#7150 Retiring ghostscript-fonts for F27 without noticing it is already Final Freeze
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 7 years ago by zdohnal.

this Monday I finally got to issue which I already discussed on devel-list - removing ghostscript-fonts from Fedora, because they are deprecated long ago and they are replaced by urw-base35-fonts. Two remaining components ghostscript and hylafax+, which had dependency on ghostscript-fonts, removed this dependency, so I retired it for F27 and F28.
But problem is, I didn't check Fedora 27 schedule, and F27 is already in Final Freeze, in which retiring packages mustn't happen (I check emails regulary on devel, devel-announce, fedora-announce and test-announce, but all I saw was postponing Fedora 27, so I thought it isn't Final Freeze already), I'm really sorry about it.
What can I do now for F27? Should I request unretirement for only one release? Or will package be retired for F27?

@zdohnal ghostscript-fonts is already made into f27 final RC compose tree, so I guess unretiring it in F27 would be a better option.

Hi @mohanboddu ,

may I ask you for unretiring it without package review? Because it is only 5 days in retirement, package review was done in the past (because package was in Fedora), package will be retired in F28 and package is deprecated? Because package review would be waste of reviewer's time and correcting package to comply Fedora Guideline would be waste of time too.

Metadata Update from @syeghiay:
- Issue assigned to mohanboddu

6 years ago

@mohanboddu, is this resolved (or not needed any longer)?

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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