#2155 Buildroot override request for tokyocabinet-1.4.32-1.fc11
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by deji.

There has been a request to update tokyocabinet to a more recent release to allow a new package to pass review. However this means a soname bump for tokyocabinet in the F-11 and the dependent mutt package will need to be rebuilt. Please pull tokyocabinet-1.4.32-1.fc11 into F-11 update buildroot so that mutt can be rebuild against it, and the 2 can go in simultaneously as F-11 updates.

Tagged. Let me know when the build is done so that I can untag it.

ping; is this build done yet?

Replying to [comment:2 jkeating]:

ping; is this build done yet?

Mutt package-owner wants me to hold off on rebuilding the package for now, he wants to fix some bug in it on F11

Replying to [comment:2 jkeating]:

ping; is this build done yet?

The build is done now, you can go ahead and untag tokyocabinet-1.4.32-1.fc11.

Metadata Update from @deji:
- Issue assigned to jkeating

7 years ago

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