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There has been a request to update tokyocabinet to a more recent release to allow a new package to pass review. However this means a soname bump for tokyocabinet in the F-11 and the dependent mutt package will need to be rebuilt. Please pull tokyocabinet-1.4.32-1.fc11 into F-11 update buildroot so that mutt can be rebuild against it, and the 2 can go in simultaneously as F-11 updates. Thanks.
Tagged. Let me know when the build is done so that I can untag it.
ping; is this build done yet?
Replying to [comment:2 jkeating]:
Mutt package-owner wants me to hold off on rebuilding the package for now, he wants to fix some bug in it on F11
The build is done now, you can go ahead and untag tokyocabinet-1.4.32-1.fc11. Thanks
Metadata Update from @deji: - Issue assigned to jkeating
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