#5196 Create Fedora 17 Final release candidate (RC) - live and traditional
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by tflink.

Since we didn't make a ticket for RC1, creating a ticket for Final RC2.

All accepted release blockers are addressed, as per this moment:


All of the updates needed to address the blockers are pending a push to stable and no extra builds are needed at this time (assuming that the last mash on F17 has been completed). If the builds pending push to stable are too new, let us know and we'll update the ticket with specific builds.

Please make sure that the latest spin-kickstarts is pulled in from git as it contains fixes for release blockers and a new build has not yet been created.

Please pull in the following builds that are either pending a push to stable or were pushed to stable yesteday (I included them all for completeness, even though that means mentioning the update from comment #1 again)

=== Updates to fix blocker bugs ===

=== Updates to fix NTH bugs ===
* kde-settings-4.8-13.fc17, qt-4.8.1-10.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7713/
* Fixes https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=810161
* lohit-tamil-fonts-2.5.0-3.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/lohit-tamil-fonts-2.5.0-3.fc17
* Fixes https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=820478


Repoclosure passed

<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-RC2,/srv/pungi/17.RC2/17/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-RC2
Added f17-RC2 repo from /srv/pungi/17.RC2/17/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3363
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-RC2,/srv/pungi/17.RC2/17/Fedora/x86_64/os/ --basearch=x86_64 -r f17-RC2
Added f17-RC2 repo from /srv/pungi/17.RC2/17/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3352

the livedvds are not yet up but will be soon. ill update and close the ticket when they are up. but testing can start.

all the lives are up now

Re-opening for RC3. Please pull:

That should be all for the compose; there's some other builds to push stable for housekeeping, but we've discussed those on IRC. Thanks!


<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-RC3,/srv/pungi/17.RC3/17/Fedora/x86_64/os/ --basearch=x86_64 -r f17-RC3
Added f17-RC3 repo from /srv/pungi/17.RC3/17/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3349
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-RC3,/srv/pungi/17.RC3/17/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-RC3
Added f17-RC3 repo from /srv/pungi/17.RC3/17/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3357
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]#

Re-opening for RC4. Please pull:

We'll get some testing on that anaconda so it can be pushed stable.


repoclosure passed
<mock-chroot>[root@composrepoclosure --repofrompath=f17-RC4,/srv/pungi/17.RC4/17/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-RC4
Added f17-RC4 repo from /srv/pungi/17.RC4/17/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3357
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-RC4,/srv/pungi/17.RC4/17/Fedora/x86_64/os/ --basearch=x86_64 -r f17-RC4
Added f17-RC4 repo from /srv/pungi/17.RC4/17/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3349
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]#

Metadata Update from @tflink:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 17 Final

7 years ago

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