#5163 Create Fedora 17 Final test compose (TC) - live and traditional
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by adamwill.

It's time for the Final TC:


Create 'Final' Test Compose (TC) Mon 2012-04-23

We would like to include the following builds beyond what's currently in stable:

We would also like to have the build done with this comps change included:


Whether we wait for karma on the builds and then do a mash and the TC (so probably tomorrow) or push them without karma or do a mash for the comps change but pull the builds from a side repo I don't really mind, but I wanted to get the ticket listing the desired changes filed.

We found a couple of issues today with mactel and EFI boot that need some updates.

Please pull in this grub build for TC1:
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/grub-0.97-92.fc17

Please make sure that all of the build hosts for the lives are updated with this build:
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/livecd-tools-17.9-1.fc17


xfce lives failed due to dep issues. the fixes have been pushed stable today will spin up xfce lives in the morning.

games is failing due to broken deps and needs looked at.

waiting on some of the livedvds to finish uploading.

[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC1,/srv/pungi/17.TC1/17-TC1/Fedora/x86_64/os/ --basearch=x86_64 -r f17-TC1
Added f17-TC1 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC1/17-TC1/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3339
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC1,/srv/pungi/17.TC1/17-TC1/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-TC1
Added f17-TC1 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC1/17-TC1/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3348

repoclosure passsed on the Fedora tree

Re-opening for TC2, as we have some interesting anaconda/livecd changes. Please pull:

Thanks! Karma is 0 for some of these, but we really need a new compose in order to file karma on them. There is also a kernel build which we could pull, https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kernel-3.3.4-1.fc17 , but it's very new and I don't know if it's been smoketested.


<mock-chroot>[root@composrepoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC2,/srv/pungi/17.TC2/17-TC2/Fedora/x86_64/os/ --basearch=x86_64 -r f17-TC2
Added f17-TC2 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC2/17-TC2/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3343
<mock-chroot>[root@composrepoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC2,/srv/pungi/17.TC2/17-TC2/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-TC2
Added f17-TC2 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC2/17-TC2/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3355

Re-opening for TC3. I'm filing this a little early and this is all pending smoke testing that the anaconda devs are planning to do.

Please include the following builds in TC3:

=== Builder Updates ===
* lorax-17.17-1.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7251/lorax-17.17-1.fc17
* pungi-2.11-2.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-5976/pungi-2.11-2.fc17
* livecd-tools-17.11-1
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7265/livecd-tools-17.11-1.fc17

=== Other Builds ===
* anaconda-17.25-1
* At the time of this writing, this build hasn't happened yet. It is planned and should land in a couple of hours
* systemd-44-8.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7193/systemd-44-8.fc17
* submitted for stable, not pushed yet
* wpa_supplicant-1.0-0.4.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7053/wpa_supplicant-1.0-0.4.fc17
* should be in stable - pushed 2012-05-02
* kernel-3.3.4-3
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7212/kernel-3.3.4-3.fc17
* pending stable push
* dhcp-4.2.4-0.4.rc1.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2012-7018/dhcp-4.2.4-0.4.rc1.fc17
* pending stable push
* dracut-018-31.git20120504.fc17
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/dracut-018-31.git20120504.fc17
* This is a brand new build that should fix an NTH for final but if there is no karma for this build by the time TC3 is spun up, I'm tempted to hold off until RC1 on this in case there are issues

=== Older Builds ===
* accountsservice-0.6.18-1.fc17
* The two newer builds of accountsservice are reported to have problems - they are in updates-testing right now and thus shouldn't be an issue but I wanted to make sure that it was noted here.

<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC3,/srv/pungi/17.TC3/17-TC3/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-TC3
Added f17-TC3 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC3/17-TC3/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3340
package: 1:eclipse-jdt-4.2.0-0.17.I201204171000.fc17.i686 from f17-TC3
unresolved deps:
java-javadoc >= 1:1.7.0
package: 1:mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-4.fc17.i686 from f17-TC3
unresolved deps:
java-gcj-compat >= 0:1.0.31
java-gcj-compat >= 0:1.0.31
package: eclipse-linuxprofilingframework-0.10.0-4.fc17.i686 from f17-TC3
unresolved deps:
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC3,/srv/pungi/17.TC3/17-TC3/Fedora/x86_64/os/ --basearch=x86_64 -r f17-TC3
Added f17-TC3 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC3/17-TC3/Fedora/x86_64/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3328
package: 1:eclipse-jdt-4.2.0-0.17.I201204171000.fc17.x86_64 from f17-TC3
unresolved deps:
java-javadoc >= 1:1.7.0
package: 1:mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-4.fc17.x86_64 from f17-TC3
unresolved deps:
java-gcj-compat >= 0:1.0.31
java-gcj-compat >= 0:1.0.31
package: eclipse-linuxprofilingframework-0.10.0-4.fc17.x86_64 from f17-TC3
unresolved deps:
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]#

Update: please hold TC4 until a new anaconda build is done. We have one pending with some significant fixes.


There is broken deps still. going to dig into it tomorrow. games spin is still uploading.

TC4 Lives claim to be TC3 in their isolinux screen. There was probably some mistake during the compose process. But their checksum differs from real TC3 Lives.

TC5 is hereby requested, as we still don't have all blockers fixed but we have many many fixes to pull. Please pull, in addition to all the TC4 stuff:



We could also do a stable push first to fix one of the repoclosure issues, I guess, and any further attempt to fix http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=819138 would be good.


i tried something different for thr javadoc dep issue. going to have to add all the javadoc packages. not all lives are currently up. will fix them up when i wake up.

all the live images are up now

OK, I think we can do one more TC to clear things up before RC1. We can probably do RC1 tomorrow (waiting on the USB data writing patches for GNOME). Please pull these, in addition to the TC5 stuff. Please also check bleed for stale builds that should be dropped.



Please ensure you use the latest spin-kickstarts git, the following commits are required for blocker / nth fixes:



Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3343
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]# repoclosure --repofrompath=f17-TC6,/srv/pungi/17.TC6/17-TC6/Fedora/i386/os/ --basearch=i686 -r f17-TC6
Added f17-TC6 repo from /srv/pungi/17.TC6/17-TC6/Fedora/i386/os
Reading in repository metadata - please wait....
Checking Dependencies
Repos looked at: 1
Num Packages in Repos: 3354
<mock-chroot>[root@compose-x86-01 /]#

I will post the live dvds in the morning

The games spin should build now. The issue was with egoboo and enet and the updated egoboo went to stable on May 4th fixing the problem.

Metadata Update from @adamwill:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 17 Final

7 years ago

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