#147 Preparations for branching f31
Merged 5 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 5 years ago by humaton.
releng/ humaton/fedora-module-defaults f31  into  f31

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ 

      git merge-base --is-ancestor -- origin/master HEAD

      set -e

      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

-         git checkout origin/master

+         git checkout origin/f31



      # Run any tests that only apply to PRs

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

5 years ago

@mohanboddu @humaton This was the wrong thing to do. The tests are designed to run from the master branch for all releases (so we only have to keep the tests themselves on one branch). Changing this to f31 was incorrect.

I have now reverted it.