#8711 lockups on s390x builder
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by kevin. Opened 4 years ago by peter.

Hello All,
I am still experiencing issues with s390x builder for Fedora 31+. I can reproduce it 100% - just try rebuilding Erlang and it got stuck eventually.

The latest affected build:

So far the only solution I can think of is to ExcludeArch s390x for a while and will try it again in a few weeks.

See also this thread:


Few years back it was a generic issue in kernel in futex syscall, not specific to s390x. The symptoms were same/very similar. If things work fine in F-30, then one of the suspects might be glibc and some threading changes. On the other hand, a month or so I wasn't able to reproduce that in a local build, but will retry again.

Seems like git-annex is bit by the same issue, and builds fine on F30, but is still doing something on F31 and Rawhide.

Interesting, I've tried F32 very recently and the build was successful:

No luck for F31 yet.

So those above git-annex builds finished. F31 took 2 days 41 minutes and Rawhide took a whopping 8.05 days.

Worth to mention that the git-annex build task on s390x has been restarted 5x, probably after timing out due the 48h limit in mock/koji builder.

One thing I noticed is that the stuck builds are on the KVM based builders only and never on the z/VM ones ... And I wasn't able to reproduce the hang on my z/VM guest so far.

I have noted "stuck" golang build https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=37966413 on s390x. Build usually takes around ~15min, but this has been still pending after 24h so I have canceled the task and resubmitted the build, which succeeded.

Point of the build where it got "stuck" is running tests, log snipped follows.

