#11000 Update, refactor and improve critpath.py: drop yum and Python 2 support, lint cleanups, simplifications, various improvements
Merged 2 years ago by kevin. Opened 2 years ago by adamwill.
adamwill/releng critpath-revise-2022  into  main

file modified
+186 -265
@@ -6,157 +6,71 @@ 

  # Authors: Will Woods <wwoods@redhat.com>

  #          Seth Vidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>

  #          Robert Marshall <rmarshall@redhat.com>

+ #          Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>


+ # this is a script, not a public module, we don't need docstrings

+ # pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring,missing-class-docstring,missing-function-docstring


- from __future__ import print_function

  import sys

  import argparse

  import shutil

  from tempfile import mkdtemp

  import dnf



  class SackError(Exception):



- major_version = sys.version_info[0]


  # Set some constants

  # Old definition

- #critpath_groups = ['@core','@critical-path-base','@critical-path-gnome']

- critpath_groups = [

-     '@core', '@critical-path-apps', '@critical-path-base',

-     '@critical-path-gnome', '@critical-path-kde', '@critical-path-lxde',

-     '@critical-path-xfce'

+ # CRITPATH_GROUPS = ['@core','@critical-path-base','@critical-path-gnome']


+     "@core",

+     "@critical-path-apps",

+     "@critical-path-base",

+     "@critical-path-gnome",

+     "@critical-path-kde",

+     "@critical-path-lxde",

+     "@critical-path-xfce",


- primary_arches=('armhfp', 'aarch64', 'x86_64')

- alternate_arches=('ppc64le','s390x')

- # There is not current a programmatic way to generate this list

- fakearch = {'i386':'i686', 'x86_64':'x86_64', 'ppc64':'ppc64', 'ppc':'ppc64', 'armhfp':'armv7hl', 'aarch64':'aarch64', 'ppc64le':'ppc64le', 's390x':'s390x'}

- fedora_baseurl = 'http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/'

- fedora_alternateurl = 'http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/'

- releasepath = {

-     'devel': 'development/rawhide/Everything/$basearch/os/',

-     'rawhide': 'development/rawhide/Everything/$basearch/os/'

- }

- updatepath = {

-     'devel': '',

-     'rawhide': ''

+ PRIMARY_ARCHES = ("armhfp", "aarch64", "x86_64")

+ ALTERNATE_ARCHES = ("ppc64le", "s390x")

+ FEDORA_BASEURL = "http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/"

+ FEDORA_ALTERNATEURL = "http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/"


+     "devel": "development/rawhide/Everything/$basearch/os",

+     "rawhide": "development/rawhide/Everything/$basearch/os",


+ UPDATEPATH = {"devel": "", "rawhide": ""}


- for x in range(12,32,1):

-     r = str(x)

-     releasepath[r] = 'releases/%s/Everything/$basearch/os/' % r

-     updatepath[r] = 'updates/%s/$basearch/' % r

+ # the numbers here are "oldest active stable release" and "Branched

+ # number (or Rawhide number if no Branched)"; Python ranges exclude

+ # the top limiter so this is "all current stable releases"

+ for r in range(35, 37, 1):

+     RELEASEPATH[str(r)] = f"releases/{str(r)}/Everything/$basearch/os"

+     UPDATEPATH[str(r)] = f"updates/{str(r)}/Everything/$basearch"


- # Branched Fedora goes here

- branched = '32'

- releasepath['branched'] = 'development/%s/Everything/$basearch/os' % branched

- updatepath['branched'] = ''

+ # Branched Fedora goes here, update the number when Branched number

+ # changes

+ RELEASEPATH["branched"] = "development/37/Everything/$basearch/os"

+ UPDATEPATH["branched"] = ""


- # blacklists

- blacklist = [ 'tzdata' ]


  def get_source(pkg):

-     return pkg.rsplit('-',2)[0]


- provides_cache = {}

- def resolve_deps(pkg, base):

