#5168 Lazarus update in some weird state?
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by vondruch.


I noticed that the Lazarus update [1] is in some "pending" state, but it is not obvious for what it is pending. Neither AutoQA touched the update. I would say that it should be pushed into updates-testing.

Thank you.

[1] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/lazarus-

It's not pushed anywhere... login and go there and you should see 'push to testing' and 'push to stable' available for you (provided you submitted the update).

ive clicked on the push to testing button. for you. it will go to testing next push

I thought that once you create update, it is always automatically pushed into testing. I was probably mistaken. Thank you.

Ah, may be it is possible to fill the update without request type, but what is the purpose of the update then?

Metadata Update from @vondruch:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 17 Final

7 years ago

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