#1720 WIP: Support KiwiBuild
Merged 10 months ago by lsedlar. Opened a year ago by hlin.
hlin/pungi kiwibuild  into  master

file modified
+103 -87
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@@ -489,17 +472,18 @@ 




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+            style="font-size:12px;line-height:0">KiwiBuild</tspan></text>

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-          y="1018.2172">ImageContainer</tspan></text>



file modified
@@ -1604,6 +1604,34 @@ 




+ KiwiBuild Settings

+ ==================


+ **kiwibuild**

+     (*dict*) -- configuration for building images using kiwi by a Koji plugin.

+     Pungi will trigger a Koji task delegating to kiwi, which will build the image,

+     import it to Koji via content generators.


+     Format: ``{variant_uid_regex: [{...}]}``.


+     Required keys in the configuration dict:


+     * ``target`` -- (*str*) which build target to use for the task.

+     * ``description_scm`` -- (*str*) scm URL of description kiwi description.

+     * ``description_path`` -- (*str*) path to kiwi description

+     * ``kiwi_profile`` -- (*str*) select profile from description file.

+     * ``release`` -- (*str*) release of the output image.

+     * ``arches`` -- (*[str]*) List of architectures.

+     * ``repos`` -- a list of repositories from which to consume packages for

+       building the image. By default only the variant repository is used.

+     * ``failable`` -- (*[str]*) List of architectures for which this

+       deliverable is not release blocking.


+     Optional keys:


+     * ``repos`` -- the repos used to install RPMs in the image.



  OSBuild Composer for building images



file modified
@@ -112,6 +112,12 @@ 

  This phase wraps up ``koji image-build``. It also updates the metadata

  ultimately responsible for ``images.json`` manifest.


+ KiwiBuild

+ ---------


+ Similarly to image build, this phases creates a koji `kiwiBuild` task. In the

+ background it uses Kiwi to create images.





file modified
@@ -1216,6 +1216,39 @@ 


                  "additionalProperties": False,


+             "kiwibuild": {

+                 "type": "object",

+                 "patternProperties": {

+                     # Warning: this pattern is a variant uid regex, but the

+                     # format does not let us validate it as there is no regular

+                     # expression to describe all regular expressions.

+                     ".+": {

+                         "type": "array",

+                         "items": {

+                             "type": "object",

+                             "properties": {

+                                 "target": {"type": "string"},

+                                 "description_scm": {"type": "string"},

The type here should be url.
It should make pungi replace branch name with commit hash in the dumped config, but it doesn't seem to work when just bare branch is specified. That is an unrelated issue though.

+                                 "description_path": {"type": "string"},

+                                 "kiwi_profile": {"type": "string"},

+                                 "release": {"type": "string"},

+                                 "arches": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"},

+                                 "repos": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"},

+                                 "failable": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"},

+                             },

+                             "required": [

+                                 "target",

+                                 "description_scm",

+                                 "description_path",

+                                 "kiwi_profile",

+                                 "release",

Release should not be required. It can also be specified via the global_release option (and kiwibuild_release, which is not listed in the schema). Also, I think if left out, koji can automatically generate a value.

+                             ],

+                             "additionalProperties": False,

+                         },

+                     }

+                 },

+                 "additionalProperties": False,

+             },

              "osbuild_target": {"type": "string"},

              "osbuild_release": {"$ref": "#/definitions/optional_string"},

              "osbuild_version": {"type": "string"},

@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ 

  from .live_images import LiveImagesPhase  # noqa

  from .image_build import ImageBuildPhase  # noqa

  from .image_container import ImageContainerPhase  # noqa

+ from .kiwibuild import KiwiBuildPhase  # noqa

  from .osbuild import OSBuildPhase  # noqa

  from .repoclosure import RepoclosurePhase  # noqa

  from .test import TestPhase  # noqa

@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ 

+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


+ import os

+ from kobo.threads import ThreadPool, WorkerThread

+ from kobo import shortcuts

+ from productmd.images import Image


+ from . import base

+ from .. import util

+ from ..linker import Linker

+ from ..wrappers import kojiwrapper

+ from .image_build import EXTENSIONS



+ class KiwiBuildPhase(

+     base.PhaseLoggerMixin, base.ImageConfigMixin, base.ConfigGuardedPhase

+ ):

