#6114 Fedora-40-20240319.2 FINISHED_INCOMPLETE
Closed 5 months ago by jnsamyak. Opened 7 months ago by releng.


[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] [FAIL] Live media (variant Labs, arch *, subvariant Robotics) failed, but going on anyway.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] Live media task failed: 115155414. See /mnt/koji/compose/40/Fedora-40-20240319.2/logs/x86_64/livemedia-Labs-Robotics.x86_64.log for more details.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] [FAIL] Live media (variant Labs, arch *, subvariant Design_suite) failed, but going on anyway.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] Live media task failed: 115155407. See /mnt/koji/compose/40/Fedora-40-20240319.2/logs/x86_64/livemedia-Labs-Design_suite.x86_64.log for more details.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] [FAIL] Live media (variant Labs, arch *, subvariant Scientific_KDE) failed, but going on anyway.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] Live media task failed: 115155408. See /mnt/koji/compose/40/Fedora-40-20240319.2/logs/x86_64/livemedia-Labs-Scientific_KDE.x86_64.log for more details.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] [FAIL] Live media (variant Spins, arch *, subvariant LXQt) failed, but going on anyway.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [ERROR   ] Live media task failed: 115155467. See /mnt/koji/compose/40/Fedora-40-20240319.2/logs/aarch64-x86_64/livemedia-Spins-LXQt.aarch64-x86_64.log for more details.
[ERROR   ] [FAIL] Live media (variant Spins, arch aarch64, subvariant i3) failed, but going on anyway.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [INFO    ] [DONE ] Live media: Fedora-i3-Live (arches: aarch64 x86_64, variant: Spins, subvariant: i3) (task id: 115155554)
[ERROR   ] [FAIL] Live media (variant Spins, arch aarch64, subvariant KDE) failed, but going on anyway.
[LIVE_MEDIA      ] [INFO    ] [DONE ] Live media: Fedora-LXDE-Live (arches: x86_64, variant: Spins, subvariant: LXDE) (task id: 115155456)

Compose Total time: 5:39:44
Compose phase INIT time: 0:00:24.
Compose phase PKGSET time: 0:37:22.
Compose phase WEAVER: FAILED.
Compose phase BUILDINSTALL time: 0:59:19.
Compose phase GATHER time: 0:35:26.
Compose phase OSTREE time: 0:36:27.
Compose phase OSTREE_CONTAINER time: 2:55:23.
Compose phase CREATEREPO time: 0:07:10.
Compose phase OSTREE_INSTALLER time: 1:32:13.
Compose phase REPOCLOSURE time: 0:01:55.
Compose phase CREATEISO time: 0:07:01.
Compose phase IMAGE_BUILD time: 2:01:23.
Compose phase LIVE_MEDIA time: 0:42:00.
Compose phase OSBUILD time: 0:59:11.
Compose phase KIWIBUILD time: 0:35:30.
Compose phase IMAGE_CHECKSUM time: 0:03:44.
Compose phase TEST time: 0:00:01.

Robotics should be fixed by https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/pull-request/945 . Scientific_KDE failed for lack of space: filed https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts/pull-request/1034 . Design suite failed because blender's deps are broken, will have a quick look at that but I kinda assume someone would've fixed it if it were simple.

Metadata Update from @jnsamyak:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 months ago

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