#12546 please remove unwanted rpmdevtools commit accidentally pushed to rawhide branch
Opened 17 days ago by petersen. Modified 16 days ago

  • Describe the issue
    I pushed a commit earlier today to rpmdevtools rawhide branch (which hasn't been updated since Feb 2022) by mistake, instead of my fork (to update to latest git changes):


@ngompa asked that the commit be removed since I think he doesn't like such git snapshot commits.

So could releng please remove the above commit, thanks

Sorry for the trouble.

  • When do you need this? (2025/01/23)

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact? Other people may pull it

(BTW I prepared the commit since rpmdev-bumpspec broke the changelog in several of my packages in the Mass Rebuild)

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

16 days ago

You can push a revert commit. We generally don't force alter main branches unless there are legal requirements to do so.

Metadata Update from @james:
- Issue assigned to james

16 days ago

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