#6458 F25 updates and updates-testing repositories missing
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by adamwill.

F25 has branched, but the updates and updates-testing repositories have not been created. These repos are enabled by default for an F25 install, so dnf commands fail unless you pass --disablerepo=updates --disablerepo=updates-testing. Even though Bodhi is not yet activated for F25, I believe the usual procedure is to have the repositories created but empty at this point.

I think I have this fixed now.

It should sync the empty repos to the master mirror in about 15m, then mirrormanager should see them and add them in the next few hours. I can check on it in the morning...

Yeah, this seems to be resolved now. Thanks.

Metadata Update from @adamwill:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 25 Alpha

7 years ago

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