#4267 multiarch issues with collectd in EPEL 5
Closed: Invalid None Opened 13 years ago by mmcgrath.

Can we get collectd in EPEL set to disable multi-lib? It has become an issue on EPEL where installing "collectd" via yum creates conflicts it shouldn't.

How is this not an issue on Fedora proper?

ping if this is an issue in epel i dont see how its not also an issue in fedora.

It's still an issue.

It's because fedora ships python 32/64bit, but rhel5 does not. It only ships the x86_64 python in x86_64.

This results in:

package: collectd-4.10.3-1.el5.i386 from fedora-epel-5-x86_64
unresolved deps:

Similar to https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4130, closing as won't fix since this only affects EPEL 5 which is nearing EOL.

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