#237 Fedora-31-updates-testing-20190928.0 FINISHED_INCOMPLETE
Closed 4 years ago by cverna. Opened 4 years ago by releng.


[ERROR   ] [FAIL] Ostree (variant Everything, arch x86_64) failed, but going on anyway.
[ERROR   ] Runroot task failed: 37900937. See /mnt/koji/compose/updates/Fedora-31-updates-testing-20190928.0/logs/x86_64/Everything/ostree-1/runroot.log for more details.

@dustymabe @lsedlar

DEBUG util.py:595:  Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants/rtTraceback (most recent call last):
DEBUG util.py:595:    File "/usr/bin/pungi-make-ostree", line 15, in <module>
DEBUG util.py:595:      ostree.main()
DEBUG util.py:595:    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pungi/ostree/__init__.py", line 93, in main
DEBUG util.py:595:      func()
DEBUG util.py:595:    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pungi/ostree/tree.py", line 122, in run
DEBUG util.py:595:      self._make_tree()
DEBUG util.py:595:    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pungi/ostree/tree.py", line 51, in _make_tree
DEBUG util.py:595:      shortcuts.run(cmd, show_cmd=True, stdout=True, logfile=log_file)
DEBUG util.py:595:    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/kobo/shortcuts.py", line 341, in run
DEBUG util.py:595:      sys.stdout.write(lines.decode('utf-8'))
DEBUG util.py:595:  UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 4094-4095: unexpected end of data

Probably easiest is if we have access to the log file containing the original raw data.

Well, a) it's unclear to me what file it is? Is there some way to tell?

and b) likely thats inside the chroot that is gone away now. ;(

Ahh, I suspected it was writing to a file we could access based on the logfile=log_file bit.

One thing we can do here is make pungi more tolerant by using errors="replace". Then at least we'll be able to see the context around it in the output.

This is a bug in kobo library, and can not be fixed in Pungi. While using errors="replace" would fix it, it's not the correct fix.

The crash happens when reading output of rpm-ostree command (in this case). The output is read in chunks. In this case there is a multibyte sequence for some unicode character, and it happens to fall right on the boundary between chunks, and so decoding fails.

Reported upstream: https://github.com/release-engineering/kobo/issues/119

Commit f822ee32 relates to this ticket

Metadata Update from @cverna:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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