#10104 [WIP] Add EPEL Fails To Install (FTI)
Closed 2 years ago by tdawson. Opened 2 years ago by tdawson.
tdawson/releng epel-fti  into  main

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ 

+ {% include "epel-header.j2" %}


+ All subpackages of a package against which this bug was filled are now installable or removed from EPEL {{ release }}.


+ Thanks for taking care of it!

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ 

+ If you know about this problem and are planning on fixing it, please acknowledge so by setting the bug status to ASSIGNED. If you don't have time to maintain this package, consider orphaning it, so maintainers of dependent packages realize the problem.



+ If you don't react accordingly to the policy for FTBFS/FTI bugs (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/), your package may be orphaned in 8+ weeks.


+ P.S. The data was generated solely from koji buildroot, so it might be newer than the latest compose or the content on mirrors.


+ P.P.S. If this bug has been reported in the middle of upgrading multiple dependent packages, please consider using side tags: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Updates_Policy/#updating-inter-dependent-packages


+ Thanks!

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ 

+ {% include "epel-header.j2" %}


+ Your package ({{ src }}) Fails To Install in EPEL {{ release }}:


+ {% for pkg, problems in pkg_problems.items() -%}

+ can't install {{ pkg }}:

+   {% for problem in problems -%}

+     - {{ problem }}

+   {% endfor %}

+ {% endfor -%}


+ {% include "epel-create-footer.j2" %}

@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3


+ import collections

+ import datetime

+ import os

+ import re

+ import sys


+ import bugzilla

+ import click

+ import jinja2

+ import requests

+ import solv


+ TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))


+ NOW = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)



+     "8": {

+         "BZ_VERSION": "epel8",

+         "REPOS": (

+             "koji-epel8",

+         ),

+         "TRACKERS": {

+             "EPEL8FailsToInstall": 1946683,

+         }

+     },

+     "7": {

+         "BZ_VERSION": "epel7",

+         "REPOS": (

+             "koji-epel7",

+         ),

+         "TRACKERS": {

+             "EPEL7FailsToInstall": 1647564,

+         }

+     }

+ }




+ def _bzdate_to_python(date):

+     return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S").replace(

+         tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc

+     )



+ def handle_orphaning(bug, tracker):

+     bz = bug.bugzilla


+     history = bug.get_history_raw()["bugs"][0]["history"]


+     try:

+         start_time = _bzdate_to_python(

+             next(

+                 u["when"]

+                 for u in history

+                 for c in u["changes"]

+                 if c["field_name"] == "blocks"

+                 and str(tracker.id) in {b.strip() for b in c["added"].split(",")}

+             )

+         )

+     except StopIteration:

+         start_time = _bzdate_to_python(bug.creation_time)

+     diff = NOW - start_time

+     if diff < datetime.timedelta(weeks=1):

+         print(

+             f"→ Week did not pass since bug started to block tracker ({start_time}), skipping…",

+         )

+         return


+     # Only reliable way to get whether needinfos were set is go through history

+     needinfos = [

+         u

+         for u in history

+         for c in u["changes"]

+         if f"needinfo?({bug.assigned_to})" in c["added"]

+     ]

+     bzupdate = None

+     flag = {"name": "needinfo", "status": "?", "requestee": bug.assigned_to}

+     if not needinfos:

+         print("Asking for the first needinfo")

+         bzupdate = bz.build_update(

+             comment="""Hello,


+ This is the first reminder (step 3 from https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/#_package_removal_for_long_standing_ftbfs_and_fti_bugs).


