#948 fedora-business-cards-0.2.1-1.fc10 in f10-final
Closed: Invalid None Opened 16 years ago by ianweller.

Could I get fedora-business-cards-0.2.1-1.fc10 tagged for f10-final? Wanted to have this available in current rawhide and at F10 release.

-1 - I thought we were pushing new packages to updates.

-1 - I thought we were pushing new packages to updates.

Argh, that's right. I was just in a state of euphoria after getting PR composed.

Argh, that's right. I was just in a state of euphoria after getting PR composed.

Metadata Update from @ianweller:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 10 Final

7 years ago

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