##### Testing packages.
# go tool dist test -run=^go_test:archive/tar$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
ok      archive/tar 0.034s
ok      archive/zip 0.083s
ok      bufio   0.069s
ok      bytes   0.232s
ok      compress/bzip2  0.061s
ok      compress/flate  0.447s
ok      compress/gzip   0.038s
ok      compress/lzw    0.010s
ok      compress/zlib   0.045s
ok      container/heap  0.016s
ok      container/list  0.010s
ok      container/ring  0.022s
ok      context 0.983s
ok      crypto  0.002s
ok      crypto/aes  0.043s
ok      crypto/cipher   0.026s
ok      crypto/des  0.007s
ok      crypto/dsa  0.004s
ok      crypto/ecdsa    0.691s
ok      crypto/ed25519  0.121s
ok      crypto/elliptic 0.034s
ok      crypto/hmac 0.001s
ok      crypto/internal/subtle  0.010s
ok      crypto/md5  0.016s
ok      crypto/rand 0.036s
ok      crypto/rc4  0.053s
ok      crypto/rsa  0.122s
ok      crypto/sha1 0.003s
ok      crypto/sha256   0.019s
ok      crypto/sha512   0.005s
ok      crypto/subtle   0.007s
ok      crypto/tls  1.162s
ok      crypto/x509 0.736s
ok      database/sql    0.549s
ok      database/sql/driver 0.013s
ok      debug/dwarf 0.025s
ok      debug/elf   0.034s
ok      debug/gosym 0.034s
ok      debug/macho 0.014s
ok      debug/pe    0.004s
ok      debug/plan9obj  0.016s
ok      encoding/ascii85    0.025s
ok      encoding/asn1   0.025s
ok      encoding/base32 0.062s
ok      encoding/base64 0.005s
ok      encoding/binary 0.029s
ok      encoding/csv    0.036s
ok      encoding/gob    0.032s
ok      encoding/hex    0.006s
ok      encoding/json   0.131s
ok      encoding/pem    0.017s
ok      encoding/xml    0.022s
ok      errors  0.039s
ok      expvar  0.026s
ok      flag    0.027s
ok      fmt 0.086s
ok      go/ast  0.011s
ok      go/build    0.176s
ok      go/constant 0.005s
ok      go/doc  0.042s
ok      go/format   0.016s
ok      go/importer 0.141s
ok      go/internal/gccgoimporter   0.026s
ok      go/internal/gcimporter  0.519s
ok      go/internal/srcimporter 0.897s
ok      go/parser   0.028s
ok      go/printer  0.289s
ok      go/scanner  0.023s
ok      go/token    0.037s
ok      go/types    0.828s
ok      hash    0.037s
ok      hash/adler32    0.013s
ok      hash/crc32  0.012s
ok      hash/crc64  0.022s
ok      hash/fnv    0.005s
ok      html    0.002s
ok      html/template   0.054s
ok      image   0.109s
ok      image/color 0.052s
ok      image/draw  0.094s
ok      image/gif   0.305s
ok      image/jpeg  0.343s
ok      image/png   0.085s
ok      index/suffixarray   0.381s
ok      internal/cpu    0.015s
ok      internal/fmtsort    0.018s
ok      internal/poll   0.071s
ok      internal/reflectlite    0.005s
ok      internal/singleflight   0.024s
ok      internal/trace  0.059s
ok      internal/xcoff  0.015s
ok      io  0.057s
ok      io/ioutil   0.007s
ok      log 0.006s
ok      log/syslog  1.228s
ok      math    0.008s
ok      math/big    0.486s
ok      math/bits   0.020s
ok      math/cmplx  0.009s
ok      math/rand   0.145s
ok      mime    1.060s
ok      mime/multipart  0.359s
ok      mime/quotedprintable    0.014s
ok      net 3.869s
ok      net/http    3.874s
ok      net/http/cgi    0.619s
ok      net/http/cookiejar  0.009s
ok      net/http/fcgi   0.019s
ok      net/http/httptest   0.032s
ok      net/http/httptrace  0.005s
ok      net/http/httputil   0.058s
ok      net/http/internal   0.023s
ok      net/http/pprof  2.021s
ok      net/internal/socktest   0.002s
ok      net/mail    0.018s
ok      net/rpc 0.039s
ok      net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.017s
ok      net/smtp    0.028s
ok      net/textproto   0.006s
ok      net/url 0.026s
ok      os  0.713s
ok      os/exec 0.609s
ok      os/signal   4.867s
ok      os/user 0.004s
ok      path    0.011s
ok      path/filepath   0.035s
ok      plugin  0.026s
ok      reflect 0.162s
ok      regexp  0.068s
ok      regexp/syntax   0.499s
ok      runtime 27.936s
ok      runtime/debug   0.061s
ok      runtime/internal/atomic 0.057s
ok      runtime/internal/math   0.020s
ok      runtime/internal/sys    0.047s
ok      runtime/pprof   7.845s
ok      runtime/pprof/internal/profile  0.004s
ok      runtime/trace   0.706s
ok      sort    0.140s
ok      strconv 0.610s
ok      strings 0.102s
ok      sync    0.330s
ok      sync/atomic 0.048s
ok      syscall 0.059s
ok      testing 0.079s
ok      testing/quick   0.090s
ok      text/scanner    0.011s
ok      text/tabwriter  0.010s
ok      text/template   0.096s
ok      text/template/parse 0.030s
ok      time    2.640s
ok      unicode 0.035s
ok      unicode/utf16   0.010s
ok      unicode/utf8    0.039s
ok      cmd/addr2line   1.727s
ok      cmd/api 0.009s
ok      cmd/asm/internal/asm    0.686s
ok      cmd/asm/internal/lex    0.038s
ok      cmd/compile 0.021s
ok      cmd/compile/internal/gc 12.247s
ok      cmd/compile/internal/ssa    0.742s
ok      cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.012s
ok      cmd/compile/internal/test   0.004s [no tests to run]
ok      cmd/compile/internal/types  0.012s
ok      cmd/cover   5.242s
ok      cmd/doc 0.099s
ok      cmd/fix 0.044s
ok      cmd/go  82.524s
ok      cmd/go/internal/auth    0.030s
ok      cmd/go/internal/cache   0.351s
ok      cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.034s
ok      cmd/go/internal/generate    0.057s
ok      cmd/go/internal/get 0.031s
ok      cmd/go/internal/imports 0.007s
ok      cmd/go/internal/load    0.025s
ok      cmd/go/internal/lockedfile  0.021s
ok      cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock    0.047s
ok      cmd/go/internal/modconv 0.018s
ok      cmd/go/internal/modfetch    0.048s
ok      cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost   0.018s
ok      cmd/go/internal/modfile 0.006s
ok      cmd/go/internal/modload 0.028s
ok      cmd/go/internal/module  0.006s
ok      cmd/go/internal/mvs 0.030s
ok      cmd/go/internal/note    0.021s
ok      cmd/go/internal/par 0.083s
ok      cmd/go/internal/renameio    1.685s
ok      cmd/go/internal/search  0.008s
ok      cmd/go/internal/semver  0.002s
ok      cmd/go/internal/sumweb  0.022s
ok      cmd/go/internal/tlog    0.619s
ok      cmd/go/internal/txtar   0.001s
ok      cmd/go/internal/web 0.007s
ok      cmd/go/internal/work    0.024s
ok      cmd/gofmt   0.038s
ok      cmd/internal/buildid    0.197s
ok      cmd/internal/dwarf  0.008s
ok      cmd/internal/edit   0.009s
ok      cmd/internal/goobj  1.179s
ok      cmd/internal/obj    0.010s
ok      cmd/internal/obj/arm64  0.042s
ok      cmd/internal/obj/x86    2.300s
ok      cmd/internal/objabi 0.046s
ok      cmd/internal/src    0.002s
ok      cmd/internal/test2json  0.140s
ok      cmd/link    10.497s
ok      cmd/link/internal/ld    3.411s
ok      cmd/link/internal/sym   0.002s