+ If you know about this problem and are planning on fixing it, please acknowledge so by setting the bug status to ASSIGNED. If you don't have time to maintain this package, consider orphaning it, so maintainers of dependent packages realize the problem.""",

+             flags=[flag],

+         )

+     else:

+         try:

+             needinfo_after_week = next(

+                 _bzdate_to_python(n["when"])

+                 for n in needinfos

+                 if NOW - _bzdate_to_python(n["when"]) >= datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)

+             )

+         except StopIteration:

+             print(

+                 f"→ Week did not pass since first needinfo ({_bzdate_to_python(needinfos[0]['when'])}), skipping…",

+             )

+             return

+         try:

+             needinfo_after_four_weeks = next(

+                 _bzdate_to_python(n["when"])

+                 for n in needinfos

+                 if _bzdate_to_python(n["when"]) - needinfo_after_week

+                 >= datetime.timedelta(weeks=3)

+             )

+             if NOW - needinfo_after_four_weeks >= datetime.timedelta(weeks=4):

+                 print("Opening releng ticket")

+                 print(f' * `{bug.component}` ([bug](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id={bug.id}))', file=sys.stderr)

+                 # print(f' * `{bug.component}` ([bug](https://partner-bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id={bug.id}))', file=sys.stderr)

+             else:

+                 print(

+                     f"→ 4 weeks did not pass since second needinfo ({needinfo_after_four_weeks}), skipping…",

+                 )

+                 return

+         except StopIteration:

+             if NOW - needinfo_after_week >= datetime.timedelta(weeks=3):

+                 print("Asking for another needinfo")

+                 bzupdate = bz.build_update(

+                     comment="""Hello,


+ This is the second reminder (step 4 from https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/#_package_removal_for_long_standing_ftbfs_and_fti_bugs).


+ If you know about this problem and are planning on fixing it, please acknowledge so by setting the bug status to ASSIGNED. If you don't have time to maintain this package, consider orphaning it, so maintainers of dependent packages realize the problem.""",

+                     flags=[flag],

+                 )

+             else:

+                 print(

+                     f"→ 3 weeks did not pass since first needinfo ({needinfo_after_week}), skipping…",

+                 )

+                 return


+     if bzupdate is not None:

+         result = bz.update_bugs([bug.id], bzupdate)

+         if "flags" in bzupdate and not result["bugs"][0]["changes"]:

+             # FIXME: Probably bug(s) in bugzilla and should be reported there

+             # 1. Accounts which change email do not force needinfo change

+             # 2. RHBZ can have multiple flags of the same type, but python-bugzilla does not like it much

+             #    https://github.com/python-bugzilla/python-bugzilla/issues/118

+             flags = bzupdate["flags"]

+             flags_to_unset = [

+                 f for f in bug.flags if f["name"] in set(f["name"] for f in flags)

+             ]

+             flags = [f for f in bug.flags if f["name"] == "needinfo"]

+             if not flags_to_unset:

+                 raise AssertionError(

+                     "Flags update did not happen, neither there are flags to remove"

+                 )

+                 # If there are any needinfos, we will drop all of them and then create a new one

+             bz.update_bugs(

+                 [bug.id],

+                 bz.build_update(

+                     flags=[

+                         {"name": "needinfo", "id": f["id"], "status": "X"}

+                         for f in flags

+                     ]

+                 ),

+             )

+             # Retry setting a flag

+             bz.update_bugs([bug.id], bz.build_update(flags=bzupdate["flags"]))



+ def find_broken_packages(pool):

+     solver = pool.Solver()

+     solver.set_flag(solv.Solver.SOLVER_FLAG_IGNORE_RECOMMENDED, True)

+     # Check for packages installability

+     candq = set(pool.solvables)

+     while candq:

+         jobs = [

+             pool.Job(

+                 solv.Job.SOLVER_SOLVABLE

+                 | solv.Job.SOLVER_INSTALL

+                 | solv.Job.SOLVER_WEAK,

+                 p.id,

+             )

+             for p in candq

+         ]

+         solver.solve(jobs)

+         candq_n = candq - set(pool.id2solvable(s) for s in solver.raw_decisions(1))

+         if candq == candq_n:

+             # No more packages is possible to resolve

+             break

+         candq = candq_n


+     ftbfs = {}

+     fti = collections.defaultdict(dict)


+     if not candq:

+         return ftbfs, fti


+     for s in candq:

+         problems = solver.solve(

+             [pool.Job(solv.Job.SOLVER_SOLVABLE | solv.Job.SOLVER_INSTALL, s.id)]

+         )

+         if not problems:

+             continue

+         elif len(problems) > 1:

