| |
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
| |
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| |
| |
+ import os
| |
+ from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread
| |
+ from kobo import shortcuts
| |
+ from productmd.images import Image
| |
| |
+ from . import base
| |
+ from .. import util
| |
+ from ..linker import Linker
| |
+ from ..wrappers import kojiwrapper
| |
+ from .image_build import EXTENSIONS
| |
| |
| |
+ class KiwiBuildPhase(
| |
+ base.PhaseLoggerMixin, base.ImageConfigMixin, base.ConfigGuardedPhase
| |
+ ):
| |
+ name = "kiwibuild"
| |
| |
+ def __init__(self, compose):
| |
+ super(KiwiBuildPhase, self).__init__(compose)
| |
+ self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger)
| |
| |
+ def _get_arches(self, image_conf, arches):
| |
+ """Get an intersection of arches in the config dict and the given ones."""
| |
+ if "arches" in image_conf:
| |
+ arches = set(image_conf["arches"]) & arches
| |
+ return sorted(arches)
| |
| |
+ @staticmethod
| |
+ def _get_repo_urls(compose, repos, arch="$basearch"):
| |
+ """
| |
+ Get list of repos with resolved repo URLs. Preserve repos defined
| |
+ as dicts.
| |
+ """
| |
+ resolved_repos = []
| |
| |
+ for repo in repos:
| |
+ if isinstance(repo, dict):
| |
+ try:
| |
+ url = repo["baseurl"]
| |
+ except KeyError:
| |
+ raise RuntimeError(
| |
+ "`baseurl` is required in repo dict %s" % str(repo)
| |
+ )
| |
+ url = util.get_repo_url(compose, url, arch=arch)
| |
+ if url is None:
| |
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to resolve repo URL for %s" % str(repo))
| |
+ repo["baseurl"] = url
| |
+ resolved_repos.append(repo)
| |
+ else:
| |
+ repo = util.get_repo_url(compose, repo, arch=arch)
| |
+ if repo is None:
| |
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to resolve repo URL for %s" % repo)
| |
+ resolved_repos.append(repo)
| |
| |
+ return resolved_repos
| |
| |
+ def _get_repo(self, image_conf, variant):
| |
+ """
| |
+ Get a list of repos. First included are those explicitly listed in
| |
+ config, followed by by repo for current variant if it's not included in
| |
+ the list already.
| |
+ """
| |
+ repos = shortcuts.force_list(image_conf.get("repos", []))
| |
| |
+ if not variant.is_empty and variant.uid not in repos:
| |
+ repos.append(variant.uid)
| |
| |
+ return KiwiBuildPhase._get_repo_urls(self.compose, repos, arch="$arch")
| |
| |
+ def run(self):
| |
+ for variant in self.compose.get_variants():
| |
+ arches = set([x for x in variant.arches if x != "src"])
| |
| |
+ for image_conf in self.get_config_block(variant):
| |
+ build_arches = self._get_arches(image_conf, arches)
| |
+ if not build_arches:
| |
+ self.log_debug("skip: no arches")
| |
+ continue
| |
| |
+ release = self.get_release(image_conf)
| |
+ target = self.get_config(image_conf, "target")
| |
| |
+ repo = self._get_repo(image_conf, variant)
| |
| |
+ can_fail = image_conf.pop("failable", [])
| |
+ if can_fail == ["*"]:
| |
+ can_fail = image_conf["arches"]
| |
+ if can_fail:
| |
+ can_fail = sorted(can_fail)
| |
| |
+ self.pool.add(RunKiwiBuildThread(self.pool))
| |
+ self.pool.queue_put(
| |
+ (
| |
+ self.compose,
| |
+ variant,
| |
+ image_conf,
| |
+ build_arches,
| |
+ release,
| |
+ target,
| |
+ repo,
| |
+ can_fail,
| |
+ )
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ self.pool.start()
| |
| |
| |
+ class RunKiwiBuildThread(WorkerThread):
| |
+ def process(self, item, num):
| |
+ (
| |
+ compose,
| |
+ variant,
| |
+ config,
| |
+ arches,
| |
+ release,
| |
+ target,
| |
+ repo,
| |
+ can_fail,
| |
+ ) = item
| |
+ self.can_fail = can_fail
| |
+ self.num = num
| |
+ with util.failable(
| |
+ compose,
| |
+ can_fail,
| |
+ variant,
| |
+ "*",
| |
+ "kiwibuild",
| |
+ logger=self.pool._logger,
| |
+ ):
| |
+ self.worker(compose, variant, config, arches, release, target, repo)
| |
| |
+ def worker(self, compose, variant, config, arches, release, target, repo):
| |
+ msg = "kiwibuild task for variant %s" % variant.uid
| |
+ self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)
| |
+ koji = kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(compose)
| |
+ koji.login()
| |
| |
+ task_id = koji.koji_proxy.kiwiBuild(
| |
+ target,
| |
+ arches,
| |
+ config["description_scm"],
| |
+ config["description_path"],
| |
+ profile=config["kiwi_profile"],
| |
+ release=release,
| |
+ repos=repo,
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ koji.save_task_id(task_id)
| |
| |
+ # Wait for it to finish and capture the output into log file.