+     name = "kiwibuild"


+     def __init__(self, compose):

+         super(KiwiBuildPhase, self).__init__(compose)

+         self.pool = ThreadPool(logger=self.logger)


+     def _get_arches(self, image_conf, arches):

+         """Get an intersection of arches in the config dict and the given ones."""

+         if "arches" in image_conf:

+             arches = set(image_conf["arches"]) & arches

+         return sorted(arches)


+     @staticmethod

+     def _get_repo_urls(compose, repos, arch="$basearch"):

+         """

+         Get list of repos with resolved repo URLs. Preserve repos defined

+         as dicts.

+         """

+         resolved_repos = []


+         for repo in repos:

+             if isinstance(repo, dict):

+                 try:

+                     url = repo["baseurl"]

+                 except KeyError:

+                     raise RuntimeError(

+                         "`baseurl` is required in repo dict %s" % str(repo)

+                     )

+                 url = util.get_repo_url(compose, url, arch=arch)

+                 if url is None:

+                     raise RuntimeError("Failed to resolve repo URL for %s" % str(repo))

+                 repo["baseurl"] = url

+                 resolved_repos.append(repo)

+             else:

+                 repo = util.get_repo_url(compose, repo, arch=arch)

+                 if repo is None:

+                     raise RuntimeError("Failed to resolve repo URL for %s" % repo)

+                 resolved_repos.append(repo)


+         return resolved_repos


+     def _get_repo(self, image_conf, variant):

+         """

+         Get a list of repos. First included are those explicitly listed in

+         config, followed by by repo for current variant if it's not included in

+         the list already.

+         """

+         repos = shortcuts.force_list(image_conf.get("repos", []))


+         if not variant.is_empty and variant.uid not in repos:

+             repos.append(variant.uid)


+         return KiwiBuildPhase._get_repo_urls(self.compose, repos, arch="$arch")


+     def run(self):

+         for variant in self.compose.get_variants():

+             arches = set([x for x in variant.arches if x != "src"])


+             for image_conf in self.get_config_block(variant):

+                 build_arches = self._get_arches(image_conf, arches)

+                 if not build_arches:

+                     self.log_debug("skip: no arches")

+                     continue


+                 release = self.get_release(image_conf)

+                 target = self.get_config(image_conf, "target")


+                 repo = self._get_repo(image_conf, variant)


+                 can_fail = image_conf.pop("failable", [])

+                 if can_fail == ["*"]:

+                     can_fail = image_conf["arches"]

+                 if can_fail:

+                     can_fail = sorted(can_fail)


+                 self.pool.add(RunKiwiBuildThread(self.pool))

+                 self.pool.queue_put(

+                     (

+                         self.compose,

+                         variant,

+                         image_conf,

+                         build_arches,

+                         release,

+                         target,

+                         repo,

+                         can_fail,

+                     )

+                 )


+         self.pool.start()



+ class RunKiwiBuildThread(WorkerThread):

+     def process(self, item, num):

+         (

+             compose,

+             variant,

+             config,

+             arches,

+             release,

+             target,

+             repo,

+             can_fail,

+         ) = item

+         self.can_fail = can_fail

+         self.num = num

+         with util.failable(

+             compose,

+             can_fail,

+             variant,

+             "*",

+             "kiwibuild",

+             logger=self.pool._logger,

+         ):

+             self.worker(compose, variant, config, arches, release, target, repo)


+     def worker(self, compose, variant, config, arches, release, target, repo):

+         msg = "kiwibuild task for variant %s" % variant.uid

+         self.pool.log_info("[BEGIN] %s" % msg)

+         koji = kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(compose)

+         koji.login()


+         task_id = koji.koji_proxy.kiwiBuild(

+             target,

+             arches,

+             config["description_scm"],

+             config["description_path"],

+             profile=config["kiwi_profile"],

+             release=release,

+             repos=repo,

+         )


+         koji.save_task_id(task_id)


+         # Wait for it to finish and capture the output into log file.

