#886 Allow createrepo 0.9.6 in under the freeze
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by skvidal.

Please allow createrepo 0.9.6 in under the freeze. It's the new release, it includes mergerepo and a number of wacky unicode fixes which will help us in general.

It could make things break on the compose, it is true, but either it gets in now and breaks the compose or it gets in once F10 is out and breaks the compose.

thank you.

Against my better judgement, I'm +1 on this.

I would +1 it if I could test it first... looks like it is having issues applying the ten-changelog-limit.patch


yah - my make mock worked here b/c apparently I have the old rpm w/o the fuzz0 catch.

the patch has moved vertically 11 lines. I've fixed in and resubmitted it

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