#12027 Fix fedora-torrent-ini to compatible with 3.9 and rhel changes
Merged 11 months ago by kevin. Opened 11 months ago by jnsamyak.
jnsamyak/releng fix_torrent_script  into  main

file modified
+31 -29
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/env python

+ #!/usr/bin/env python3.9


  # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat Inc,

- # SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+

+ # SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+


  # Author: Anthony Towns <atowns@redhat.com>


  # Bencode parsing code from http://effbot.org/zone/bencode.htm


- from __future__ import print_function

- import sys, re, time, os

+ import sys

  import re

+ import time

+ import os


  def tokenize(text, match=re.compile("([idel])|(\d+):|(-?\d+)").match):

      i = 0
@@ -24,22 +25,22 @@ 


              yield s


- def decode_item(next, token):

+ def decode_item(next_item, token):

      if token == "i":

          # integer: "i" value "e"

-         data = int(next())

-         if next() != "e":

+         data = int(next_item())

+         if next_item() != "e":

              raise ValueError

      elif token == "s":

          # string: "s" value (virtual tokens)

-         data = next()

+         data = next_item()

      elif token == "l" or token == "d":

          # container: "l" (or "d") values "e"

          data = []

-         tok = next()

+         tok = next_item()

          while tok != "e":

-             data.append(decode_item(next, tok))

-             tok = next()

+             data.append(decode_item(next_item, tok))

+             tok = next_item()

          if token == "d":

              data = dict(zip(data[0::2], data[1::2]))

@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ 

  def decode(text):


          src = tokenize(text)

-         data = decode_item(src.next, src.next())

+         data = decode_item(src.__next__, next(src))

          for token in src: # look for more tokens

              raise SyntaxError("trailing junk")

      except (AttributeError, ValueError, StopIteration):
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ 

          date = argv[2]


          date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

-     genini(sys.stdout, ".", group,  date)

+     genini(sys.stdout, ".", group, date)


  def SIprefix(n):

      prefix = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T"]
@@ -75,32 +76,33 @@ 

          x = "%.1f" % (n)


      return "%s%sB" % (x, prefix[0])



  def torrentsize(filename):

-     torrentdict = decode(open(filename).read())

+     with open(filename, 'rb') as file:

+         torrentdict = decode(file.read().decode('latin1'))  # Decode binary data using 'latin1'

      length = sum(y["length"] for y in torrentdict["info"]["files"])

-     return SIprefix(length) 

+     return SIprefix(length)


- def genini(output, path, group,  date):

+ def genini(output, path, group, date):

      for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):

-     	dirnames.sort()

-     	filenames.sort()

-     	for f in filenames:

+         dirnames.sort()

+         filenames.sort()

+         for f in filenames:

              if not f.endswith(".torrent"):

-             	continue

- 	    filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)

+                 continue

+             filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)

              displaypath = filepath

              if displaypath.startswith(dirpath):

                  displaypath = displaypath[len(dirpath):]

              if displaypath.startswith("/"):

                  displaypath = displaypath[1:]

- 	    size = torrentsize(filepath)

- 	    output.write("[%s]\n" % (displaypath))

- 	    output.write("description=%s\n" % (f[:-8].replace("-", " ")))

-             output.write("size=%s\n" % (size))

- 	    output.write("releasedate=%s\n" % (date))

-             output.write("group=%s\n" % (group))

-     	    output.write("\n")

+             size = torrentsize(filepath)

+             output.write("[%s]\n" % displaypath)

+             output.write("description=%s\n" % f[:-8].replace("-", " "))

+             output.write("size=%s\n" % size)

+             output.write("releasedate=%s\n" % date)

+             output.write("group=%s\n" % group)

+             output.write("\n")


  if __name__ == "__main__":


The issues I encountered while creating torrents for 39, after we migrated to rhel, there was encoding issues, and buffer in/output issues.

Signed-off-by: Samyak Jain samyak.jn11@gmail.com

This looks reasonable to me. I've not tested it tho.

I did this time and that's the result of 39.ini we have it now, but we can test this again in f40 :D

rebased onto d4a231a

11 months ago

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

11 months ago