+         log_dir = os.path.join(compose.paths.log.topdir(), "kiwibuild")

+         util.makedirs(log_dir)

+         log_file = os.path.join(

+             log_dir, "%s-%s-watch-task.log" % (variant.uid, self.num)

+         )

+         if koji.watch_task(task_id, log_file) != 0:

+             raise RuntimeError(

+                 "kiwiBuild: task %s failed: see %s for details" % (task_id, log_file)

+             )


+         # Refresh koji session which may have timed out while the task was

+         # running. Watching is done via a subprocess, so the session is

+         # inactive.

+         koji = kojiwrapper.KojiWrapper(compose)


+         linker = Linker(logger=self.pool._logger)


+         # Process all images in the build. There should be one for each

+         # architecture, but we don't verify that.

+         build_info = koji.koji_proxy.listBuilds(taskID=task_id)[0]

+         for archive in koji.koji_proxy.listArchives(buildID=build_info["build_id"]):

+             if archive["type_name"] not in EXTENSIONS:

+                 # Ignore values that are not of required types.

+                 continue


+             # Get architecture of the image from extra data.

+             try:

+                 arch = archive["extra"]["image"]["arch"]

+             except KeyError:

+                 raise RuntimeError("Image doesn't have any architecture!")


+             # image_dir is absolute path to which the image should be copied.

+             # We also need the same path as relative to compose directory for

+             # including in the metadata.

+             if archive["type_name"] == "iso":

+                 # If the produced image is actually an ISO, it should go to

+                 # iso/ subdirectory.

+                 image_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(arch, variant)

+                 rel_image_dir = compose.paths.compose.iso_dir(

+                     arch, variant, relative=True

+                 )

+             else:

+                 image_dir = compose.paths.compose.image_dir(variant) % {"arch": arch}

+                 rel_image_dir = compose.paths.compose.image_dir(

+                     variant, relative=True

+                 ) % {"arch": arch}

+             util.makedirs(image_dir)


+             image_dest = os.path.join(image_dir, archive["filename"])


+             src_file = compose.koji_downloader.get_file(

+                 os.path.join(

+                     koji.koji_module.pathinfo.imagebuild(build_info),

+                     archive["filename"],

+                 ),

+             )


+             linker.link(src_file, image_dest, link_type=compose.conf["link_type"])


+             for suffix in EXTENSIONS[archive["type_name"]]:

+                 if archive["filename"].endswith(suffix):

+                     break

+             else:

+                 # No suffix matched.

+                 raise RuntimeError(

+                     "Failed to generate metadata. Format %s doesn't match type %s"

+                     % (suffix, archive["type_name"])

+                 )


+             # Update image manifest

+             img = Image(compose.im)


+             # Get the manifest type from the config if supplied, otherwise we

+             # determine the manifest type based on the koji output

+             img.type = config.get("manifest_type")

+             if not img.type:

+                 if archive["type_name"] != "iso":

+                     img.type = archive["type_name"]

+                 else:

+                     fn = archive["filename"].lower()

+                     if "ostree" in fn:

+                         img.type = "dvd-ostree-osbuild"

+                     elif "live" in fn:

+                         img.type = "live-osbuild"

+                     elif "netinst" in fn or "boot" in fn:

+                         img.type = "boot"

+                     else:

+                         img.type = "dvd"


+             img.format = suffix

+             img.path = os.path.join(rel_image_dir, archive["filename"])

+             img.mtime = util.get_mtime(image_dest)

+             img.size = util.get_file_size(image_dest)

+             img.arch = arch

+             img.disc_number = 1  # We don't expect multiple disks

+             img.disc_count = 1

+             img.bootable = False

+             img.subvariant = config.get("subvariant", variant.uid)

+             setattr(img, "can_fail", self.can_fail)

+             setattr(img, "deliverable", "image-build")

+             compose.im.add(variant=variant.uid, arch=arch, image=img)


+         self.pool.log_info("[DONE ] %s (task id: %s)" % (msg, task_id))

@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ 

      liveimages_phase = pungi.phases.LiveImagesPhase(compose)

      livemedia_phase = pungi.phases.LiveMediaPhase(compose)

      image_build_phase = pungi.phases.ImageBuildPhase(compose, buildinstall_phase)

+     kiwibuild_phase = pungi.phases.KiwiBuildPhase(compose)

      osbuild_phase = pungi.phases.OSBuildPhase(compose)

      osbs_phase = pungi.phases.OSBSPhase(compose, pkgset_phase, buildinstall_phase)

      image_container_phase = pungi.phases.ImageContainerPhase(compose)
@@ -451,6 +452,7 @@ 




+         kiwibuild_phase,


          if phase.skip():

@@ -550,6 +552,7 @@ 




+         kiwibuild_phase,


      post_image_phase = pungi.phases.WeaverPhase(

          compose, (image_checksum_phase, image_container_phase)
@@ -574,6 +577,7 @@ 

          and liveimages_phase.skip()

          and livemedia_phase.skip()

          and image_build_phase.skip()

+         and kiwibuild_phase.skip()

          and osbuild_phase.skip()

          and ostree_container_phase.skip()


Adding kiwibuild phase which is similar to osbuild.

Fixes: https://pagure.io/pungi/issue/1710
Signed-off-by: Haibo Lin hlin@redhat.com

rebased onto 29d86c8c5b995631c3092ea9deed8454fb1284d9

a year ago

The header above this paragraph should likely be updated.

The code looks okay to me. I'm not sure how to test it though. Kiwi builds don't seem to be supported in Fedora Koji nor internal Brew.

@ngompa , if we get you a patched build, would you be able to test it in CBS?

in KiwiBuild Composer service -> using kiwi

the KiwiBuild Composer -> kiwi

Kiwi Composer -> Kiwi

The code looks okay to me. I'm not sure how to test it though. Kiwi builds don't seem to be supported in Fedora Koji nor internal Brew.

@ngompa , if we get you a patched build, would you be able to test it in CBS?

we don't use pungi on https://cbs.centos.org so can't test this there.

rebased onto 3378ca7

11 months ago

It might be possible to test this on staging Fedora Koji, possibly? @kevin would know if we can do that...

For the record, this work is blocking the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Unified_Kernel_Support_Phase_2 change from being in "testable" state (we are past the point in the cycle where that should have been achieved).

Can someone please do something to try this to see if it works yet so it can be merged? I can't really do anything here.

I now see kiwiBuild in the stage koji instance. Do you have a link to some @ngompa, do you have a description file that might work with Fedora packages?

Release should not be required. It can also be specified via the global_release option (and kiwibuild_release, which is not listed in the schema). Also, I think if left out, koji can automatically generate a value.

the release value should basically be the same value we use with the compose release value (e.g 0.n.YYYYMMDD or 1.1)

The repository will have the same branching model that fedora-kickstarts has, if that helps.

The type here should be url.
It should make pungi replace branch name with commit hash in the dumped config, but it doesn't seem to work when just bare branch is specified. That is an unrelated issue though.

I tried running this in staging environment. The task started fine, but proceeded in a strange way.
It started at 8:31, the two subtasks completed at 8:36 and 8:43. Then the parent task was probably importing a build until 9:12. Hopefully this is just some oddity on koji.stg.

There is a problem with the PR on downloading the images from koji. It currently uses the extra data to determine which image belongs to which arch, which works for osbuild, but not kiwibuild. That simply doesn't provide that kind of data.

