#2150 Please tag the packages from dist-f12-openssl to dist-f12
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by tmraz.

I've done the rebuilds on dist-f12-openssl and I've tried to use the mass-tag.py to tag the packages into dist-f12. It produced the list of packages that will be tagged but the tagging silently failed. So I suppose I don't have permission to do that. Could you please tag the packages for me?

Tagged everything --latest in dist-f12-openssl into dist-f12. In some cases this has overridden newer builds in dist-f12. Those packages need to be rebuilt anyway.

t8m said as of a few hours ago these were packages that need to be rebuilt.

openoffice.org chunkd conexus evolution-data-server evolution-exchange kvirc tabled totem

jbarnes is aware of evolution*. I'll take care of the rest.

I've untagged the above packages from dist-f12 so we do not have the old packages in tomorrow rawhide.

Currently blocked by the nss problem.

build here

Build above is showing failures, unclear if it is stuck or non-fatal at this point.

The failures were fatal. emaldona agreed to disable the tests temporarily so we can at least build our other packages against nss.


This has mostly happened. I'm closing the ticket.

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