#5623 Create Fedora 19 Final test composes (TC) and release candidates (RC)
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by adamwill.


"Create First 'Final' Test Compose (TC1) Tue 2013-06-04"

So, let's have Final TC1! Please use [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-8866/lorax-19.4-1.fc19 lorax-19.4-1.fc19] for composing the non-live images - only way to get karma on lorax updates is to use them for a compose, so let's go for it.

Please include the following beyond what's in stable right now:

32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC1/19-TC1/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3902
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC1/19-TC1/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3894

Images will land a bit later today

The request asks for
but the resulting 64-bit TC1 has
which does not have the change for bug #964335.

Re-opening for TC2. Please include:


Images will be up in a bit.

32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC2/19-TC2/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3906
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC2/19-TC2/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3898

Re-opening for TC3. Please include:


Freeze exception



i have also included tigervnc-1.2.80-0.15.20130314svn5065.fc19 dracut-027-82.git20130531.fc19 for arm fixes

32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC3/19-TC3/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3904
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC3/19-TC3/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3896

Re-opening for TC4: a big pile of stuff arrived today that we probably want. Please use [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-10871/dracut-029-1.fc19 dracut-029-1.fc19] for the build - bcl wants us to use it and it has some significant fixes. Please wait until after a mash is complete to do the compose, because I made some changes to comps and we want to test that they work out correctly. Please include:

Is there a package "Kitchen Sink" you want added as well adam :)

[https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/livecd-tools-19.5-1.fc19 livecd-tools-19.5-1.fc19] is now available and should make live image composes possible.

let's do a TC5, with all this churn. Add to the TC4 list (I'm including packages from the last few comments to make sure nothing gets missed):

Sorry, one more to add: please compose with [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-10835/lorax-19.5-1.fc19 lorax-19.5-1.fc19] at bcl's request.


32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC5/19-TC5/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3907
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC5/19-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3899

Re-opening for TC6. Please include:


Freeze exception


32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC6/19-TC6/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3943
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-TC6/19-TC6/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3935


Re-opening for RC1! Please use the latest spin-kickstarts, which should work around the blocker bug [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=679486 #679486] and help fix the blocker bug [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=958426 #958426]. Please include:


Freeze exception

Oh - and please remember to flip the 'final release' switch for the DVD/netinst!


32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-RC1/19/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3957
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-RC1/19/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3949

Re-opening for RC2. Please use the latest spin-kickstarts , which should fix FE bug [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=977764 #977764] (yell if the live goes back over-size, but it shouldn't). Please include:

anaconda will be edited into the update ASAP, at present Bodhi isn't letting bcl do it.


32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-RC2/19/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3957
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-RC2/19/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3949

Re-opening for an RC2.1. Please re-spin just the KDE live and those based on it, with:

The package does not appear on the DVD image, or on any of the other lives. Looking at spin-kickstarts, the following spins are what I would expect to include it:

  • fedora-livecd-kde.ks
  • fedora-live-kde.ks
  • fedora-livedvd-scientific-kde.ks
  • fedora-live-jam-kde.ks

we should re-spin any of those that are being built. No other images ought to need rebuilding. I built a test KDE live to verify the fix: it doesn't go oversize, luc does now launch after an install, and other apps that prompt for root on startup (e.g. the system-config-* tools) still work.


they will be merged into final tree if the get deemed final.

RC2.1 managed to leave out the only change that was requested =) It does not include liveusb-creator-3.11.8-3.fc19 . I double-checked the sha256sums , and kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/bleed does not contain a liveusb-creator package in x86_64 or i386.

Can you please give it another shot (RC2.2? RC2.1b? Silent overwrite? Whatever), and also, do it with spin-kickstarts 15305b2 this time (the same commit we used for RC2)? We really don't want to twiddle with building a new spin-kickstarts again. If that means the jam spin doesn't work, then too damn bad for the jam spin.


sorry seems i forgot to run the script to update the bleed repo

Re-opening for RC3 :/ Please include:

I would suggest attempting to minimize all other change as far as possible. i.e. I'd suggest using the same spin-kickstarts git level we used for RC2; the fixes since then are just too late, we really don't want to minimize the exposed surface for RC3 so we can be reasonably confident it is okay with only moderate testing. We appear to be stuck with the unnecessary comps change, unfortunately: let's just hope it doesn't bust the DVD size.


32 bit repoclosure
Added i386 repo from /srv/pungi/19-RC3/19/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3957
64 bit repoclosure
Added x86_64 repo from /srv/pungi/19-RC3/19/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3949

Metadata Update from @adamwill:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 19 Final

7 years ago

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