Created 8 years ago
Automation Workflow Tooling for Fedora Release Engineering
Clement Verna committed 5 years ago
Release Engineering Automation
This is the `Fedora Release Engineering`_ repository for Automation Workflow
Tooling here.
One of the primary goals of the Fedora Release Engineering Team moving forward
into the future is to continue to automate more and more components of the
process that actually creates Fedora, and to do so in a way that is maintainable
and can be collaborated upon. This repository is meant to be the focal point of
that effort.
Release Engineering Automation Workflow
This effort has been put together by the collaboration of many involved in
Fedora and the original public write up of this effort and future goals was the
`Release Engineering Automation Workflow Engine`_. The pertinant details the
original proposal that have lived on are were iterated upon are now in this
Currently the goal is to automate or make self-service options for as much as
humanly possible within the Fedora RelEng group using `Ansible`_. The technical
implementation of how this is being accomplished can be seen below.
Technical Implementation
Everything will be powered by `Ansible`_ as this is a toolchain that both Fedora
Infrastucture and Fedora Release Engineering is familiar with and has been using
heavily for automation tasks. We are simply aiming to solve a new automation
problem space with the same tool and a different set of rules/policy.
Tasks or sets of tasks should be in an "Include Playbook" such that they are not
meant to stand on their own but should be included by other Playbooks or an
`Ansible Role`_.
Workflow Playbooks should effectively be "glue" that supply necessary variables
to make the "Include Playbooks" and Roles useful for the Workflow at hand.
In the past (or still currently, depending on the specific task and state of
migration to the new workflow) Fedora Release Engineering Automation tasks are
performed by various scripts run on various machines within the Fedora
Infrastructure with no real centralized logging. Some of these are automated by
cron jobs and some run by hand by request of various members within the Fedora
Community, normally around Fedora Test Days. Finding information about old tasks
is not always the easiest of things to do and the delegation of tasks is
currently not available. The goal here is to provide a solution that removes
those barriers.
Workflows will be executed and potentially orchestrate actions between multiple
other systems or tools such as bodhi, pungi, and koji. Fedmsgs will be emitted
with information about the start and completion of workflows along with metadata
about them.
In the event of a compose, certain fedmsg output will be picked up by taskotron
and autocloud to perform various levels of testing.
+--------------+ +----------------+
| | +------------+ | |
| AutoCloud |<--------------+ +----------->+ Taskotron |
| | | fedmsg | | |
| +-------------->| |<-----------+ |
+--------------+ | | +----------------+
| ^
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V |
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| Release Engineering +-----------+
| Workflow Automation Engine | |
| (loopabull) | |
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+------------------+-----------------+ |
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+-----------------+ | |
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V V |
+-------------+ +--------------+ |
| | | | |
| bodhi | | | |
| | | pungi | |
+-------------+ | | |
| | |
+----------+---+ |
^ | V
| | +---------------+
| | | |
| +----------->| koji |
| | |
+------------------+ |
Master Plan (read: the future)
The ultimate goal is to wire up this workflow where playbooks execute via events
coming across `fedmsg`_ and are then fed via `loopabull`_ to `Ansible AWX`_.
Since the `loopabull`_ ``ansible-playbook`` binary is configurable, we can
accomplish this with the AWX CLI util that allows us to perform command and
control in way that triggers a job in AWX over the REST API via the command
line. The side effect here is that we can have full implementation of the Role
Based Access Control as that will be enforced at the point the REST API call
occurs, we will have centralized logging, a convenient web console, and the
ability to delegate access the logs and execution history graphs of the
automated tasks by FAS groups. This way we are protecting the possibility of
a failed run exposing secrets because the access to the centralized logs is just
as it is today, limited by group, but it's easier to visualize, detect, and
inspect failures.
The proposed strategy for taking this general approach and focusing on `Fedora
Release Engineering`_, we would want `fedmsg`_ messages from `Fedora CI`_ and
`Taskotron`_ to be picked up by `loopabull`_ to trigger a playbook in `Ansible
AWX`_ which would then conditionally perform various release tasks. This
workflow could extend beyond just that, but the initial intent is to target
`Fedora Atomic Host`_ and `Fedora Containers`_ as those release artifacts are
released at a much more rapid cadence than anything else in Fedora.
.. note:: Loopabull playbooks can now be found in the `loopabull-tasks
<>`_ project.
+--------------+ +----------------+
| | +------------+ | |
| Fedora CI |<--------------+ +----------->+ Taskotron |
| | | fedmsg | | |
| +-------------->| |<-----------+ |
+--------------+ | | +----------------+
| ^
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V |
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| Ansible AWX +-----------+
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+------------------+-----------------+ |
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+-----------------+ | |
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| | |
V V |
+-------------+ +--------------+ |
| | | | |
| bodhi | | | |
| | | pungi | |
+-------------+ | | |
| | |
+----------+---+ |
^ | V
| | +---------------+
| | | |
| +----------->| koji |
| | |
+------------------+ |
Everything is copyrighted by the respective authors. You can use and
redistribute the code under the terms of version 3 or later of the GNU Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
To make licensing easier, license headers in the source files will be a single
line reference to Unique License Identifiers as defined by the Linux
Foundation's `SPDX`_ project. For example, in a source file the full "GPL v3.0
or later" header text will be replaced by a single line:
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
The license terms of all files in the source tree should be defined by such
License Identifiers; in no case a file can contain more than one such License
Identifier list.
If a ``SPDX-License-Identifier:`` line references more than one Unique License
Identifier, then this means that the respective file can be used under the terms
of either of these licenses, i. e. with
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ LGPL-3.1+
you can chose between GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+ licensing.
We use the `SPDX Unique License Identifiers`_ here;
.. _SPDX:
.. _fedmsg:
.. _Ansible:
.. _Ansible AWX:
.. _Ansible Role:
.. _Fedora CI:
.. _Fedora Release Engineering:
.. _SPDX Unique License Identifiers:
.. _Fedora Atomic Host:
.. _Fedora Containers:
.. _Release Engineering Automation Workflow Engine: