ret = []

- 	try:

- 		list = p.get_collection_list(eol = False)

- 		for item in list:

- 			ret.append(item[0].branchname)

- 	except:

- 		pass

- 	return ret

+ def get_branches(pdc):

+     for branch in pdc.get_paged(pdc['component-branches'], active=True):

+         yield branch


  def setup_args():

- 	usage = "\nget-critpath <branch>"

- 	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

- 		usage="\nget_critpath <branch>")

- 	parser.add_argument('branch')

- 	parser.add_argument('--user', dest="username", help="FAS username")

- 	parser.add_argument('--password', dest="password", help="FAS password")

- 	return parser


- def setup_cfg(cfg_file='/etc/update-critpath.cfg'):

- 	config_spec = '''

- 	[global]

- 	pkgdb.url = string(default = 'https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb')

- 	pkgdb.username = string(default = 'critpathbot')

- 	pkgdb.password = string(default='')

- 	'''.splitlines()

- 	cfg = ConfigObj(cfg_file, configspec=config_spec)

- 	user_cfg = ConfigObj(os.path.expanduser('~/.fedora/update-critpath.cfg'),

- 			configspec=config_spec)

- 	cfg.merge(user_cfg)

- 	results = cfg.validate(Validator(), preserve_errors=True)


- 	for entry in flatten_errors(cfg, results):

- 		section_list, key, error = entry

- 		section_list.append(key)

- 		if error == False:

- 			error = 'Missing value or section'

- 		print '%s: %s' % ('::'.join(section_list), error)

- 		sys.exit(1)

- 	return cfg['global']


- def merge_options(cfg, args):

- 	args.username = getattr(args, 'username') or cfg['pkgdb.username']

- 	args.password = getattr(args, 'password') or cfg['pkgdb.password']

- 	args.pkgdb_url = cfg['pkgdb.url']

- 	return args

+     usage = "\nget-critpath <branch>"

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage)

+     parser.add_argument('branch')

+     return parser


  def main():

- 	cfg = setup_cfg()

- 	parser = setup_args()

- 	args = parser.parse_args()

- 	args = merge_options(cfg, args)

- 	p = pkgdb.PackageDB(args.pkgdb_url)

- 	branches = get_branches(p)

- 	if args.branch not in branches:

- 		print "%s not a valid branch. Valid branches: %s." % (args.branch, branches)

- 		sys.exit(1)

- 	critpath = p.get_critpath_pkgs([args.branch])

- 	critpath_pkgs = critpath[args.branch]

- 	critpath_pkgs.sort()

- 	for item in critpath_pkgs:

- 		print item

+     parser = setup_args()

+     args = parser.parse_args()


+     pdc = pdc_client.PDCClient('fedora')


+     endpoint = pdc['component-branches']

+     kwargs = dict(name=args.branch, active=True)

+     existing = pdc.get_paged(endpoint, **kwargs)

+     try:

+         existing.next()

+     except StopIteration:

+         print("%s not a valid branch." % args.branch, file=sys.stderr)

+         sys.exit(1)


+     critpath_packages = pdc.get_paged(endpoint, critical_path=True, **kwargs)


+     # De-duplicate and print the list.

+     seen = set()

+     for package in critpath_packages:

+         name = package['global_component']

+         if name in seen:

+             continue

+         print(name)

+         seen.add(name)


  if __name__ == '__main__':

- 	main()

+     main()

Same here as in #6857. Any free reviewers?

Since it is likely that more than one branch of a component is critical path, this loop will print out duplicate components. I think you'll have to create a set with all the "global_component" values and print that.

1 new commit added

  • De-duplicate and print the list.
7 years ago

@ausil - per the conversation several of us had on IRC; should we just remove this script altogether?

If no one has ever used this script is there a reason to keep it?

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

7 years ago