#1666 Set platform for repoclosure
Opened a year ago by lsedlar. Modified 10 months ago

@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ 

  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

  # along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.


- import gzip

  import os

  from collections import defaultdict

  from fnmatch import fnmatch
@@ -24,10 +23,15 @@ 


  import pungi.phases.gather.method

  from pungi import multilib_dnf

- from pungi.module_util import Modulemd

  from pungi.arch import get_valid_arches, tree_arch_to_yum_arch

  from pungi.phases.gather import _mk_pkg_map

- from pungi.util import get_arch_variant_data, pkg_is_debug, temp_dir, as_local_file

+ from pungi.util import (

+     as_local_file,

+     get_arch_variant_data,

+     get_platform,

+     pkg_is_debug,

+     temp_dir,

+ )

  from pungi.wrappers import fus

  from pungi.wrappers.comps import CompsWrapper

@@ -196,7 +200,12 @@ 

              set(p.name for p in self.expand_list(multilib_whitelist)),



-         platform = get_platform(self.compose, variant, arch)

+         platform = get_platform(

+             self.compose,

+             variant,

+             arch,

+             pungi.phases.gather.get_lookaside_repos(self.compose, arch, variant),

+         )



              expand_groups(self.compose, arch, variant, groups, set_pkg_arch=False)
@@ -417,59 +426,6 @@ 

          return packages



- def iter_platforms_in_repo(url):

-     """Find all platform streams that any module in give repo requires at runtime.

-     Yields lists of stream names (possible empty).

-     """

-     repomd = os.path.join(url, "repodata/repomd.xml")

-     with as_local_file(repomd) as url_:

-         repomd = cr.Repomd(url_)

-     for rec in repomd.records:

-         if rec.type != "modules":

-             continue

-         # No with statement on Python 2.6 for GzipFile...

-         record_url = os.path.join(url, rec.location_href)

-         with as_local_file(record_url) as url_:

-             gzipped_file = gzip.GzipFile(url_, "rb")

-         mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex.new()

-         mod_index.update_from_string(gzipped_file.read().decode("utf-8"), False)

-         gzipped_file.close()

-         for module_name in mod_index.get_module_names():

-             module = mod_index.get_module(module_name)

-             for module_stream in module.get_all_streams():

-                 module_stream = module_stream.upgrade(2)

-                 for dep in module_stream.get_dependencies():

-                     yield dep.get_runtime_streams("platform")



- def get_platform_from_lookasides(compose, variant, arch):

-     """Find a set of all platform dependencies in all lookaside repos."""

-     platforms = set()

-     for repo in pungi.phases.gather.get_lookaside_repos(compose, arch, variant):

-         for ps in iter_platforms_in_repo(fus._prep_path(repo)):

-             platforms.update(ps)

-     return platforms



- def get_platform(compose, variant, arch):

-     """Find platform stream for modules. Raises RuntimeError if there are

-     conflicting requests.

-     """

-     platforms = get_platform_from_lookasides(compose, variant, arch)


-     for var in compose.all_variants.values():

-         for mmd in var.arch_mmds.get(arch, {}).values():

-             for dep in mmd.get_dependencies():

-                 streams = dep.get_runtime_streams("platform")

-                 if streams:

-                     platforms.update(streams)


-     if len(platforms) > 1:

-         raise RuntimeError("There are conflicting requests for platform.")


-     return list(platforms)[0] if platforms else None



  def _fmt_pkg(pkg_name, arch):

      if arch:

          pkg_name += ".%s" % arch

file modified
+7 -3
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ 

  from pungi.arch import get_valid_arches

  from pungi.phases.base import PhaseBase

  from pungi.phases.gather import get_lookaside_repos, get_gather_methods

- from pungi.util import is_arch_multilib, temp_dir, get_arch_variant_data

+ from pungi.util import is_arch_multilib, temp_dir, get_arch_variant_data, get_platform



  class RepoclosurePhase(PhaseBase):
@@ -85,7 +85,10 @@ 

                      fus_logs = sorted(glob.glob(pattern))

                      repoclosure.extract_from_fus_logs(fus_logs, logfile)


-                     _run_repoclosure_cmd(compose, repos, lookaside, arches, logfile)

+                     platform = get_platform(compose, variant, arch, lookaside.values())

+                     _run_repoclosure_cmd(

+                         compose, repos, lookaside, arches, logfile, platform

+                     )

              except RuntimeError as exc:

                  if conf and conf[-1] == "fatal":

@@ -124,12 +127,13 @@ 




- def _run_repoclosure_cmd(compose, repos, lookaside, arches, logfile):

+ def _run_repoclosure_cmd(compose, repos, lookaside, arches, logfile, platform):

      cmd = repoclosure.get_repoclosure_cmd(





+         platform=platform,


      # Use temp working directory directory as workaround for

      # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=795137

file modified
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ 

  # along with this program; if not, see <https://gnu.org/licenses/>.


  import argparse

+ import gzip

  import json

  import subprocess

  import os
@@ -30,11 +31,14 @@ 

  import functools

  from six.moves import urllib, range, shlex_quote


+ import createrepo_c as cr


  import kobo.conf

  from kobo.shortcuts import run, force_list

  from kobo.threads import WorkerThread, ThreadPool

  from productmd.common import get_major_version

  from pungi.module_util import Modulemd

+ from pungi.wrappers import fus


  # Patterns that match all names of debuginfo packages

  DEBUG_PATTERNS = ["*-debuginfo", "*-debuginfo-*", "*-debugsource"]
@@ -1137,3 +1141,58 @@ 

      """A helper function to read a JSON file."""

      with open(file_path) as f:

          return json.load(f)



+ def iter_platforms_in_repo(url):

+     """Find all platform streams that any module in give repo requires at runtime.

+     Yields lists of stream names (possible empty).

+     """

+     repomd = os.path.join(url, "repodata/repomd.xml")

+     with as_local_file(repomd) as url_:

+         repomd = cr.Repomd(url_)

+     for rec in repomd.records:

+         if rec.type != "modules":

+             continue

+         # No with statement on Python 2.6 for GzipFile...

+         record_url = os.path.join(url, rec.location_href)

+         with as_local_file(record_url) as url_:

+             gzipped_file = gzip.GzipFile(url_, "rb")

+         mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex.new()

+         mod_index.update_from_string(gzipped_file.read().decode("utf-8"), False)

+         gzipped_file.close()

+         for module_name in mod_index.get_module_names():

+             module = mod_index.get_module(module_name)

+             for module_stream in module.get_all_streams():

+                 module_stream = module_stream.upgrade(2)

+                 for dep in module_stream.get_dependencies():

+                     yield dep.get_runtime_streams("platform")



+ def get_platform_from_repos(repos):

+     """Find a set of all platform dependencies in all lookaside repos."""

+     platforms = set()

+     for repo in repos:

+         for ps in iter_platforms_in_repo(fus._prep_path(repo)):

+             platforms.update(ps)

+     return platforms



+ def get_platform(compose, variant, arch, repos):

+     """Find platform stream for modules. Raises RuntimeError if there are

+     conflicting requests.

+     """

+     platforms = get_platform_from_repos(repos)


+     for var in compose.all_variants.values():

+         for mmd in var.arch_mmds.get(arch, {}).values():

+             for dep in mmd.get_dependencies():

+                 streams = dep.get_runtime_streams("platform")

+                 if streams:

+                     platforms.update(streams)


+     if len(platforms) > 1:

+         raise RuntimeError(

+             "There are conflicting requests for platform: %r" % platforms

+         )


+     return list(platforms)[0] if platforms else None

@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ 

  from kobo.shortcuts import force_list



- def get_repoclosure_cmd(backend="yum", arch=None, repos=None, lookaside=None):

+ def get_repoclosure_cmd(

+     backend="yum", arch=None, repos=None, lookaside=None, platform=None

+ ):

      cmds = {

          "yum": {

              "cmd": ["/usr/bin/repoclosure", "--tempcache"],
@@ -62,6 +64,9 @@ 

          cmd.append("--repofrompath=%s,%s" % (repo_id, _to_url(repo_path)))

          cmd.append(cmds[backend]["lookaside"] % repo_id)


+     if backend == "dnf" and platform:

+         cmd.append("--setopt=module_platform_id=platform:%s" % platform)


      return cmd



file modified
@@ -334,3 +334,40 @@ 

      """Like run_in_threads from Kobo, but actually runs tasks serially."""

      for num, param in enumerate(params):

          func(None, param, num)



+ class MockModule(object):

+     def __init__(

+         self, name, platform=None, stream=None, version=None, context=None, rpms=None

+     ):

