#5859 Releng improvements ideas 2014
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by till.

Ideas to improve releng:

  • Properly announce in advance if meetings are skipped

I've noticed from a lot of releng meeting minutes that very often, no one but the meeting organizer shows up. That can be be pretty disheartening from the point of view of that one poor person.

Just throwing this out there: being the "releng meeting organzier" would be a fairly low-bar way for someone interested in getting involved in Fedora but not sure where to contribute to jump in. Duties would be:

  • (re)scheduling the meeting times for maximum attendance
  • gathering meeting agenda items
  • sending out announcements with the agenda
  • sending out cancellation notices if needed
  • running the irc meetbot/chairing the meeting
  • sending out the minutes
  • filing tickets for todo items
  • closing out tickets that were resolved

Replying to [comment:1 mattdm]:

I've noticed from a lot of releng meeting minutes that very often, no one but the meeting organizer shows up.

In my memory we are usually pretty complete but due to lack of using meetbot commands the minutes are not that complete.

Replying to [comment:2 till]:

Replying to [comment:1 mattdm]:

I've noticed from a lot of releng meeting minutes that very often, no one but the meeting organizer shows up.

In my memory we are usually pretty complete but due to lack of using meetbot commands the minutes are not that complete.

Ah, okay. In that case, I stand by the above, except add

  • use a lot of meetbot commands during the meetings


As an interested bystander, I find those minutes to be very helpful when they are fully used.

removing meeting keyword, it can be added back when we have new things to discuss

I don't see much left here... reopen if there's additional ideas. ;)

Metadata Update from @till:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 20 Final

7 years ago

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