#11898 F41 system-wide change: GNU Toolchain update for F41 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GNUToolchainF41
Closed: Fixed with Explanation a month ago by kevin. Opened a year ago by codonell.

Please note that we are not asking a new mass rebuild, just that the current F41 mass rebuild continue as planned.

  • Describe the issue
    • We are requesting a mass rebuild for the toolchain update to the latest gcc, glibc, binutils and gdb.
  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)
    • By the mass rebuild scheduled date (Wed 2024-07-17)
  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)
    • After the mass rebuild scheduled date (Wed 2024-07-17)
  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    • gcc 14.0+, binutils 2.42, and glibc 2.40 would still be a part of F41, but some packages would not have been built against the updated components and may fail to build at a later date.


  • glibc has been doing weekly rawhide rebases to upstream for the last 6 months as usual and fixing integration issues as they arise.
  • binutils will have been through continuous testing in rawhide since February
  • gcc is already at 14.0 so 14.1+ is only a point-release update with less impact.

Thanks for filing this. We will track it for the f41 mass rebuild.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue tagged with: f41, mass rebuild

a year ago

@kevin Given that this already happened can we close this issue out?

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed with Explanation
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a month ago

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