+         self.name = name

+         self.platform = platform

+         self.stream = stream

+         self.version = version

+         self.context = context

+         self.rpms = rpms or ["pkg-1.0-1.x86_64"]


+     def get_name(self):

+         return self.name


+     def get_module_name(self):

+         return self.name


+     def get_stream_name(self):

+         return self.stream


+     def get_version(self):

+         return self.version


+     def get_context(self):

+         return self.context


+     def get_dependencies(self):

+         def get_runtime_streams(platform):

+             assert platform == "platform"

+             return [self.platform]


+         return [mock.Mock(get_runtime_streams=get_runtime_streams)]


+     def get_rpm_artifacts(self):

+         return self.rpms

@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(res, ep.return_value)

-         self.assertEqual(gp.call_args_list, [mock.call(compose, variant, arch)])

+         self.assertEqual(

+             gp.call_args_list, [mock.call(compose, variant, arch, glr.return_value)]

+         )



@@ -213,70 +215,6 @@ 

          six.assertCountEqual(self, [p.name for p in expanded], ["foo", "foo-en"])



- class MockModule(object):

-     def __init__(

-         self, name, platform=None, stream=None, version=None, context=None, rpms=None

-     ):

-         self.name = name

-         self.platform = platform

-         self.stream = stream

-         self.version = version

-         self.context = context

-         self.rpms = rpms or ["pkg-1.0-1.x86_64"]


-     def get_name(self):

-         return self.name


-     def get_module_name(self):

-         return self.name


-     def get_stream_name(self):

-         return self.stream


-     def get_version(self):

-         return self.version


-     def get_context(self):

-         return self.context


-     def get_dependencies(self):

-         def get_runtime_streams(platform):

-             assert platform == "platform"

-             return [self.platform]


-         return [mock.Mock(get_runtime_streams=get_runtime_streams)]


-     def get_rpm_artifacts(self):

-         return self.rpms



- class HelperMixin(object):

-     def _repo(self, name):

-         return os.path.join(self.compose.topdir, "work/x86_64/%s" % name)



- class TestGetPlatform(HelperMixin, helpers.PungiTestCase):

-     def setUp(self):

-         super(TestGetPlatform, self).setUp()

-         self.compose = helpers.DummyCompose(self.topdir, {})

-         self.variant = self.compose.variants["Server"]


-     def test_no_modules(self):

-         plat = hybrid.get_platform(self.compose, self.variant, "x86_64")

-         self.assertIsNone(plat)


-     def test_more_than_one_platform(self):

-         self.variant.arch_mmds["x86_64"] = {

-             "mod:1": MockModule("mod", platform="f29"),

-             "mod:2": MockModule("mod", platform="f30"),

-         }


-         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:

-             hybrid.get_platform(self.compose, self.variant, "x86_64")


-         self.assertIn("conflicting requests for platform", str(ctx.exception))



  class ModifiedMagicMock(mock.MagicMock):

      """Like MagicMock, but remembers original values or mutable arguments."""

@@ -290,7 +228,7 @@ 


  @mock.patch("pungi.wrappers.fus.get_cmd", new_callable=ModifiedMagicMock)


- class TestRunSolver(HelperMixin, helpers.PungiTestCase):

+ class TestRunSolver(helpers.PungiTestCase):

      def setUp(self):

          super(TestRunSolver, self).setUp()

          self.compose = helpers.DummyCompose(self.topdir, {})
@@ -994,8 +932,8 @@ 

          self.compose = helpers.DummyCompose(self.topdir, {})

          self.variant = self.compose.variants["Server"]

          self.variant.arch_mmds["x86_64"] = {

-             "mod:1": MockModule("mod", platform="f29"),

-             "mod:2": MockModule("mod", platform="f30"),

+             "mod:1": helpers.MockModule("mod", platform="f29"),

+             "mod:2": helpers.MockModule("mod", platform="f30"),



          hybrid.filter_modules(self.variant, "x86_64", ["mod:1"])

@@ -50,9 +50,10 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(mock_grc.call_args_list, [])


      @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_YUM, "YUM is not available")

+     @mock.patch("pungi.phases.repoclosure.get_platform")



-     def test_repoclosure_default_backend(self, mock_run, mock_grc):

+     def test_repoclosure_default_backend(self, mock_run, mock_grc, mock_get_platform):

          with mock.patch("six.PY2", new=True):

              compose = DummyCompose(self.topdir, {})

@@ -67,38 +68,44 @@ 

                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Everything", "amd64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Client", "amd64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Server", "amd64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Server", "x86_64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Everything", "x86_64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,





      @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_DNF, "DNF is not available")

+     @mock.patch("pungi.phases.repoclosure.get_platform")



-     def test_repoclosure_dnf_backend(self, mock_run, mock_grc):

+     def test_repoclosure_dnf_backend(self, mock_run, mock_grc, get_platform):

          compose = DummyCompose(self.topdir, {"repoclosure_backend": "dnf"})


@@ -111,30 +118,35 @@ 

                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Everything", "amd64"),

+                     platform=get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Client", "amd64"),

+                     platform=get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Server", "amd64"),

+                     platform=get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Server", "x86_64"),

+                     platform=get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Everything", "x86_64"),

+                     platform=get_platform.return_value,



@@ -180,10 +192,11 @@ 



      @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_DNF, "DNF is not available")

+     @mock.patch("pungi.phases.repoclosure.get_platform")



      def test_repoclosure_overwrite_options_creates_correct_commands(

-         self, mock_run, mock_grc

+         self, mock_run, mock_grc, mock_get_platform


          compose = DummyCompose(

@@ -206,12 +219,14 @@ 

                      arch=["amd64", "x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Server", "amd64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,




                      arch=["x86_64", "noarch"],


                      repos=self._get_repo(compose.compose_id, "Server", "x86_64"),

+                     platform=mock_get_platform.return_value,




@@ -59,7 +59,11 @@ 

          lookaside = {"fedora": "http://kojipkgs.fp.o/repo"}


          cmd = rc.get_repoclosure_cmd(

-             backend="dnf", arch="x86_64", repos=repos, lookaside=lookaside

+             backend="dnf",

+             arch="x86_64",

+             repos=repos,

+             lookaside=lookaside,

+             platform="el8",


          self.assertEqual(cmd[:2], ["dnf", "repoclosure"])

@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ 




+                 "--setopt=module_platform_id=platform:el8",




file modified
+23 -1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ 

  from pungi import compose

  from pungi import util


- from tests.helpers import touch, PungiTestCase, mk_boom

+ from tests.helpers import touch, PungiTestCase, mk_boom, DummyCompose, MockModule



  class TestGitRefResolver(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -1065,3 +1065,25 @@ 

          with util.as_local_file("file:///tmp/foo") as fn:

              self.assertEqual(fn, "/tmp/foo")

          self.assertEqual(urlretrieve.call_args_list, [])



+ class TestGetPlatform(PungiTestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         super(TestGetPlatform, self).setUp()

+         self.compose = DummyCompose(self.topdir, {})

+         self.variant = self.compose.variants["Server"]


+     def test_no_modules(self):

+         plat = util.get_platform(self.compose, self.variant, "x86_64", [])

+         self.assertIsNone(plat)


+     def test_more_than_one_platform(self):

+         self.variant.arch_mmds["x86_64"] = {

+             "mod:1": MockModule("mod", platform="f29"),

+             "mod:2": MockModule("mod", platform="f30"),

+         }


+         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:

+             util.get_platform(self.compose, self.variant, "x86_64", [])


+         self.assertIn("conflicting requests for platform", str(ctx.exception))

With dnf repoclosure backend, try to guess what platform should be provided for modular dependencies.

The motivation is that on RHEL 7, if there are modules in any of the repos, dnf will spit out a couple warnings per module. It can add up to a lot.

The behaviour on RHEL 8 is strange. dnf repoclosure seems to complain also about modules that are installed on the host, and not present in the checked repo.

So checking a repo with no modules still produces warnings, and adding the option makes those go away.

I think there's a repoclosure bug involved here.

You could raise the full list here to make troubleshooting easier:

raise RuntimeError("Multiple conflicting platforms: %s" % platforms)

I've tested this on RHEL 7. It works for composing RH Ceph Storage 5 with RHEL 8.

I have submitted https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2183091
I feel like the approach here might be correct, but there's not good way to get repoclosure working on RHEL 8 at the moment. It's mixing modules installed on the host into the checking.

rebased onto 34fa9483f650b96d1a9364805ece1b8fa1f7224a

a year ago

rebased onto eae6dcf1ea566ec9cb5b8678263dd37f1b33318a

a year ago

rebased onto 8d1ea7b

a year ago

Looks good to me. :thumbsup: