#307 [image-build] Allow using external install trees
Merged 7 years ago by ausil. Opened 7 years ago by lsedlar.
lsedlar/pungi any-install-tree  into  master

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ 

      The configuration dict for each variant arch pair must have this key:


      * ``source_repo_from`` -- (*str*) Name of variant serving as source

-       repository.

+       repository or a URL pointing the the repo.


      These keys are optional:


@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ 



          install_tree_from = image_conf.pop('install_tree_from', variant.uid)

+         if '://' in install_tree_from:

+             return install_tree_from

          install_tree_source = self.compose.variants.get(install_tree_from)

          if not install_tree_source:

              raise RuntimeError(

@@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ 

          self.pool.log_info('[BEGIN] %s' % msg)

          self.logdir = compose.paths.log.topdir('{}/ostree_installer'.format(arch))


-         source_variant = compose.variants[config['source_repo_from']]

-         source_repo = translate_path(

-             compose, compose.paths.compose.repository(arch, source_variant, create_dir=False))

+         source_repo = self._get_source_repo(compose, arch, config['source_repo_from'])

          output_dir = os.path.join(compose.paths.work.topdir(arch), variant.uid, 'ostree_installer')


@@ -67,6 +65,18 @@ 

          self._add_to_manifest(compose, variant, arch, filename)

          self.pool.log_info('[DONE ] %s' % msg)


+     def _get_source_repo(self, compose, arch, source):

+         """

+         If `source` is a URL, return it as-is (possibly replacing $arch with

+         actual arch. Otherwise treat is a a variant name and return path to

+         repo in that variant.

+         """

+         if '://' in source:

+             return source.replace('$arch', arch)

+         source_variant = compose.variants[source]

+         return translate_path(

+             compose, compose.paths.compose.repository(arch, source_variant, create_dir=False))


      def _clone_templates(self, url, branch='master'):

          if not url:

              self.template_dir = None

@@ -310,6 +310,66 @@ 




+     def test_image_build_set_external_install_tree(self, ThreadPool):

+         compose = DummyCompose(self.topdir, {

+             'image_build': {

+                 '^Server$': [

+                     {

+                         'image-build': {

+                             'format': [('docker', 'tar.xz')],

+                             'name': 'Fedora-Docker-Base',

+                             'target': 'f24',

+                             'version': 'Rawhide',

+                             'ksurl': 'git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git',

+                             'kickstart': "fedora-docker-base.ks",

+                             'distro': 'Fedora-20',

+                             'disk_size': 3,

+                             'arches': ['x86_64'],

+                             'install_tree_from': 'http://example.com/install-tree/',

+                         }

+                     }

+                 ]

+             },

+             'koji_profile': 'koji',

+         })


+         phase = ImageBuildPhase(compose)


+         phase.run()


+         # assert at least one thread was started

+         self.assertTrue(phase.pool.add.called)


+         self.assertTrue(phase.pool.queue_put.called_once)

+         args, kwargs = phase.pool.queue_put.call_args

+         self.assertEqual(args[0][0], compose)

+         self.maxDiff = None

+         self.assertDictEqual(args[0][1], {

+             "format": [('docker', 'tar.xz')],

+             "image_conf": {

+                 'image-build': {

+                     'install_tree': 'http://example.com/install-tree/',

+                     'kickstart': 'fedora-docker-base.ks',

+                     'format': 'docker',

+                     'repo': ','.join([self.topdir + '/compose/Server/$arch/os']),

+                     'variant': compose.variants['Server'],

+                     'target': 'f24',

+                     'disk_size': 3,

+                     'name': 'Fedora-Docker-Base',

+                     'arches': 'x86_64',

+                     'version': 'Rawhide',

+                     'ksurl': 'git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/spin-kickstarts.git',

+                     'distro': 'Fedora-20',

+                 }

+             },

+             "conf_file": self.topdir + '/work/image-build/Server/docker_Fedora-Docker-Base.cfg',

+             "image_dir": self.topdir + '/compose/Server/%(arch)s/images',

+             "relative_image_dir": 'Server/%(arch)s/images',

+             "link_type": 'hardlink-or-copy',

+             "scratch": False,

+         })


+     @mock.patch('pungi.phases.image_build.ThreadPool')

      def test_image_build_create_release(self, ThreadPool):

          compose = DummyCompose(self.topdir, {

              'image_build': {

@@ -169,6 +169,69 @@ 




+     def test_run(self, KojiWrapper, link, IsoWrapper,

+                  get_file_size, get_mtime, ImageCls, run):

+         compose = helpers.DummyCompose(self.topdir, {

+             'release_name': 'Fedora',

+             'release_version': 'Rawhide',

+             'koji_profile': 'koji',

+             'runroot_tag': 'rrt',

+         })

+         pool = mock.Mock()

+         cfg = {

+             'source_repo_from': 'http://example.com/repo/$arch/',

+             'release': '20160321.n.0',

+         }

+         koji = KojiWrapper.return_value

+         koji.run_runroot_cmd.return_value = {

+             'task_id': 1234,

+             'retcode': 0,

+             'output': 'Foo bar\n',

+         }

+         get_file_size.return_value = 1024

+         get_mtime.return_value = 13579

+         final_iso_path = self.topdir + '/compose/Everything/x86_64/iso/image-name'


+         t = ostree.OstreeInstallerThread(pool)


+         t.process((compose, compose.variants['Everything'], 'x86_64', cfg), 1)


+         self.assertEqual(koji.get_runroot_cmd.call_args_list,

+                          [mock.call('rrt', 'x86_64',

+                                     ['lorax',

+                                      '--product=Fedora',

+                                      '--version=Rawhide',

+                                      '--release=20160321.n.0',

+                                      '--source=http://example.com/repo/x86_64/',

+                                      '--variant=Everything',

+                                      '--nomacboot',

+                                      self.topdir + '/work/x86_64/Everything/ostree_installer'],

+                                     channel=None, mounts=[self.topdir],

+                                     packages=['pungi', 'lorax', 'ostree'],

+                                     task_id=True, use_shell=True)])

+         self.assertEqual(koji.run_runroot_cmd.call_args_list,

+                          [mock.call(koji.get_runroot_cmd.return_value,

+                                     log_file=self.topdir + '/logs/x86_64/ostree_installer/runroot.log')])

+         self.assertEqual(link.call_args_list,

+                          [mock.call(self.topdir + '/work/x86_64/Everything/ostree_installer/images/boot.iso',

+                                     final_iso_path)])

+         self.assertEqual(get_file_size.call_args_list, [mock.call(final_iso_path)])

+         self.assertEqual(get_mtime.call_args_list, [mock.call(final_iso_path)])

+         self.assertImageAdded(compose, ImageCls, IsoWrapper)

+         self.assertEqual(compose.get_image_name.call_args_list,

+                          [mock.call('x86_64', compose.variants['Everything'], disc_type='dvd')])

+         self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.topdir + '/work/x86_64/Everything/'))

+         self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(self.topdir + '/work/x86_64/Everything/ostree_installer'))

+         self.assertEqual(run.call_args_list,

+                          [mock.call('cp -av {0}/work/x86_64/Everything/ostree_installer/* {0}/compose/Everything/x86_64/iso/'.format(self.topdir))])


+     @mock.patch('kobo.shortcuts.run')

+     @mock.patch('productmd.images.Image')

+     @mock.patch('pungi.util.get_mtime')

+     @mock.patch('pungi.util.get_file_size')

+     @mock.patch('pungi.wrappers.iso.IsoWrapper')

+     @mock.patch('os.link')

+     @mock.patch('pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper')

      def test_fail_with_relative_template_path_but_no_repo(self, KojiWrapper, link,

                                                            IsoWrapper, get_file_size,

                                                            get_mtime, ImageCls, run):

This is needed for the twoweek Fedora atomic release to point to regular nightly composes.

1 new commit added

  • [ostree-installer] Allow using external repos as source
7 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by ausil

7 years ago