+             raise AssertionError

+         problem = problems[0]

+         print("    Problem: " + str(s) + " == " + str(problem))


+         if s.arch in {"src", "nosrc"}:

+             srcname = s.name

+             tmp = ftbfs[s.name] = []

+         else:

+             srcname = s.lookup_sourcepkg().rsplit("-", 2)[0]

+             tmp = fti[srcname][s.name] = []


+         for rule in problem.findallproblemrules():

+             if rule.type != solv.Solver.SOLVER_RULE_PKG:

+                 raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported rule type: {rule.type}")

+             tmp.append(

+                 [

+                     {

+                         "type": info.type,

+                         "dep": info.dep,

+                         "solvable": info.solvable,

+                         "othersolvable": info.othersolvable,

+                         "str": info.problemstr(),

+                     }

+                     for info in rule.allinfos()

+                 ]

+             )


+     return ftbfs, fti



+ @click.command()

+ @click.option(

+     "--release",

+     type=click.Choice(RELEASELIST.keys()),

+     default=DEFAULT_RELEASE,

+     show_default=True,

+     help="EPEL release",

+ )

+ def follow_policy(release):

+     print("Starting")

+     pool = solv.Pool()

+     pool.setarch()


+     print("  Getting repolist for " + release)

+     repolist = RELEASELIST[release]["REPOS"]

+     print("  Getting trackerlist for " + release)

+     trackers = RELEASELIST[release]["TRACKERS"]


+     for r in repolist:

+         print("    Getting repo for " + r)

+         if os.path.exists(f"/var/cache/dnf/{r}.solv"):

+             repo = pool.add_repo(r)

+             f = solv.xfopen(f"/var/cache/dnf/{r}.solv")

+             repo.add_solv(f)

+             f.close()

+         else:

+             print("      Repo solv file is missing - Exiting")

+             return


+     print("  Processing Repos")

+     pool.addfileprovides()

+     pool.createwhatprovides()


+     print("  Finding Broken Packages")

+     ftbfs, fti = find_broken_packages(pool)

+     print("  Setting bugzilla")

+     bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla("https://bugzilla.redhat.com")

+     # bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla("https://partner-bugzilla.redhat.com")


+     print("  Getting bugzilla for FTI " + release)

+     ftibug = bz.getbug(f"EPEL{release}FailsToInstall")

+     print("  Got bugzilla, now processing")    

+     fti_report = {}

+     # TODO: report obsoleted packages

+     for src, pkg_rules in fti.items():

+         problems = collections.defaultdict(list)

+         for pkg, rules in pkg_rules.items():

+             if re.search(r"^rust-.*-devel$", pkg) and int(release) < 34:

+                 continue

+             if pkg.startswith("dummy-test-package"):

+                 continue


+             # All direct problems will be in the first rule

+             for info in rules[0]:

+                 # TODO: add support for reporting conflicts and such

+                 if (

+                     info["solvable"].name != pkg

+                     or info["type"] != solv.Solver.SOLVER_RULE_PKG_NOTHING_PROVIDES_DEP

+                 ):

+                     # Only interested in missing providers of a package itself

+                     continue

+                 # Skip hacky multilib packages

+                 if (

+                     "(x86-32)" in str(info["dep"])

+                     or "dssi-vst-wine" in str(info["dep"])

+                     or "lmms-vst" in str(info["dep"])

+                 ):

+                     continue

+                 problems[pkg].append(info["str"])


+         if problems:

+             fti_report[src] = problems


+     print("  Get Package Owners")    

+     pkg_owners = requests.get(

+         "https://src.fedoraproject.org/extras/pagure_poc.json"

+     ).json()


+     ftibug = bz.getbug(f"EPEL{release}FailsToInstall")

+     query_fti = bz.build_query(

+         product="Fedora EPEL",

+         include_fields=[

+             "id",

+             "status",

+             "component",

+             "assigned_to",

+             "flags",

+             "blocks",

+             "creation_time",

+         ],

+     )

+     query_fti["blocks"] = ftibug.id

+     current_ftis = {b.component: b for b in bz.query(query_fti)

+                     if b.status != "CLOSED" and b.component != 'distribution'}


+     env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_DIR))

+     env.globals["release"] = release


+     fti_template = env.get_template("epel-create-fti.j2")


+     for src, pkgs in sorted(fti_report.items()):

+         try:

+             if src in current_ftis:

+                 print(

+                     f"Skipping {src} because bug already exists: {current_ftis[src].id}",

+                 )

+                 continue


+             if not src in pkg_owners["rpms"]:

+                 # No package owner, skip, probrubly in RHEL

+                 continue

+             if not "epel" in pkg_owners["rpms"][src]:

+                 # No epel package owner, skip, probrubly in RHEL

+                 continue

+             if pkg_owners["rpms"][src]["epel"] == "orphan":

+                 # Skip reporting bugs for orphaned packages

+                 continue


+             description = fti_template.render(src=src, pkg_problems=pkgs)

+             summary = f"EPEL{release}FailsToInstall: {', '.join(pkgs)}"

+             if len(summary) > 255:

+                 summary = f"EPEL{release}FailsToInstall: Multiple packages built from {src}"

+             bz_version = RELEASELIST[release]["BZ_VERSION"]

+             create_fti_info = bz.build_createbug(

+                 product="Fedora EPEL",

+                 version=bz_version,

+                 component=src,

+                 summary=summary,

+                 description=description,

+                 blocks=ftibug.id,

+             )

+             # print(description)

+             print(

+                 f"Creating bug for: {src}"

+             )

+             try:

+                 bz.createbug(create_fti_info)

+             except Exception as bb:

+                 print(

+                     f"  Unable to create bug for {src} because of {bb}"

+                 )

+         except Exception as e:

+             print(

+                 f"Unable to process {src} because of {e}"

+             )


+     fixed_ftis = {src: b for src, b in current_ftis.items() if src not in fti_report}

+     # Ignore bugs which have pending updates in Bodhi

+     for src, b in list(fixed_ftis.items()):

+         if b.status not in {"MODIFIED", "ON_QA", "VERIFIED"}:

+             continue

+         print(

+             f"Checking {b.id} if it was submitted as an update to appropriate release",

+         )

+         comments = b.getcomments()

+         try:

+             next(

+                 c

+                 for c in comments

+                 if c["creator"] == "updates@fedoraproject.org"

+                 and f"EPEL {release}" in c["text"]

+             )

+             print(f"Bug for {src} ({b.id}) has a pending update, ignoring")

+             del fixed_ftis[src]

+         except StopIteration:

+             pass

+     if fixed_ftis:

+         comment = env.get_template("epel-close-fti.j2").render()

+         close = bz.build_update(

+             comment=comment, status="CLOSED", resolution="WORKSFORME"

+         )

+         unblock = bz.build_update(comment=comment, blocks_remove=ftibug.id)

+         unblock["minor_update"] = True

+         to_close = [

+             b.id

+             for b in fixed_ftis.values()

+             if not (set(b.blocks) - {ftibug.id}) & set(trackers.values())

+         ]

+         to_unblock = [b.id for b in fixed_ftis.values() if b.id not in to_close]

+         if to_close:

+             print(f"Closing FTI bugs for fixed components: {to_close}")

+             bz.update_bugs(to_close, close)

+         if to_unblock:

+             print(f"Unblocking FTI tracker for fixed components: {to_unblock}")

+             bz.update_bugs(to_unblock, unblock)

+         current_ftis = {

+             src: b for src, b in current_ftis.items() if src not in fixed_ftis

+         }

+     else:

+         print("No FTI bugs to close, everything is still broken")


+     # Update bugs for orphaned packages

+     orphaned = {

+         src: b

+         for src, b in current_ftis.items()

+         if pkg_owners["rpms"][src]["epel"] == "orphan"

+     }

+     for src, b in orphaned.items():

+         click.echo(f"Checking if need to send notice to the orphaned package: {src} ({b.id})")

+         comments = b.getcomments()

+         update = False

+         try:

+             next(c for c in comments if "This package has been orphaned." in c["text"])

+             continue

+         except StopIteration:

+             pass


+         bz.update_bugs(

+             [b.id],

+             bz.build_update(

+                 comment=f"""This package has been orphaned.


