#4967 Create Fedora 16 Final release candidate (RC) - live and traditional
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by adamwill.

It's (well past) RC time! Install media and main live desktops are requested.

The not-currently-pushed builds that should go into the RC are as follows. Please push these stable and then compose without using a side repo, so the packages show up as originating from the correct repos in yum's database after live installation.


Some of the listed updates supersede builds from the glibc rebuild update: use the NEWER ones in this case, and edit the older ones out of the big glibc rebuild update if necessary.


Also please remember to flip the 'release' switch so the betanag in the installer is turned off.


Oh, and please block PackageKit-zif from the compose.


the games spin is still being made, and there were 3 that failed to compose, the 2 new ones, scientfic-kde and robotics as well as design suite

This update is also required for the robotics spin to be composed:

Games spin is now live.

Requesting a quick RC2 to fix newly-reported blocker https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=744463 . Only update needed:

it's currently awaiting karma. Unfortunately this requires every image to be rebuilt as it's a core package, it'll be in all of them obviously.

karma is now in for the update.


the games and scientific-kde spins are still uploading to the hub from the builder. everything else is up. the final 2 spins will be uploaded soon.

rest are up now. ill upload the ec2 images in the morning, leaving open till then

i386: ami-fddf1194

x86_64: ami-4ddf1124

Re-opening to request RC3. Currently we have the following accepted blockers:

For the second bug, we should pull:

For the first bug, we are not at all sure what the cause is; we'll see if the RC3 efidisk.img works and if it doesn't we'll just use RC1's, since there should be no functional difference between them.

We also have one proposed blocker that still needs information:

I will keep an eye on that and alert if it goes accepted.

One more build we should probably pull for RC3:

it's for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=750397 , which is newly proposed NTH and should probably be accepted.

cwickert would also like the LXDE live composed with the latest change from spin-kickstarts git, which fixes a missing package on that spin.


since the changes did not effect ec2 i did not make a new compose there.

Re-opening for RC4, god willing an' the creek don't rise, the final RC:

As well as all the updates for RC2 and RC3, and whatever you need to do to make sure efidisk.img works.


EC2 amis

i386 ami-5f16d836

x86_64 ami-0316d86a

since this did not effect ec2 ive not made new ec2 images
the rest are at


Metadata Update from @adamwill:
- Issue assigned to ausil
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 16 Final

7 years ago

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