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Describe the issue We have created the wiki for https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Changes/Minishift_Spin to have fedora ISO for minishift for that we need your team review.
When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD) Sooner would be better.
When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD) N/A
If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact? We will not be going to have fedora iso from our official channel :(
Metadata Update from @mohanboddu: - Issue tagged with: changes, f29
@kumarpraveen Fedora Release Engineering acks the change and will make the appropriate updates to the pungi configurations once FESCo approves the change.
Let us know if you need help making changes to the comps and kickstarts.
Metadata Update from @kellin: - Issue tagged with: change-ack
@kumarpraveen , what is the status of this request? Have you received FESCo approval? Have you made the comps and kickstart changes?
Closing the ticket, please reopen the ticket if and when you are ready.
Metadata Update from @mohanboddu: - Issue close_status updated to: Get back later - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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