#12278 Retire FTI packages in NEW state
Closed: Fixed 23 days ago by churchyard. Opened 24 days ago by churchyard.

I will handle this, no need to do anything

According to the schedule


we need to follow https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/ and retire (and orphan) packages with NEW fails to install bugzillas with at least 2 reminders. The date was 2 days ago and I forgot, so let's do that now.

Currently, the list would be:
python-djvulibre python-setuptools_scm_git_archive python-mglob qpid-dispatch python-py-gql libprelude pyliblo python-pyfastnoisesimd NLopt python-ruffus libpreludedb python-anymarkup-core python-flask-basicauth python-gensim transtats-cli python-wsaccel python-devicely python-testinfra python-sphinxcontrib-openapi python-matplotlib-venn python-google-cloud-monitoring python-stompest python-devtools python-django-auth-ldap python-eventlet prelude-correlator python-adb python-anymarkup python-django-pyscss python-oslo-db python-streamlink python-tensordict zanata-python-client perl-Authen-Krb5-Admin golang-k8s-sample-cli-plugin


Attached is a script to generate the list:

import bugzilla
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime

TRACKER = 2260877  # F41FailsToInstall
JUDGEMENT_DAY = datetime.fromisoformat("2024-08-22")

bzapi = bugzilla.Bugzilla("bugzilla.redhat.com")
fields = ["component", "creation_time"]
query = bzapi.build_query(product="Fedora", include_fields=fields)
query["blocks"] = TRACKER
query["status"] = "NEW"
query["limit"] = 1000
bugzillas = bzapi.query(query)
assert len(bugzillas) < 1000

def is_reminder(c):
    return (c["creator"].startswith("mhroncok@") and "reminder" in c["text"] or
        c["creator"].startswith("fti-bugs@") and "reminder" in c["text"])

def two_reminders(bug):
    return sum(is_reminder(c) for c in bug.getcomments()) >= 2

retire_ids = []
retire_packages = []

for bug in bugzillas:
    creation_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(bug.creation_time.timetuple()))
    delta = JUDGEMENT_DAY - creation_time
    symbol = "\N{GREEN HEART}"
    if delta.days >= 8 * 7 and two_reminders(bug):
        symbol = "\N{SKULL}"
    print(bug.component, f"{delta.days // 7} weeks", symbol, file=sys.stderr)

    + ",".join(str(b) for b in retire_ids)
print(" ".join(retire_packages))

Will wait couple hours before doing this.

Thanks @churchyard, for taking care of this!

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

24 days ago

Current list

python-djvulibre python-setuptools_scm_git_archive python-mglob qpid-dispatch python-py-gql libprelude pyliblo python-pyfastnoisesimd python-ruffus libpreludedb python-anymarkup-core python-flask-basicauth python-gensim transtats-cli python-wsaccel python-devicely python-testinfra python-sphinxcontrib-openapi python-matplotlib-venn python-google-cloud-monitoring python-stompest python-devtools python-django-auth-ldap python-eventlet prelude-correlator python-adb python-anymarkup python-django-pyscss python-oslo-db python-tensordict zanata-python-client perl-Authen-Krb5-Admin golang-k8s-sample-cli-plugin

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

23 days ago

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