I opened #1732 with work-in-progress changes as I'm trying to work around the missing arch metadata in builds.

Additionally, I added subvariant field to the schema.

I have a successful test compose:
The images were successfully generated, downloaded into the compose and are listed in metadata.

It used this config:

"kiwibuild" =  {
    "^Everything$": [
            "arches": ["aarch64", "x86_64"],
            "description_path": "Fedora.kiwi",
            "description_scm": "git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions#main",
            "kiwi_profile": "Cloud-Base-Generic"

The additional commits in #1732 are sufficient to make it all work.

BTW the images created by kiwibuild use an usual naming schema of N.A-V-R.qcow2 instead of the more usual N-V-R.A.qcow2. Why?

That's currently how it's hardcoded, I suspect it was done that way to make it trivial to append the release value to the filename. Do we need to change this or can things map NAVR to NVRA?

I'm not aware of anything important that relies on parsing the filenames. That used to be more of a concern back before we had productmd. Way back in the mists of time I wrote:


but it never technically stopped being a draft and I doubt current images strictly comply with it!

Code that wants to find and/or identify image files should really be using the productmd metadata, so I wouldn't think this should be a big issue.

However, looking at that very metadata for this test compose, one and a half things are wrong. In the test compose, the image is in Everything/ and its subvariant is "Everything". Partly that's just because @lsedlar 's test config uses the "Everything" variant not the "Cloud" variant (which would be the correct variant for this image). But even with that changed, the subvariant would come out as "Cloud", which is still wrong. It should be "Cloud_Base". If the Kiwi flow doesn't have it yet, it needs a way to specify subvariants, this is very important.

Another interesting comparison - this image is 2/3rds the size of the current Rawhide image. The Kiwi image is 392298496 bytes, the current Rawhide image is 614727680 bytes. Is Kiwi just that much more efficient somehow, or is something missing?

Code that wants to find and/or identify image files should really be using the productmd metadata, so I wouldn't think this should be a big issue.

Okay, I'll leave it be for now then.

But even with that changed, the subvariant would come out as "Cloud", which is still wrong. It should be "Cloud_Base". If the Kiwi flow doesn't have it yet, it needs a way to specify subvariants, this is very important.

It should be called Fedora-Cloud-Base-Generic, which seems to be the case here: https://koji.stg.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2403750

I don't know anything about variants or subvariants. These names are defined as profiles: https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions/blob/rawhide/f/teams/cloud/cloud.xml

Another interesting comparison - this image is 2/3rds the size of the current Rawhide image. The Kiwi image is 392298496 bytes, the current Rawhide image is 614727680 bytes. Is Kiwi just that much more efficient somehow, or is something missing?

KIWI creates images backwards from all of the other tools we use: it starts by creating a filesystem tree and then creates an empty disk image at the end and syncs the rootfs over to that disk. The end result is that all the compression and other features are used, and all the data is stored fully contiguously.

It should be called Fedora-Cloud-Base-Generic, which seems to be the case here: https://koji.stg.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2403750

That's the "package name" so far as Koji is concerned (on some level Koji still thinks everything is an RPM, so everything in Koji has to have an NVRE even if it's not actually an RPM at all). That's not what I mean, it's something else.

I don't know anything about variants or subvariants. These names are defined as profiles: https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions/blob/rawhide/f/teams/cloud/cloud.xml

Variants and subvariants are pungi/productmd concepts. This is about the image metadata, which is what fedfind and other tools use to do stuff like "what images are in this compose?" and "what is the Cloud Base qcow2 image for x86_64 in this compose?"

Say we want to find the x86_64 KDE live image in a compose. The way we do this is to look through that images.json data for the compose and find the image whose subvariant is KDE, type is live, format is iso, and arch is x86_64.

