releng / compose-tracker

Created 5 years ago
Maintained by dustymabe
Source code that parses pungi logs and opens issues against
Members 3
Timothée Ravier committed 10 months ago


Source code that parses pungi logs and opens issues against

Deploying in Fedora

The files for deploying to Fedora's OpenShift Instance are:

The steps for deploying are documented in Fedora Infrastructure SOP document.

This mostly boils down to:

[localhost]$ ssh
[batcave01]$ sudo rbac-playbook openshift-apps/compose-tracker.yml

Rough notes for deployment to another OpenShift instance:

Create a new project and build the container.

oc new-project compose-tracker
oc new-build --strategy=docker --to compose-tracker-img

Export pagure token to use as an env var and then use kedge to get up and running in openshift:

export PAGURE_TOKEN=<pagure_token>
kedge apply -f kedge.yaml

Development Environment

The easiest way to run compose_tracker's tests on your local machine is to use tox: just ensure it's installed, and run tox. Alternatively, you can manually set up a virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $

Then you can install the dependencies using the requirements.txt file

(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-test.txt

Finally you can run the tests

(.venv) $ py.test -v