ok      cmd/nm  3.857s
ok      cmd/objdump 1.308s
ok      cmd/pack    1.765s
ok      cmd/trace   0.015s
ok      cmd/vet 6.368s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
##### os/user with tag osusergo
# go tool dist test -run=^osusergo$
go test -short -count=1 -run= -timeout=10m0s -tags=osusergo os/user
ok      os/user 0.002s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -timeout=10m0s runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick
##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick
# go tool dist test -run=^runtime:cpu124$
ok      runtime 5.043s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### cmd/go terminal test
# go tool dist test -run=^cmd_go_test_terminal$
skipping terminal test; stdout/stderr not terminals
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
##### Testing without libgcc.
# go tool dist test -run=^nolibgcc:crypto/x509$
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -ldflags=-linkmode=internal -libgcc=none crypto/x509 -run=
ok      crypto/x509 0.395s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
# go tool dist test -run=^nolibgcc:net$
ok      net 0.015s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -ldflags=-linkmode=internal -libgcc=none net -run=TestTCPStress
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
# go tool dist test -run=^nolibgcc:os/user$
ok      os/user 0.021s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -ldflags=-linkmode=internal -libgcc=none os/user -run=
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### sync -cpu=10
# go tool dist test -run=^sync_cpu$
ok      sync    0.385s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= sync -timeout=4m0s -cpu=10 -run=
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/stdio
# go tool dist test -run=^cgo_stdio$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -c -o test.test .
./test.test -test.short
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/life
# go tool dist test -run=^cgo_life$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -c -o test.test .
./test.test -test.short
gcc -xc -o /dev/null -static -
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
##### ../misc/cgo/test
# go tool dist test -run=^cgo_test$
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run=
ok      misc/cgo/test   5.055s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -run= -tags=internal
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/test   4.974s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run=
ok      misc/cgo/test   3.448s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -ldflags -linkmode=auto
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/testtls    0.005s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -ldflags -linkmode=external
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/testtls    0.002s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -ldflags -linkmode=external -extldflags "-static -pthread"
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/testtls    0.002s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run=
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/nocgo  0.005s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -ldflags -linkmode=external
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/nocgo  0.015s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -ldflags -linkmode=external -extldflags "-static -pthread"
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/nocgo  0.011s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -run= -tags=static -ldflags -linkmode=external -extldflags "-static -pthread"
ok      misc/cgo/test   4.341s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -run= -tags=static
ok      misc/cgo/test   4.519s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/test   3.429s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -buildmode=pie
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/testtls    0.003s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -buildmode=pie
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -buildmode=pie
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
ok      misc/cgo/nocgo  0.003s
##### ../misc/cgo/testgodefs
# go tool dist test -run=^testgodefs$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/testso
# go tool dist test -run=^testso$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -timeout=20m0s .
ok      misc/cgo/testso 2.584s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/testsovar
# go tool dist test -run=^testsovar$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -timeout=20m0s .
ok      misc/cgo/testsovar  1.842s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/testcarchive
# go tool dist test -run=^testcarchive$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -c -o test.test .
./test.test -test.short
SKIP - short mode and $GO_BUILDER_NAME not set
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/testcshared
# go tool dist test -run=^testcshared$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -c -o test.test .
./test.test -test.short
SKIP - short mode and $GO_BUILDER_NAME not set
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
##### ../misc/cgo/testshared
# go tool dist test -run=^testshared$
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -timeout=20m0s .
ok      misc/cgo/testshared 43.928s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/testplugin
# go tool dist test -run=^testplugin$
ok      misc/cgo/testplugin 0.002s
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -timeout=20m0s .
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
##### ../misc/cgo/errors
# go tool dist test -run=^cgo_errors$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -c -o test.test .
./test.test -test.short
go build -o runtest.exe run.go
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
##### ../misc/cgo/testsigfwd
# go tool dist test -run=^testsigfwd$
go run main.go
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
go test -short -count=1 -tags= -run= -c -o=/dev/null
##### ../test/bench/go1
# go tool dist test -run=^bench_go1$
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std
run: go list -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= -f={{if .Stale}}   STALE {{.ImportPath}}: {{.StaleReason}}{{end}} std DONE
/builddir/build/BUILD/go/test/runtest.exe --shard=0 --shards=1
##### ../test
# go tool dist test -run=^test:0_1$

This is happening 100% of the time now on erlang builds for rawhide.

I've created a bz to track down the issue here:


So, from the bug the issue was tracked down and worked around... great job!

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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