#12532 The build `localsearch-3.8~rc-1.fc42` is in `DELETED` state and is blocking me from rebuilding
Closed: Fixed with Explanation a month ago by kevin. Opened a month ago by nmontero.

The build localsearch-3.8~rc-1.fc42 is in DELETED state and is blocking me from rebuilding the package with the same version and release. I need this build removed to proceed with the new side tag f42-build-side-103691.

- Package: localsearch
- Build: localsearch-3.8~rc-1.fc42
- Former side tag: f42-build-side-99782
- New side tag: f42-build-side-103691

Is there some reason you cannot bump release and rebuild?

koji builds are unique. Once one happens you can never ever reuse that N-V-R.

Is there some reason you cannot bump release and rebuild?

koji builds are unique. Once one happens you can never ever reuse that N-V-R.

I will bump release then, thanks

Cool. Let us know if you run into any problems there.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed with Explanation
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a month ago

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