More pertinently in this case, openQA is configured to find and test the image whose subvariant is Cloud_Base, type is qcow2, format is qcow2, and arch is x86_64. If an image doesn't have those properties openQA doesn't think it "is" the Cloud Base qcow2 image for x86_64 and will not test it. Of course I could have it also look for an image with subvariant "Cloud", but it seems wise to just match the properties of the previous image here (so long as we actually intend to replace that image, not exist alongside it).

This basic idea is canonicalized in productmd via the identify_image function and the UNIQUE_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES constant (though the list of attributes it considers is a bit longer, to cover things that aren't generally relevant for Fedora, so fedfind uses a shorter definition). Composes will actually fail if they try to contain two images for which all the UNIQUE_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES are the same.

The reason subvariants are a thing is because we have variants like Spins and Labs which produce multiple different images - in Spins we have KDE, Xfce, LXQt and so on and so on. Without the "subvariant" concept, there is simply no good way to tell those images apart programmatically; you'd have to get into parsing the filenames, which is what we definitely don't want to do.

So then we're missing some kind of mapping for the two systems?

Eh, I don't think that's how it works for any of the other pungi phases. The usual system is "a subvariant can be explicitly configured in the image configuration, otherwise just use the variant". See e.g. osbuild phase or livemedia phase or, most pertinently, imagebuild phase (the one this is replacing).

You can see where we set the subvariant for the current Cloud images in pungi-fedora.

...and now I look you actually got that in this PR already, so all that is needed is to include a subvariant specification in the image configuration...I guess this would've worked?

"kiwibuild" =  {
    "^Cloud$": [
            "arches": ["aarch64", "x86_64"],
            "description_path": "Fedora.kiwi",
            "description_scm": "git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions#main",
            "kiwi_profile": "Cloud-Base-Generic",
            "subvariant": "Cloud_Base"

...but it could also be listed as an optional key in doc/configuration.rst.

Hmm. I wonder if we may also need some equivalent of this concept from the imageBuild definition?

image_build = {
    '^Cloud$': [
            'image-build': {
                    'format': [('qcow2','qcow2'), ('raw-xz','raw.xz')],
                    'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base',
                    'repo': 'Everything',
                    'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

that is, we build the image as part of the variant called "Cloud", but we build it using the repo and install tree from the "Everything" variant. This is another common pattern, you can see it used in multiple image definitions for multiple phases in fedora.conf. In fact, the only other "complete" variant these days is Server; the other variants are just sort of notional holders for images, they don't have an install tree or repos, and their images are all composed out of the Everything variant/tree.

...and once again I see that repos at least already exists (though it is confusingly listed in configuration.rst as both required and optional, it seems to actually be optional). So I guess we might want this:

"kiwibuild" =  {
    "^Cloud$": [
            "arches": ["aarch64", "x86_64"],
            "description_path": "Fedora.kiwi",
            "description_scm": "git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions#main",
            "kiwi_profile": "Cloud-Base-Generic",
            "repos": ["Everything"],
            "subvariant": "Cloud_Base"


Boy, I'm glad you're so good at figuring this stuff out. :joy:

:D would be cool if @lsedlar can run a test compose with the above config and see how that goes, I guess.

I would prefer the branch refname be rawhide rather than main, but otherwise yes.

Images under Cloud variant, with subvariant set to Cloud_Base and using rawhide branch.
The follow up PR #1732 cleanup up the docs a little bit.

Great, that metadata looks a lot better. It would be nice for sure if the filenames could be a bit closer to what they were before, but shouldn't break anything, I hope.

Since that compose has correct-looking metadata I can even run openQA on it to see if the images pass testing; I'll set that up after meetings this morning.

edit - tests: https://openqa.stg.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=38&build=Fedora-38-20240304.t.0&groupid=1

so the tests indicate that chrony is missing - both failures are caused by this. (edit: fixed link)

anyhow, i think we can say the pungi side of things (that's this PR) is fine, and I'd support merging it now.

Might as well merge #1732 instead of this one, but yes. :)

Commit 3d630d3 fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by lsedlar

10 months ago