+ You can pick it up at https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/{src} by clicking button "Take". If nobody picks it up, it will be retired and removed from a distribution.""",

+                 status="NEW",

+             ),

+         )


+     # Now we care only about bugs in NEW state

+     current_ftis = {

+         src: b

+         for src, b in current_ftis.items()

+         if b.status == "NEW" and src not in orphaned

+     }

+     for src, b in current_ftis.items():

+         print(f"Checking {b.id} ({src})…")

+         handle_orphaning(b, ftibug)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     follow_policy()

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 

+ Hello,


+ Please note that this comment was generated automatically. If you feel that this output has mistakes, please contact me via email (tdawson@redhat.com).

Add an EPEL Fails To Install (FTI) check.
Due to many hard coded Fedora items in the Fedora FTI script, I felt it was safer to copy everything to epel named files.
If this works, and people want, we can merge the two scripts together in the future.

Signed-off-by: Troy Dawson tdawson@redhat.com

Looks ok to me.

Can you do a test run against partner-bugzilla and we can see that it looks good first?

Will do.
I already found one bug. So there will be at least one change to this.
Please don't merge this yet.

Is it possible to maintain the code in a shared script for both Fedora and EPEL?

My debugging is finding alot more hard coded stuff than I originally thought. I'm replacing alot of it with variables. It's very likely that I will be left with a script that can do Fedora as well as EPEL.

My re-write is close to being done, but there is one fundamental problem.
Fedora's FTI script uses just one repo, which appears to be the koji buildroot for whatever release is being tested.
Because it contains RHEL binaries, the koji buildroot for EPEL cannot be exported. It can only be used by the koji machines themselves.
I've gotten around this by building up my own local repo. But that solves the problem for just me, not anyone else that wants to use the script.

Does anyone have any good ideas on what to do about the repo problem? Should we just require that whoever uses it has access to a RHEL subscription? Should we utilize Alma or Rocky? Is there a way to use the EPEL buildroot repo without access to the packages?

Is there a way to use the EPEL buildroot repo without access to the packages?

I always assumed that is actually the case.

$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/koji-epel7.repo

$ repoquery --repo=koji-epel7 --requires python3
python3-libs(x86-32) = 3.6.8-18.el7
python3-libs(x86-64) = 3.6.8-18.el7

$ dnf --repo=koji-epel7 download python3
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm (IP:                       
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.i686.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-optional-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.i686.rpm (IP:                  
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm (IP:                       
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.i686.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-optional-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.i686.rpm (IP:                  
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm (IP:                       
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.i686.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-optional-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.i686.rpm (IP:                  
[MIRROR] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm (IP:                       
[FAILED] python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 403 for https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/rhel/rhel7/x86_64/rhel-7-server-rpms/Packages/p/python3-3.6.8-18.el7.x86_64.rpm (IP:          

Hosts within fedora infrastructure can reach our mirror of epel... so if this script runs on fedora-infrastructure it can see the repository.

Otherwise we are not providing "free rhel" to the world. ;)

I should have commented sooner. MIro's comment with the repo config worked correctly. I should have an updated pull request soon.

1 new commit added

  • Fix bugs
2 years ago

Tests worked. You can see the results of the tests on the partner-bugzilla trackers.
epel7 - https://partner-bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647564
epel8 - https://partner-bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1732971

One thing to note. There are several RHEL packages that don't install. I believe over half of the packages that can't install are from RHEL, not EPEL.
Almost all of those should not have a bug created, because there isn't an epel8 (or epel7) component, and the bug creation will fail.
You might notice on my tests that a bug was created for git on epel8. That is because the testing bugzilla doesn't have epel8 version, so I had to use epel7. epel7 does have git as a component, but not epel8. So git wouldn't have been created in production.

I am closing this.
I've written my own "Will-It-Install" for epel

Although that still has some work, I'll work with it.

Pull-Request has been closed by tdawson

2 years ago