| |
+ log_dir = os.path.join(compose.paths.log.topdir(), "kiwibuild")
| |
+ util.makedirs(log_dir)
| |
+ log_file = os.path.join(
| |
+ log_dir, "%s-%s-watch-task.log" % (variant.uid, self.num)
| |
+ )
| |
+ if koji.watch_task(task_id, log_file) != 0:
| |
+ raise RuntimeError(
| |
+ "kiwiBuild: task %s failed: see %s for details" % (task_id, log_file)
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ # Refresh koji session which may have timed out while the task was
| |
+ # running. Watching is done via a subprocess, so the session is
| |
+ # inactive.
| |
+ koji = kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(compose)
| |
| |
+ linker = Linker(logger=self.pool._logger)
| |
| |
+ # Process all images in the build. There should be one for each
| |
+ # architecture, but we don't verify that.
| |
+ build_info = koji.koji_proxy.listBuilds(taskID=task_id)[0]
| |
+ for archive in koji.koji_proxy.listArchives(buildID=build_info["build_id"]):
| |
+ if archive["type_name"] not in EXTENSIONS:
| |
+ # Ignore values that are not of required types.
| |
+ continue
| |
| |
+ # Get architecture of the image from extra data.
| |
+ try:
| |
+ arch = archive["extra"]["image"]["arch"]
| |
+ except KeyError:
| |
+ raise RuntimeError("Image doesn't have any architecture!")
| |
| |
+ # image_dir is absolute path to which the image should be copied.
| |
+ # We also need the same path as relative to compose directory for
| |
+ # including in the metadata.
| |
+ if archive["type_name"] == "iso":
| |
+ # If the produced image is actually an ISO, it should go to
| |
+ # iso/ subdirectory.
| |
+ image_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch, variant)
| |
+ rel_image_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(
| |
+ arch, variant, relative=True
| |
+ )
| |
+ else:
| |
+ image_dir = compose.paths.compose.image_dir(variant) % {"arch": arch}
| |
+ rel_image_dir = compose.paths.compose.image_dir(
| |
+ variant, relative=True
| |
+ ) % {"arch": arch}
| |
+ util.makedirs(image_dir)
| |
| |
+ image_dest = os.path.join(image_dir, archive["filename"])
| |
| |
+ src_file = compose.koji_downloader.get_file(
| |
+ os.path.join(
| |
+ koji.koji_module.pathinfo.imagebuild(build_info),
| |
+ archive["filename"],
| |
+ ),
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ linker.link(src_file, image_dest, link_type=compose.conf["link_type"])
| |
| |
+ for suffix in EXTENSIONS[archive["type_name"]]:
| |
+ if archive["filename"].endswith(suffix):
| |
+ break
| |
+ else:
| |
+ # No suffix matched.
| |
+ raise RuntimeError(
| |
+ "Failed to generate metadata. Format %s doesn't match type %s"
| |
+ % (suffix, archive["type_name"])
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ # Update image manifest
| |
+ img = Image(compose.im)
| |
| |
+ # Get the manifest type from the config if supplied, otherwise we
| |
+ # determine the manifest type based on the koji output
| |
+ img.type = config.get("manifest_type")
| |
+ if not img.type:
| |
+ if archive["type_name"] != "iso":
| |
+ img.type = archive["type_name"]
| |
+ else:
| |
+ fn = archive["filename"].lower()
| |
+ if "ostree" in fn:
| |
+ img.type = "dvd-ostree-osbuild"
| |
+ elif "live" in fn:
| |
+ img.type = "live-osbuild"
| |
+ elif "netinst" in fn or "boot" in fn:
| |
+ img.type = "boot"
| |
+ else:
| |
+ img.type = "dvd"
| |
| |
+ img.format = suffix
| |
+ img.path = os.path.join(rel_image_dir, archive["filename"])
| |
+ img.mtime = util.get_mtime(image_dest)
| |
+ img.size = util.get_file_size(image_dest)
| |
+ img.arch = arch
| |
+ img.disc_number = 1 # We don't expect multiple disks
| |
+ img.disc_count = 1
| |
+ img.bootable = False
| |
+ img.subvariant = config.get("subvariant", variant.uid)
| |
+ setattr(img, "can_fail", self.can_fail)
| |
+ setattr(img, "deliverable", "image-build")
| |
+ compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=arch, image=img)
| |
| |
+ self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s (task id: %s)" % (msg, task_id))
| |
The type here should be
.It should make pungi replace branch name with commit hash in the dumped config, but it doesn't seem to work when just bare branch is specified. That is an unrelated issue though.