-     deps = []

-     for prov in pkg.provides:

-         provides_cache[prov] = pkg.name

-     for req in pkg.requires:

-         if req in provides_cache:

-             deps.append(provides_cache[req])

-             continue

-         try:

-             po = base.returnPackageByDep(req)

-         except yum.Errors.YumBaseError:

-             print("ERROR: unresolved dep for %s of pkg %s" % (req[0],

-                   pkg.name))

-             raise

-         provides_cache[req] = po.name

-         deps.append(po.name)

-         for prov in po.provides:

-             provides_cache[prov] = po.name


-     return deps


- def expand_yum_critpath(my, start_list):

-     name_list = []

-     # Expand the start_list to a list of names

-     for name in start_list:

-         if name.startswith('@'):

-             print("expanding %s" % name)

-             count = 0

-             group = my.comps.return_group(name[1:])

-             for groupmem in group.mandatory_packages.keys() + group.default_packages.keys():

-                 if groupmem not in name_list:

-                     name_list.append(groupmem)

-                     count += 1

-             print("%s packages added" % count)

-         else:

-             if name not in name_list:

-                 name_list.append(name)

-     # Iterate over the name_list

-     count = 0

-     pkg_list = []

-     skipped_list = []

-     handled = []


-     while name_list:

-         count += 1

-         name = name_list.pop(0)

-         handled.append(name)

-         if name in blacklist:

-             continue

-         print("depsolving %4u done/%4u remaining (%s)" % (count, len(name_list), name))

-         p = my.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=name)

-         if not p:

-             print("WARNING: unresolved package name: %s" % name)

-             skipped_list.append(name)

-             continue

-         for pkg in p:

-             pkg_list.append(pkg)

-             for dep in resolve_deps(pkg, my):

-                 if dep not in handled and dep not in skipped_list and dep not in name_list:

-                     print("    added %s" % dep)

-                     name_list.append(dep)

-     print("depsolving complete.")

-     print("%u packages in critical path" % (count))

-     print("%u rejected package names: %s" % (len(skipped_list),

-                                              " ".join(skipped_list)))

-     return pkg_list



- def setup_yum(url=None, release=None, arch=None):

-     my = yum.YumBase()

-     basearch = getBaseArch()

-     cachedir = mkdtemp(dir='/tmp', prefix='critpath-')

-     if arch is None:

-         arch = basearch

-     elif arch != basearch:

-         my.preconf.arch = fakearch[arch]

-     my.conf.cachedir = cachedir

-     my.conf.installroot = cachedir

-     my.repos.disableRepo('*')

-     if "/mnt/koji/compose/" not in args.url:

-         my.add_enable_repo('critpath-repo-%s' % arch, baseurls=[url+releasepath[release]])

-         print("adding critpath-repo-%s at %s" % (arch, url+releasepath[release]))

-         if updatepath[release]:

-             my.add_enable_repo('critpath-repo-updates-%s' % arch, baseurls=[url+updatepath[release]])

-     else:

-         my.add_enable_repo('critpath-repo-%s' % arch, baseurls=[url+'/$basearch/os/'])

-         print("adding critpath-repo-%s at %s" % (arch, url+'/$basearch/os/'))

-     return (my, cachedir)

+     return pkg.rsplit("-", 2)[0]



- def nvr(p):

-     return '-'.join([p.name, p.ver, p.rel])

+ def nvr(pkg):

+     return "-".join([pkg.name, pkg.ver, pkg.rel])


- def expand_dnf_critpath(release):

-     print("Resolving %s dependencies with DNF" % arch)


+ def expand_dnf_critpath(urls, arch):

+     print(f"Resolving {arch} dependencies with DNF")

      base = dnf.Base()


-     temp_cache_dir = mkdtemp(suffix='-critpath')

-     temp_install_root = mkdtemp(suffix='-critpath-installroot')

+     temp_cache_dir = mkdtemp(suffix="-critpath")

+     temp_install_root = mkdtemp(suffix="-critpath-installroot")


      conf = base.conf

      # cache download data somewhere else
@@ -166,43 +80,43 @@ 

      conf.persistdir = temp_cache_dir

      conf.installroot = temp_install_root

      # dnf needs arches, not basearches to work

-     conf.arch = fakearch[arch]

+     if arch == "armhfp":

+         conf.arch = "armv7hl"

+     else:

+         conf.arch = arch

+     packages = set()



-         packages = set()


          # add a new repo requires an id, a conf object, and a baseurl

-         repo_url = url + releasepath[release]


          # make sure we don't load the system repo and get local data

-         print("Basearch: %s" % conf.basearch)

-         print("Arch:     %s" % conf.arch)

-         print("%s repo %s" % (arch, repo_url))

+         print(f"Basearch: {conf.basearch}")

+         print(f"Arch:     {conf.arch}")

+         for url in urls:

+             print(f"Repo:     {url}")


          # mark all critpath groups in base object

-         for group in critpath_groups:

+         for group in CRITPATH_GROUPS:

              base.reset(repos=True, goal=True, sack=True)

-             base.repos.add_new_repo(arch, conf, baseurl=[repo_url])

+             repoids = []

+             for (num, url) in enumerate(urls):

+                 repoid = arch + str(num)

+                 repoids.append(repoid)

+                 base.repos.add_new_repo(repoid, conf, baseurl=[url])


-             if base.repos[arch].enabled is False:

-                 raise SackError

+             for repoid in repoids:

+                 if base.repos[repoid].enabled is False:

+                     raise SackError


              # load up the comps data from configured repositories


-             group = group.replace('@','')

-             base.group_install(group, ['mandatory', 'default', 'optional'], strict=False)

+             group = group.replace("@", "")

+             base.group_install(group, ["mandatory", "default", "optional"], strict=False)

              # resolve the groups marked in base object


              packages = packages.union(base.transaction.install_set)


          return packages



-     except Exception as ex:

-         template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}"

-         message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)

-         print(message)

-         print("DNF failed to synchronize the repository and cannot proceed.")



          del base
@@ -210,138 +124,145 @@ 




- def solves_with_dnf(release_version):

-     if release_version == 'branched':

-         return True

-     elif release_version == 'rawhide':

-         return True

-     elif release_version == 'devel':

-         return True

-     elif (int(release_version) > 26):

-         return True

-     else:

-         return False



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     # Option parsing

-     releases = sorted(releasepath.keys())

-     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage = "%%(prog)s [options] [%s]" % '|'.join(releases))

-     parser.add_argument("--nvr", action='store_true', default=False,

-                       help="output full NVR instead of just package name")

-     parser.add_argument("-a", "--arches", default=','.join(primary_arches),

-                       help="Primary arches to evaluate (%(default)s)")

-     parser.add_argument("-s", "--altarches", default=','.join(alternate_arches),

-                       help="Alternate arches to evaluate (%(default)s)")

-     parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="critpath.txt",

-                       help="name of file to write critpath list (%(default)s)")

-     parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", default=fedora_baseurl,

-                       help="URL to Primary repos")

-     parser.add_argument("-r", "--alturl", default=fedora_alternateurl,

-                       help="URL to Alternate repos")

-     parser.add_argument("--srpm", action='store_true', default=False,

-                       help="Output source RPMS instead of binary RPMS (for pkgdb)")

-     parser.add_argument("--noaltarch", action='store_true', default=False,

-                       help="Not to run for alternate architectures")

-     parser.add_argument("--dnf", action='store_true', default=False,

-                       help="Use DNF for dependency solving")

-     args, extras = parser.parse_known_args()


-     # Input & Sanity Validation

-     if (len(extras) != 1) or (extras[0] not in releases):

-         parser.error("must choose a release from the list: %s" % releases)


-     # Parse values

-     release = extras[0]

-     check_arches = args.arches.split(',')

-     alternate_check_arches = args.altarches.split(',')

-     package_count = 0


-     using_dnf = False

-     if (args.dnf == True) or (major_version >= 3) or solves_with_dnf(release):

-         using_dnf = True


-     if not using_dnf:

-         import yum

-         from rpmUtils.arch import getBaseArch

-         if yum.__version_info__ < (3, 2, 24) and args.arches != getBaseArch():

-             print("WARNING: yum < 3.2.24 may be unable to depsolve other arches.")

-             print("Get a newer yum or run this on an actual %s system." % args.arches)

-             sys.exit(1)

-     else:

-         dnf_version = tuple(map(int, dnf.const.VERSION.split(".")))

-         if dnf_version < (2, 0, 0):

-             print("This script requires the DNF version 2.0 API.")

-             sys.exit(1)


+ def parse_args():

+     releases = sorted(RELEASEPATH.keys())

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

+     mexcgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "release",

+         choices=releases,

+         help="The release to work on (a release number, 'branched', or 'rawhide')",

+     )

+     mexcgroup.add_argument(

+         "--nvr",

+         action="store_true",

+         default=False,

+         help="output full NVR instead of just package name",

+     )

+     mexcgroup.add_argument(

+         "--srpm",

+         action="store_true",

+         default=False,

+         help="Output source RPMS instead of binary RPMS (for uploading to PDC)",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-a",

+         "--arches",

+         default=",".join(PRIMARY_ARCHES),

+         help="Primary arches to evaluate (%(default)s)",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-s",

+         "--altarches",

+         default=",".join(ALTERNATE_ARCHES),

+         help="Alternate arches to evaluate (%(default)s)",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-o",

+         "--output",

+         default="critpath.txt",

+         help="name of file to write critpath list (%(default)s)",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-u",

+         "--url",

+         default=FEDORA_BASEURL,

+         help="URL to fedora/linux directory for primary arches",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-r",

+         "--alturl",

+         default=FEDORA_ALTERNATEURL,

+         help="URL to fedora-secondary directory for alternate arches",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-c",

+         "--composeurl",

+         required=False,

+         help="URL to a complete (not arch split) compose, overrides -u and -r",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--noaltarch",

+         action="store_true",

+         default=False,

+         help="Not to run for alternate architectures",

+     )

+     return parser.parse_args()



+ def write_file(critpath, outpath):

+     with open(outpath, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as outfh:

+         for packagename in sorted(critpath):

+             outfh.write(packagename + "\n")

+     package_count = len(critpath)

+     print(f"Wrote {package_count} items to {outpath}")



+ def main():

+     args = parse_args()

+     release = args.release

+     check_arches = args.arches.split(",")

+     if not (release.isdigit() and int(release) < 37):

+         # armhfp is gone on F37+

+         check_arches.remove("armhfp")

+     alternate_check_arches = args.altarches.split(",")

+     package_count = 0


-     if args.nvr and args.srpm:

-         print("ERROR: --nvr and --srpm are mutually exclusive")

-         sys.exit(1)


-     if args.url != fedora_baseurl and "/mnt/koji/compose/" not in args.url:

-         releasepath[release] = releasepath[release].replace('development/','')

-         print("Using Base URL %s" % (args.url + releasepath[release]))

+     updateurl = None

+     updatealturl = None

+     if args.composeurl:

+         baseurl = args.composeurl + "/Everything/$basearch/os"

+         alturl = args.composeurl + "/Everything/$basearch/os"


-         print("Using Base URL %s" % (args.url))

+         baseurl = args.url + RELEASEPATH[release]

+         alturl = args.alturl + RELEASEPATH[release]

+         if UPDATEPATH[release]:

+             updateurl = args.url + UPDATEPATH[release]

+             updatealturl = args.alturl + UPDATEPATH[release]


+     print(f"Using Base URL {baseurl}")

+     print(f"Using alternate arch base URL {alturl}")

+     if updateurl:

+         print(f"Using update URL {updateurl}")

+     if updatealturl:

+         print(f"Using alternate arch update URL {updatealturl}")


      # Do the critpath expansion for each arch

      critpath = set()

-     for arch in check_arches+alternate_check_arches:

-         if arch in check_arches:

-             url=args.url

-         elif arch in alternate_check_arches:

+     for arch in check_arches + alternate_check_arches:

+         urls = [baseurl, updateurl]

+         if arch in alternate_check_arches:

              if args.noaltarch:


-             else:

-                 if "/mnt/koji/compose/" not in args.url:

-                     url = args.alturl

-                 else:

-                     url = args.url

-         else:

-             raise Exception('Invalid architecture')

-         print("Expanding critical path for %s" % arch)

-         my = None

-         cachedir = None

-         pkgs = None


-         if using_dnf:

-             pkgs = expand_dnf_critpath(release)

-         else:

-             print("Resolving %s dependencies with YUM" % arch)

-             (my, cachedir) = setup_yum(url = url, release=release, arch=arch)

-             pkgs = expand_yum_critpath(my, critpath_groups)

+             urls = [alturl, updatealturl]

+         # strip None update URLs when we're not using them

+         urls = [url for url in urls if url]


-         if pkgs is None:

-             package_count = 0

-         else:

-             package_count = len(pkgs)

+         print(f"Expanding critical path for {arch}")

+         pkgs = expand_dnf_critpath(urls, arch)


-         print("%u packages for %s" % (package_count, arch))

+         package_count = len(pkgs)

+         print(f"{package_count} packages for {arch}")


          if args.nvr:

-             critpath.update([nvr(p).encode('utf8') for p in pkgs])

+             critpath.update([nvr(pkg) for pkg in pkgs])

          elif args.srpm:

-             critpath.update([get_source(p.sourcerpm) for p in pkgs])

+             critpath.update([get_source(pkg.sourcerpm) for pkg in pkgs])


-             critpath.update([p.name.encode('utf8') for p in pkgs])

+             critpath.update([pkg.name for pkg in pkgs])


          del pkgs


-         # deleting the cache dir has to happen after the above or

-         # massive errors occur

-         if not using_dnf:

-             del my

-             if cachedir.startswith("/tmp/"):

-                 shutil.rmtree(cachedir)


-     # Write full list

-     f = open(args.output,"wb")

-     for packagename in sorted(critpath):

-         f.write(packagename + b'\n')

-     f.close()

-     if critpath == None:

-         package_count = 0

-     else:

-         package_count = len(critpath)

-     print("Wrote %u items to %s" % (package_count, args.output))


+     write_file(critpath, args.output)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     try:

+         main()

+     except KeyboardInterrupt:

+         sys.stderr.write("Interrupted, exiting...\n")

+         sys.exit(1)


+ # vim: set textwidth=100 ts=8 et sw=4:

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ 

+ [tool.black]

+ line-length = 100

There's a lot here! Best to look at the commit messages.

Could we add a comment block here explaining this should be 12 (when we started doing critpath) to 37 (current branched (if exists) or most recent stable)?
And thinking about it, we are never going to change eol releases, so should we just make this current + branched? ie, 35, 37, 1?

nitpick: for loading into bodhi ?

Could we add a comment block here explaining this should be 12 (when we started doing critpath) to 37 (current branched (if exists) or most recent stable)?
And thinking about it, we are never going to change eol releases, so should we just make this current + branched? ie, 35, 37, 1?

It's actually 12 to current branched minus 1 - python ranges exclude the top limit. So it's basically "all stable releases since 12". What we could do to be whizzy is figure this out Live with fedfind, which can tell you what current stable releases and current Branched number are. But I thought that might be too fancy.

1 new commit added

  • Add a couple of comments suggested in review (thanks nirik)
2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

2 years ago